Can you hear me?
我想起一件事 这非常重要
I’ve remembered something else that could be terribly important.
等一下 亨利 在你走之前
Wait one minute, Henry. Before you go,
兰伯特女士需要知道 哈丽叶孩子的情况
Miss Rainbird deserves some kind of assurance about Harriet’s child.
He’s a man by now,
and we have to know, is he happy, Henry?
他还活着吗 过得幸福吗
Is he alive and well and happy?
If you can’t, you can’t.
I certainly can’t force you.
是 当然 她会理解的
Yes. Of course she’ll understand.
直到下一次 那么 再见了
Until next time, then. Good-bye.
再见 亲爱的
Good-bye, my love.
-发生什么事 -难道你不记得了
– What happened? – Don’t you remember?
-并不太愉快 -噢 没关系了
– Not a blessed thing. – Oh, it doesn’t matter now.
听着 听着 布兰琪夫人
Listen, listen, Madame Blanche.
你的亨利拾回了 我完全遗忘的记忆
Your Henry jogged my memory of something I’d completely forgotten.
当我们可怜的老司机麦克 意识到他即将死亡时
When our poor old chauffeur, Mike, realized he was dying,
他写信给我 说世上有个人
he wrote to me and said there was one person on earth…
who had promised that he’d make it his business…
只要他还活着 就能够知道哈丽叶的儿子在哪儿
to know where Harriet’s son was as long as he lived.
是个牧师 帮新生婴儿洗礼的
It was the parson who baptized the newborn baby.
And there’s an additional thing I can tell you.
别告诉我 让我猜猜看
Don’t tell me. Let me guess.
-500美元 -没钱 连100也没有
– Five hundred. – Not a penny. Not even a hundred for expenses.
这是全有或全无 乔治
It’s all or nothing, George,
直到我可以找出 他的名字和现在的住址
until I can produce his name and his present address.
-老天 布兰琪 -不过 她给了我一条重大线索
– Jesus, Blanche. – However, she gave me a marvelous clue.
-我们又来了 -不 是你有得忙了
– Here we go again. – No, here you go again…
有一个人可以告诉你 休奎奇是生是死
to the man who might tell you if Shoebridge is dead or alive.
-那是谁 -圣安塞尔姆大教堂的伍德主教
– Who’s that? – Bishop Wood at St. Anselm’s Cathedral.
-老天爷 布兰琪 -不 乔治 不是祂
– Holy Christ, Blanche. – No, George, not him.
Bishop Wood at St. Anselm’s Cathedral.
他曾经是一个牧师 替婴儿时期的休奎奇受洗过
He was a parson once and he baptized the Shoebridge baby.
Excuse me.
你知道我要怎样 才能约见伍德主教
Do you know how I could, uh, make a date to see Bishop Wood?
如果你想今天约见 你必须先找牧师
If you want to make the appointment today, you’ll have to make it through the chaplain.
Which one is the chaplain?
礼拜结束后 我会带你去的
When the service is over, I’ll show you where to go.
噢 亲爱的
Oh, dear.
你知道他还在动 你确定给他的用量足够
You know he’s moving. You sure you gave him enough?
只是一般的剂量 他看起来无害
Just the usual dose. He looks so harmless.
当我还是个孩子时 住在这个村庄
When I was a little kid living in that village,
他总是让我觉得 我是个邪恶的东西
he always made me feel like I was something evil.
-看看我现在 -我觉得年轻了几岁
– And look at me now. – I feel years younger.
你知道 多一个像这样的今天 我们将一脸土灰
You know, one more like this one today, and we’ll be naturally gray.
这是一个令人难以置信的工作 我真的认为这超过100万
It was an incredible job. I really think it’s won’th more than a million.
抱歉 亲爱的 但我可不想回去 重写我的赎金纸条
I’m sorry, darling, but I’m not going back…
and rewrite my ransom note that I left in my prayer book.
你必须好好动一动 去解决这100万
You’ll have to be a good sport and settle for a million.
你很漂亮 法兰 很漂亮
You were beautiful, Fran. Just beautiful.
-我很害怕 -我告诉过你没问题的 不是吗
– I was scared. – I told you it’d be all right, didn’t I?
People in church are inibited.
他们不会跳起来乱跑 或是制♥造♥噪音
They don’t jump up and run around and make a lot of noise.
They’re all too religiously polite.
我们要继续自我陶醉 或是你想谈谈他呢
Shall we go on congratulating ourselves, or would you like to talk about him now?
-谁 -谁
– Who? – “Who.”
The man with the pipe.
-你看到他在那里 -如影随形
– So you saw him there, huh? – Larger than life.
Larger than death, you mean.
There’s no doubt about who he’s after now.
你打算怎么处理他 亲爱的
What were you planning to do about him, dear,
besides just not telling me?
I’m not planning to do anything about him.
乔森·马洛尼渴望的那份工作 现在他得到了
Joe Maloney’s been itching for that job. He’s got it.
我会打电♥话♥给他 等我把我们的客人安置好后
I’ll phone him as soon as we put our guest in his quarters.
我说得对 那计程车司机真傻
I was right about that silly cab driver.
在我的生命里 这次我讨厌说对了
For once in my life I hate being right.
Well, how in the hell could he have known we were going to be there…
除了你和我 世上还有谁会知道
when you and I are the only two people in the world who knew that?
I’ve got a thought.
-就是有点愚蠢 -说吧
– It’s a dumb one. – Say it.
Do you believe in E.S.P.?
特异功能 超常的心灵现象
Extra sensory perception, all that psychic phenomena?
什么意思 是说那个叫什么的夫人
What do you mean? Madame What’s-her-name?
Blanche Tyler.
你和我都知道这一面墙 但我们能犯错吗
You and I know that that’s off the wall, but, uh, can we afford to be wrong?
恐怕我们的那对欢喜冤家 将会共同发生一起致命的事故
I’m afraid our two quarrelsome lovers are going to have to share a fatal accident.
噢 我的天啊
Oh, my God.
但马洛尼不会这么做的 对吧
But Maloney wouldn’t be willing to do that, would he?
当然 他会很乐意做的
Of course he’d be willing. Gladly.
他会相信那是为了保护自己 和他的老伙伴
He’d believe he was protecting himself and his old buddy.
我不想知道 好吗
I don’t want to know about it. Okay?
-答应我 亚瑟 -拜托 亲爱的
– Promise me, Arthur. – Come on, now, dear.
That’s what’s so exciting about all of this.
我们同生共死 没有什么好退缩的
We move as one. Everything together. Nothing held back.
这是严重的疏失 就这样失去他 他是我们的所有
It was gross negligence, losing him that way. He was all we had.
我没有失去他 他只是被绑♥架♥
I didn’t lose him. He was kidnapped.
Why would anyone want to do that to a bishop?
为了赎金啊 傻瓜 那可是100万美元
For the ransom, dummy. It’s a million dollars.
我无能为力 你知道 我就在那儿
I can’t get over it. You know, I was right there.
噢 忘了那100万吧 我们的一万该怎么办
Tsk. Oh, forget about the million. What about out 10,000?
我们现在无路可走 鲁尼
We’ve got nowhere to go now, Lumley.
What am I gonna tell Miss Rainbird?
I suppose Henry and I are going to have to exhaust ourselves
again doing your work for you.
什么意思 我的工作 我的工作是驾驶该死的计程车
What d’ya mean, my work? My work is driving a goddamn cab, for Christ’s sake.
看在上帝的分上 从这一分钟开始 做点正确的
And startir right this minute, that’s exact…
-正确的什么 继续说 -接电♥话♥
– That’s exact what? Go ahead. – Answer the telephone.
哈罗 谁
Hello? Who?
Mr. Maloney?
巴洛溪 请继续
Barlow Creek? Go ahead.
你能说大声一点吗 马洛尼先生
Can you speak a little louder, Mr. Maloney?
I said I traced you through the license plates on
that car your lawyer friend was driving.
I figured if you was still lookir for some dope on Eddie Shoebridge,
-我可以给你一点情报 -哦
– I might have somethir for you. – Oh.
你为什么改变主意了 马洛尼先生
How come you changed your mind, Mr. Maloney?
I didn’t say nothir to your man
’cause I felt it was none of my business and none of his,
但我一直在想 我可以因此赚点外快
but I been thinkir about it and how I could use the bread.
因此考虑过后 我愿意带你去见一个人
So for a little consideration, I’m willing to lead you to someone…
who knows Eddie Shoebridge’s wife.
It’ll cost you a grand.
喔 别傻了 马洛尼先生
Oh, don’t be silly, Mr. Maloney.
I have my lawyer right here beside me,
他说愿意付你100美元 只要能找到人
and he says he’ll give you $100 provided it leads to something. Make it two.
喔 好吧 成交
Oh… All right. It’s a deal.
-我们在哪碰面 -你和你的律师朋友
– Where do we meet? – You and that lawyer friend of yours,
你们开车来 两个小时后在梅布斯见面
you drive up and meet me at Abe and Mabel’s in two hours.
-梅布斯 -是路边咖啡屋 在榭尔曼路上
– Abe and Mabel’s? – It’s a cafe up the road to Mt. Sherman,
进入22号♥公路后大约五英哩 你知道哪里吗
about five miles off Route 22. You know where it is?
知道 为什么到那么远 我们不能找个更方便的地方吗
Yeah. Why so far away? Can’t we meet somewhere more convenient?
This party I’m gonna take you to happens to be up in that area.
我明白了 马洛尼先生 你肯定艾迪·休奎奇还活着
I see. Mr. Maloney, are you admitting Edward Shoebridge is still alive?
两个小时后 我看到白花花的钞票再说
I ain’t sayir a thing till I see the color of your money, in two hours.
-你怎么想 -我闻到鱼腥味
– What d’ya think? – Smells fishy to me.
I know.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
