好消息时 不管怎样 这种反应过度
The good news, however, is that this overreacting…
tends to get proportionately less by generation.
所以 你们的孩子应该正常
So, your kids could be normal.
如果那还不够 我接着说
As if that wasn’t enough, I went on.
但是重要的是 这种热情
But on the upside, with this passion…
comes great spirit and individuality…
which is probably one of the reasons you love Annie.
That’s what I love most about her.
That’s when it hit me like a Mack truck.
安妮就像我一样 而布莱恩就像尼娜
Annie was just like me, and Bryan was just like Nina.
They were a perfect match.
爸 我真不敢相信你带他出去了 你说什么了
Dad, I can’t believe you took him out. What did he say?
我是说 你不必告诉我 什么
I mean, you don’t have to tell me. What?
亲爱的 我刚刚和布莱恩呆了一个小时
Honey, I just spent an hour with Bryan, and…
believe me when I tell you that…
this gift says nothing about how he feels about you.
它只是一个 只是一个放在厨房♥里的东西
It’s just a… just a thing to put in the kitchen.
他觉得也许有一天你想搅拌什么东西 就这样
He thought you might want to blend something one day, and that’s all.
-你相信那吗 -完全相信
-And you believe that? -Completely.
他 他现在正在楼下 他心都碎了 去看看他吧
He’s… He’s downstairs now. His heart is breaking. Please go see him.
还有 他跟你说的故事
And also, that story he told you…
about me and the bankbook and the swimming pool?
-什么 -是 是真的
-What? -It’s… It’s true.
-噢 布莱恩 -噢 安妮
-Oh, Bryan. -Oh, Annie.

I am so sorry about the blender.
我理解你的感受了 我
And I see your point. It w…
我 真不敢相信我反应这么迟钝
It w… It was incredibly insensitive of me.
噢 不 没关系 我喜欢它
Oh, no, it’s okay. I want it.
噢 它是我的第一个周年纪念礼物
Oh, it’s my first anniversary present.
我 我真的抱歉骂你小人
I’m… I’m so sorry about calling you a worm.
My dad told me.
那 当我以为再也见不到你时 我是说
That’s… When I thought I was never gonna see you again, I mean…
-要不是你♥爸♥爸 -我知道 我知道
-If it wasn’t for your father… -I know. I know.
-我爱你 -我也爱你
-I love you. -You too.
Everything fine now?
很好 那我 呃 呃
Good. I’ll just, uh, uh…
-安妮 -嗨 布莱恩 什么事
-Annie! -Hi, Bryan. What’s up?
-然后 到了一月份 -那是为我们准备得吗
-Well, we made it to January. -Is that for us?
-那是婚礼的前一天 -当然 我出去一会
-It was the day before the big day. -Sure. I’ll be out in a sec.
The Farmer’s Almanac predicted this week was going to be the coldest…
L.A. had seen in over half a century.
但我们都忙着做事 没人有时间注意到
But we were so busy, none of us had time to notice.
弗兰克 弗兰克 弗兰克 弗兰克 弗兰克
Franck! Franck. Franck, Franck, Franck.
当然 对 我们会做整个 你喜欢
Sure, yes. We’ll do the whole… You like it?
看起来好极了 恩
Looks good, yeah.
右 并起来
Right, together.
左 并起来 右 并起来
Left, together. Right, together.
左 并起来 右 并起来
Left, together. Right, together.

右 并起来 左 并起来
Right, together. Left, together.
嘿 马蒂 你起的好晚啊 不是吗
Hey, Matty. You’re up pretty late, aren’t ya?
恩 我知道 我正在练习
Yeah, I know. I’m just practicing.
I wish I didn’t have to walk Mom down the aisle.
别担心 会很好的
Don’t worry. You’ll be great.
是右 并起来 左 还是左 并起来 右
Is it right, together, left or left, together, right?
好吧 我们试试 我看看 我们走
Well, let’s try it. Let’s see, we go…
右 并起来 左 并起来
right, together, left, together.
右 并起来 左 并起来
Right, together, left, together.
马蒂 要是我最近全神贯注这个婚礼我非常道歉
Matty, I’m sorry if I’ve been preoccupied lately with this wedding.
-没关系的 -恩 但我确实这样 不是吗
-It’s okay. -Yeah, but I have, haven’t I?
没关系 我能理解
It’s all right. I understand.
-恩 但 -恩 你确实很专注
-Yeah, but… -Yeah, you have.
But I haven’t felt ignored or anything.
别为我担心 爸爸 没造成什么永久性的伤害
Don’t worry, Dad. No permanent damage done.
-噢 好的 -它真的可爱又舒适
-Oh, good. -It’s really cute and cozy.
而且附近环境相当好 你会看到的
And in a great neighborhood. You’ll see it.
I am really excited.
我还有这些东西要打包 这间房♥子看起来感觉好不同啊
I’ve got all this packing to do, and this room looks so different.
有点怪异 不是吗
It’s gonna be weird, isn’t it?
现在只有你 我和妈妈在这儿了
Just you, me and Mom here now.
恩 来吧
Yeah. Come on.
晚安 伙计 睡安稳点
G’night, pal. Sleep tight.
-爸爸 明天好运 -好 你也是
-Good luck tomorrow, Dad. -Yeah, you too.
-安妮 -恩
-Annie? -Yeah?
-晚安 -晚安 马蒂 我爱你
-G’night. -G’night, Matty. I love you.
I love you too.
Today I met the boy I’m gonna marry
他就是我生命的所有 甚至更多
He’s all I’ve wanted all my life and even more
他欢快的冲我笑着 音乐开始响起
He smiled at me and gee, the music started playing
“Here Comes The Bride” when he walked through the door
Today I met the boy I’m gonna marry
我想分享这个男孩的生活 梦想和爱
The boy whose life and dream and love I want to share
For on my hand a band of gold appeared before me
The band of gold I always dreamed I’d wear
When we kissed I felt the sweet sensation
This time it wasn’t just my imagination
Today I met the boy I’m gonna marry
他正是我一直在等待的 哦
He’s just what I’ve been waiting for Oh, yes
随着每一个吻 哦 就是这样 我的心一直在说
With every kiss, oh “This is it,” my heart keeps saying
Today I met
The boy I’m going to marry
-我吵醒你了吗 -不 不 我自己起来的
-Did I wake you? -No, no. I was up.
那么 你在干嘛
So, what are you doing?
I couldn’t sleep.
I just kept thinking about
how this was my last night in my bed, in my house.
Kind of like my last night as a kid.
我是说 自打我五岁起就一直住在这里
I mean, I’ve lived here since I was five.
And I feel like I’m supposed to turn in my key tomorrow.
整理我的房♥间的时候 感觉非常奇怪
It was so strange, packing up my room.
You know how you’ve always trained me never to throw anything away.
所以 比如 我所有这些破烂的玩具动物
So, like, I have all these ratty stuffed animals…
和年鉴 我的老式牙套
and yearbooks, my old retainer…
all my old magic tricks.
I’ve actually packed it all.
I just didn’t want to let it go.
我得意思是 我知道我不能留在这
I mean, I know I can’t stay.
But it’s like I don’t want to leave.
恩 生活的真谛就是 呃
Well, that’s the thing about life, is, uh…
the surprises.
The little things that sneak up on you and grab hold of you.
-现在仍然这样 -谢谢
-It still happens to me. -Thanks.
-这是什么 -我不敢相信
-What is this? -I don’t believe it.
噢 天哪 说惊异 惊异到
Oh, my God! Talk about surprises.
It hasn’t snowed in L.A. since I was nine.
Mom’s gonna die.
怎么了 那表情想说啥
What? What is that face?
没 没什么 我 我只是在想
No. Nothing. I was… I was just thinking.
噢 这会让你破费更多的钱
Oh, this is gonna end up costing you more money.
How I know I’ll remember this moment for the rest of my life.

When you live in a city that hasn’t seen snow in 36 years…
it’s bound to cause a few problems.
首先 我们感到恐慌然后买♥♥了额外的加热器
First, we panicked and brought in extra heaters.
但是他们把冰雕融化了 所以用不了
But they were melting the ice sculptures, so they had to go.
-对吧 -什么
-Right. -Yeah?
