-好吧 搬到卡车上 -恩
-All right. Back in the truck. -Yeah.
The florist had to thaw out our newly planted tulips with a hair dryer.
Franck and Howard shoveled our path themselves
at no extra charge.
-弗兰克 -继续铲 别停
-Franck? -Just keep shoveling! Don’t stop!
知道吗 因为他们快要来这了
‘Cause they’re gonna be here, you know.
And the swans spent the morning in a lukewarm bath.
除了那些 我们几乎都按照计划运转
Other than that, we were almost running on schedule.
-尼娜 过3点了 -我想说的是感谢上帝雪是白的
-Nina, it’s after 3:00! -All I can say is thank God snow is white.
-是啊 你懂我的意思吗 -是啊
-It works. You know what I mean? -It works.
弗兰克 你有针和线吗
Franck, do you have that needle and thread?
开始吧 乔治 我马上帮你缝好
Here you go, George. We fix you right up.
-霍华德 你最好去教堂 -我正去
-Howard, you better go to the church! -On my way.
噢 噢 线颜色的我带错了
Uh-oh. I bring the wrong kolor thread.
I assumed you’d be wearing a black tuxedo.
-这是黑色的晚礼服啊 -我不这么认为 亲爱的
-It is a black tuxedo. -I don’t think so, babe.
这件晚礼服足够蓝了 毫无疑问 让我
This tux if nuffy blue. No doubt about dat. Let me…
你在说什么 阿玛尼不做蓝色的晚礼服
What are you talking about? Armani doesn’t make a blue tuxedo.
Armani don’t also make polyaster.
弗兰克 车在那里 现在我们本应该要到那了
Franck, where are the cars? We’re supposed to be there by now.
Where are dos cares?
好啦 放松点 亲爱的 一切都会顺利起来的
All right. Relax, honey. Everything’s going to be just fine.
At least we know they can’t start without us.
I knew I’d never be able to remember what Nina wore that day.
But I also knew I’d never forget the way she looked.
谢谢 乔治
Thank you, George.
你不应该打扮得这么漂亮的 对新娘来说不公平
You shouldn’t look this beautiful. It’s not fair to the bride.
-车来啦 -恩
-Cars is here! -Huh?
马蒂 快出来
Matthew, frond and cendre!
-噢 -噢
-Aw! -Aw!
Just kidding.
-噢 不 -你把头发怎么弄了 亲爱的
-Oh, no. -What did you do to your hair, honey?
我上了定型发胶 你们不喜欢吗
I gelled it. You don’t like it?
不 噢 不 不 我觉得 看起来 恩 酷毙了
N… Oh, no, no. I think it… it looks… yeah… cool.
-很绅士 孩子 -谢谢
-Very debonair, my boy. -Thank you.
-好的 我们上第一辆车 你和安妮随后 -好
-Okay, we’ll go in the first car, and you and Annie follow. -Right.
-乔治 -噢 我随后 我 安妮
-George. -Oh, I follow! I… Anne!
准备好了 进来吧
I’m ready. Come on in.
-真漂亮 -谢谢
-You look beautiful. -Thanks.
好啦 我们在路上再展示吧
Okay. Let’s get this show on the road.
-我们到了 -噢 噢 瞧
-We’re here! -Oh! Oh, just look!
-嗨 噢 妈 -排好了 各位
-Hi. Oh, Mom. -Line up, everyone.
-新娘的母亲 -噢 乔治
-Mother of the bride. -Oh, George!
过来 我们来了 过来
Coming through! Here we come. Coming through.
-左 并起来 右 并起来 -知道了 爸
-Left, together, right, together. -Got it, Dad.
-让我看看 -看见了吗
-Let me see that. -See?
就这样 好吗 我爱你
Let’s do this. Okay? I love you.
I love you too.
新娘的母亲 新娘的母亲 我们该走了
Mother of the bride. Mother of the bride. We’ve gotta go.
-乔治 -走吧 各位 排好
-George. -Let’s go, everybody. Line up.
到点了 到点了 新娘的母亲
It’s time. It’s time. Mother of the bride.
来吧 新娘的母亲 开始吧 我将把门打开
Come on, mother of the bride. Here we go. I’m opening the doors.
娜塔莎 看够了吗 好啦 来吧 走吧
Natasha, haven’t you peeked enough? Here we go. Come on. Let’s go.
嘘 好的
Shh. Okay.
左 右 非常好 现在微笑
And left, right. Very nice. Smile now.
Right and left.
右 非常好 然后左
Right and very nice and left.
右 保持微笑
Right. Keep smiling.
然后左 嘿
And left. Hey.
This was the moment I’d been dreading for the past six months.
实际上 等了超过22年
Well, actually, for the past 22 years.
-等等 爸 -安妮拉住了我
-Hold on, Dad. -Annie overwhelmed me.
She was as calm and cool as I’d ever seen her.
Very un-Banks-like.
Here you go.
大家好 我们一起聚集在这里
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together…
在场的亲戚 朋友以及相爱的人们
in the presence of family, friends and loved ones…
for the purpose of uniting in matrimony…
All I could think of was the part I had to play.
突然我脑中一片空白 我要说一句话 而我想不起来了
Then suddenly I went blank. I had one line, and I couldn’t remember it.
When the reverend said, “Who presents this woman?”…
was I supposed to say, “That’s me,” or was it, “I do”?
Forever hold your peace…
我无法思索 我感到这里每个人的眼睛
I couldn’t think. I felt every eye…
都在背后盯着我 等着我把事情弄糟
in the place boring into the back of my neck, waiting for me to screw up.
-突然 我想起来了 -当问到我时
-When suddenly, it was upon me. -And so I now ask…
who presents this woman in holy matrimony?

I do.
安妮和布莱恩 你们今天来到这里携手
Annie and Bryan, you have come here today to join your hands…
-“Who presents this woman?” -Always remember…
-这位女士 -这段婚姻的誓言是最庄严的
-This woman. -this vow of marriage is most solemn…
should not be entered into lightly.
但她不是一个女士 她只是一个孩子
But she’s not a woman. She’s just a kid.
And she’s leaving us.
With a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities.
I realized at that moment that I was never going to come home again…
and see Annie at the top of the stairs.
Never going to see her again at our breakfast table…
in her nightgown and socks.
I suddenly realized what was happening.
Annie was all grown up and leaving us.
And something inside began to hurt.
我 布莱恩·麦肯兹
I, Bryan MacKenzie…
我 布莱恩·麦肯兹
I, Bryan MacKenzie…
愿意娶 安妮·班克斯
take thee, Annie Banks…
愿意娶 安妮·班克斯
take thee, Annie Banks…
-为妻 -为妻
-to be my wedded wife. -to be my wedded wife.
从今往后爱她 安抚她
To love and to comfort from this day forward.
从今往后爱她 安抚她
To love and to comfort from this day forward.
-我 安妮·班克斯 -我 安妮·班克斯
-I, Annie Banks… -I, Annie Banks…
take thee, Bryan MacKenzie…
-愿意接受布莱恩·麦肯兹 -为我的合法丈夫
-take thee, Bryan MacKenzie… -to be my lawful wedded husband.
to be my lawful wedded husband.
从今往后爱他 安抚他
To love and to comfort from this day forward.
从今往后爱他 安抚他
To love and to comfort from this day forward.
The ring, please.
以这枚戒指作为我的爱的象征 与汝结合
With this ring as a token of my love and affection, I thee wed.
以这枚戒指作为我的爱的象征 与汝结合
With this ring as a token of my love and affection, I thee wed.
给 亲爱的
Here, sweetie.
With this ring as a token of my love and affection…
I thee wed.
以这枚戒指作为我的爱的象征 与汝结合
With this ring as a token of my love and affection, I thee wed.
By virtue of the authority vested in me,
我现在宣布 你们正式结为夫妻
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
好啦 她成功了
Well, she did it.
而现在 如我儿子所说的 婚宴时间到了
And now, as my son said, it was time to party.
嗨 你好 很高兴见到你
Hi, how are you? Good to see you.
看起来好极了 不是吗
Don’t you look great?
这个房♥子都快被挤裂了 到处都是人
The house was busting at the seams. Everywhere I looked, there were faces.
他们中的大多数 我想补充下 以前从未见过
Most of which, I might add, I had never seen before.
乔治 我想你见见丹麦的亲戚 这是鲍思一家
George, I’d like you to meet the Danish relatives. These are the Prowses.
I met Bryan’s Danish relatives,
who thanked me profusely for flying them over.
嗨 过的怎么样
Hi. How are you?
