Aside from complaining a lot,
what have you been doing with yourself lately?
噢 没什么 抱赎金啦 诸如此类的事情
Oh, nothing much. Picking up a ransom, that sort of thing.
你有看到任何 我们不知道的人吗
Did you see anyone, uh, we know?
有两个看来是警♥察♥ 另外第三个绝对是FBI
Two men who look like police and a third who just had to be F.B.I.
You mix with the nicest people.
Beats housework.
-你有对他们说什么 -一个声音也没发出
– Did you say anything to them? – Not a syllable.
你看吧 亲爱的
Now, you see, honey?
我说过你可以学着缄默 只要你去尝试
I told you you could learn to keep your mouth shut, if you tried.
Look who’s here.
嗯 有没有人看到一位身材高挑的
Mm. Has anyone seen a tall,
金发美女 刚才她还在这里
blonde woman around here lately?
喔 走掉了 有谁会需要她
Gone, poof! Who needs her?
我要 至少多留点时间给我吧
I do. At least one more time.
好了 亲爱的
Let me put that there, darlin.
康斯坦丁先生给我们 留了一点葡萄酒
Mr. Constantine has left us some wine.
I don’t think he likes the imported stuff.
嗯 还有我的牛肉干酪
Uh… It was probably my veal parmesan.
– I’m afraid I overcooked it.
他喜欢在餐厅吃东西 就这样
– He likes eating in a room with a view, that’s all.
你知道 有钱人很挑剔的
You know how fussy rich people are.
Don’t forget to empty that out.
你不觉得洗马桶 有损宝石收藏家的尊严吗
Don’t you think emptying a chemical toilet… is below the dignity of a jewel collector?
-真是罪恶的工作啊 亚瑟 -我明天再做
– The wages of sin, Arthur. – I’ll do it tomorrow.
Never put off till tomorrow…
-或是你今晚也可以先略过 -婊♥子♥
– what you can empty out tonight. – Bitch.
亚瑟 阿姆斯特丹是怎样的地方
Arthur, what’s Amsterdam like?
喔 大量的运河
Oh, lots of canals.
Lots of wizened old men…
坐在大石头上 以锐利的目光盯着年轻人
with sharp eyes, sitting around cutting big stones into little ones.
You’ll see.
我不知道什么是影响我 今晚我浑身感到不舒服
I don’t know what’s come over me tonight. I’m tingling all over.
我告诉过你危险的 不是吗
I told you about danger, didn’t I?
首先 它使你生病
First it makes you sick.
当你平安度过 它又让你非常
Then, when you get through it, it makes you very,
very loving.
-亲爱的 这 -嗯
– Darling, is it… – Hmm?
这太过容易了 让人害怕
It was all too easy. It’s frightening.
Brilliant planning.
They don’t have a single lead to follow.
What about the ketamine we stuck him with?
哦 如果沃格尔医生六个月前 拔我的臼齿时有效
Well, if Doctor Vogel didn’t miss it six months ago when I had my wisdom tooth out,
he’s not gonna miss it now.
不要在这里浪费时间了 我们上♥床♥吧
Don’t finish up in there. Let’s go to bed.
-累了吗 -嗯 全身酸痛
– Tired? – Mm-mm. Tingling all over.
How’d I ever let you get me into all this?
我想我爱上了你 因为我需要一些稳定
I thought I fell in love with you because I needed some stability.
哦 我猜只是你的性格不好
Well, I guess you’re just a bad judge of character.
-你把到手的钻石放在哪 -大家都看得到的地方
– Where’d you put the diamond, dear? – Where everyone can see it.
-你才没有 -我有
– You didn’t. – I did.
-你要告诉我在哪里吗 -你得先折磨我
– Are you gonna tell me where? – You’ll have to torture me first.
喔 我正打算呢
Oh! I intend to.
In a few minutes.
Now, with all due respect to the F.B.I. And the Bureau of Inspectors,
I have no time to play games.
不要忘记 先生们 我已经强烈的想离开这个办公桌
Now, lest we forget, gentlemen, I have been away from this desk forcibly.
I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on.
这该死的事情 我们还要谈多少回
Now, how many more times we gonna go through this goddamn thing?
直到我们找到线索为止 康斯坦丁先生
Until we come up with something, Mr. Constantine.
That’s a hell of a way to solve a kidnapping.
康斯坦丁先生 你要知道
Mr. Constantine, you’re not the first victim, you know.
你不是第一个受害者 还有其他人
There have been others.
好了 好了 但是从我这里 你们也得不到线索的
All right, all right. But from me, you’ll learn absolutely nothing.
-你永远不会知道 -我知道
– You never know. – I know.
好吧 弗伊
All right. Floyd?
现在 从地下停车场说起
Now. The underground garage.
-停满了车 -声音呢
– Full of cars. – Sounds?
-有个人在我身后 -是男人还是女人
– People, behind me. – Was it a man, or was it a woman?
-我不知道 -男人还是女人
– I don’t know. – Man or woman?
-男人 -然后呢
– Man. – Then what?
就在我正要转身时 我的肩膀一阵刺痛
It was a prick in my shoulder. I started to turn.
接着 我在一个房♥间里醒来
Eh…And I woke up in a room.
是的 你有听到什么吗 屋内或屋外的声音
Yes, and what did you hear? Inside or outside?
The room was soundproofed.
我什么都听不到 除了扬声器里传来空洞的声音
I never heard anything except a disembodied voice of a loudspeaker.
-描述一下 -但我已经说过了
– Describe it. – But I’ve already done that.
是一个男人的声音 没有口音
It was the voice of a man, no accent.
-电子变声过 无法辨识 -有几个人在那里
– Doctored up electronically. Unrecognizable. – How many of them were there?
两个 一男一女
Two. A man and a woman.
-你为什么这么说 -因为只有微弱的光线照射下来
– Why do you say that? – Because the faintest light filtered down from above.
But not enough to give me a chance to see who they were.
-那么是谁煮饭 -她煮的
– Yes, and who did the cooking? – She did.
-为什么 -因为男人不会费心思
– Why? – Because a man would not bother to put the parsley…
在鱼排上放香芹 这就是原因
on the filet of sole, that’s why.
-她多大年纪 -喔 拜托
– How old is she? – Come on, now. Please.
-她多大年纪 -25
– How old is she? – Twenty-five.
-为什么 -为什么
– Why? – Why?
如果像我这样年龄的男人 要被一个女人绑♥架♥
Because if a man my age is gonna get kidnapped by a woman,
他希望她有25岁 这就是原因
he wants her to be 25, that’s why.
-描述一下你如何被释放 -释放
– Describe your return. – The return.
那空洞的声音叫我坐下来 并背对着门
The disembodied voice tells me to sit with my back to the door.
灯光熄灭 门打开 他们走了进来
The light goes out, the door opens, they both come in.
I feel a prick in my left arm.
接下来我只知道 我在医院的病床上醒来
The next thing I know, I wake up in that hospital bed…
你就坐在那里 开始问东问西的
with you sitting there, thinking up questions!
谢谢 康斯坦丁先生 你做得很好
Thank you, Mr. Constantine. You’re doing great.
-这就是你的感想 -好 让我们重头开始
– That’s what you think. – All right, let’s start all over again.
噢 妈的
Aw, shit!
亨利 为什么你面带微笑
Why, Henry, you have such a beaming smile on your face.
我微笑是因为我很高兴 布兰琪
I smile because I’m happy, Blanche.
能透过你 布兰琪 传达讯息给你朋友 爱达·库克森
It comes through you, Blanche, from your friend, Ida Cookson.
我是她的向导 亨利
I’m her guide, Henry.
只有在不被否认的时候 才能称为真正的友谊
Friendship can be claimed only when it cannot be denied.
告诉爱达·库克森 我们在这里都很感谢
Tell Ida Cookson we’re all thankful here…
for the warm tranquility in her heart.
因为她信任你 使得这更加温暖
It will grow even warmer as she trusts in you,
向你倾诉 没有对你保留秘密
and confides in you, and holds back no secrets from you…
无论是对她自己 或是她的亲密朋友
be they her own, or those of her intimate friends.
你听到了吗 库克森夫人
Did you hear that, Mrs. Cookson?
是的 布兰琪夫人
Yes, Madame Blanche.
亨利 我需要你 帮我们寻找沃尔特
Henry, I want you to seek Walter for us now.
透过善意的寻找 直到
Search through to the Double Strand of Kindness, until…
我的朋友爱达·库克森 能加入这爱的交流
my friend Ida Cookson is joined in loving communication…
with her dear, departed husband.
我试试看 布兰琪
I will try, Blanche.
但是首先 必须让迷雾消散 并揭起薄纱
But first, the mist must part a little, and the veil must rise…
to let in the light that will show us the path.
我准备好了 亨利
Ah, I’m ready now, Henry.
准备 准备好了跟随你 无论你要我去哪儿
Ready! Ready to follow you, wherever you want me to go.
哪里 你要带我到哪里 亨利
Where? Where are you taking me, Henry?
是的 是的 我看到了
Yes, yes, yes! I see.
I see your hand beckoning to me.
喔 多么迷人的花♥园♥啊 亨利
Oh, what a lovely garden, Henry.
我 我 喔
My, my. Oh!
那是 那是一尊雕像吗
Is that… Is that a statue there?
噢 那是沃尔特站在喷泉旁边吗
Oh! Could this be Walter standing beside the fountain?
-你怎么能这样对我 -我需要你的车钥匙
– How can you do this to me? – I need your car keys.
-我赶时间 -喔
– I’m in a hurry. – Oh!

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
