-你什么意思 -什么我什么意思
-What do you mean? -What do you mean what do I mean?
-他 他的手离不开她 -噢 是啊 就像
-He could… He couldn’t keep his hands off her. -Oh, yes. Kind of like…
我们订婚的时候 除了手 你哪里都离不开我
when we were engaged, except that wasn’t all you couldn’t keep off me.
That was different.
And we certainly never acted that way in your parents’ house.
噢 你想我把我们那样过的房♥间都说出来吗
Ah! You want me to name all the rooms we did it in at my parents’ house?
那不一样 我们就像两个傻瓜
That was different. We were like two imbeciles.
This is our child we’re talking about.
我们的孩子 噢 乔治
Our child? Oh, George.
我看 你当安妮还是一个缠着马尾辫的七岁小女孩
You know, I still think you see Annie as a seven-year-old in pigtails.
好吧 那只是说明你对我有多了解
Well, you know, that just shows how much you know about me…
because that is not at all how I see her.
对 一个缠着马尾辫的七岁孩子
Right, a seven-year-old with pigtails.
我说 关键是 我们不知道这个布莱恩究竟是谁
I mean, here’s the thing: We have no idea who this Bryan really is.
-噢 -我是说 谁知道那是不是他的真名呢
-Oh. Uh-huh. -I mean, if that’s his real name. I mean, who knows?
也许他已经有老婆了 这种事天天都有
You know, maybe he already has a wife. You read about these cases every day…
you know, men who have wives and families stashed all across the country.
我说 他可能是个职业骗子 专到国外找那些天真的
I mean, he could be a professional con artist who meets innocents abroad…
and gives them this song and dance
about being an independent whatever that was.
And then skips out after bilking them for all they’re worth.
-你在干什么啊 -我准备上♥床♥睡觉
-Wh-What are you doing? -I’m getting ready for bed.
You know,
then I suppose you’re not interested that I believe I remember seeing someone…
有一个长得像布莱恩胞弟 我猜你对这没有成见
who looked like Bryan’s twin on America’s Most Wanted.
对 我是没成见
You’re right. I’m not.
乔治 我认为他人很好
George, I-I thought he was great.
我非常喜欢他 而且我真的替安 高
I liked him a lot. And I’m really ha… Ann…
乔治 别摆出那种脸色好么 我真的替安妮感到高兴
George, will you please stop making that face? I’m very happy for Annie.
我替她感到激动 这可是件大事
I’m excited for her. This is a big deal.
I think that we should at least hug.
This is great news.
噢 婚礼
Oh, a wedding.
新娘的父亲 你相信么
Father of the bride. Can you believe it?
四十八小时之后 婚礼仍然会举♥行♥
Forty-eight hours later, the wedding was still on…
and we were on our way to Bel-Air to meet Bryan’s folks.
I don’t know why we have to have brunch with total strangers.
Because their son is marrying our daughter
And it’s not an unusual custom meeting the in-laws.
那是另一♥码♥事 我讨厌”亲家”这个词
You know, that’s another thing. I hate that expression: in-laws.
那到底是什么意思 法律上规定我们一定要去见这些人
What does it mean anyway? We’re legally bound to these people?
I don’t wanna be “in-lawed,” especially to people who live in Bel-Air.
我的意思是 什么样的人住在贝埃尔 还在那里吃早午餐
I mean, what kind of people have brunch and live in Bel-Air?
Rich people.
They probably live in the one shack in the middle of all these mansions.
-乔治 心情不错 -什么 我心情本来就不错
-Nice mood, George. -What? I’m in a good mood.
好的 我想我们到了 恩
Okay, I think this is it. Yeah.
宝贝 不错的小房♥子
Nice shack, babe.
更糟的是 这是街上最大的房♥子
Worse. It’s the biggest house on the street.
Now we’re related to pretentious snobs.
Just what we need.
乔治 你看起来真帅 这么年轻 不像是要做亲家的
You look very handsome, George, way too young to be in-lawed.
Well, it really shouldn’t matter how I look.
We’re not here to win their approval.
Just because you changed your outfit five times.
噢 你不也换了九件不同的衬衫么
Oh, and you didn’t try on nine different shirts?
-两件 -两件
-Two. -Two.
两件长袖的 两件短袖的
Two long-sleeve, two short-sleeve.
-嗨 -乔治 尼娜 欢迎
-Hi! -George, Nina, welcome.
-嗨 见到你们真高兴 -我是约翰
-Hi, nice to meet you. -I’m John.
-你好 -嗨 我是乔安娜
-How do you do? -Hi, I’m Joanna.
-欢迎 请进 -欢迎来到我们家 快请进
-Welcome. Come in, please. -Welcome to our house. Come on in.
-请进 -谢谢
-Come in. -Thank you so much. Well.
All I could think about was the size of this place.
We could’ve parked our whole house in the foyer.
呃 会见未来的亲家真是一件伤脑筋的事
Ah, what a nerve-racking thing, meeting your future in-laws.
-恩 -松了一口气 你们两个看起来相当正常
-Yeah. -What a relief. You two look perfectly normal.
噢 是啊
Oh, well, I am.
老实说 今天我非常的紧张
I have to tell you, we got so nervous about today…
为了会见你们俩 我应该换了三套不同的衣服
about meeting the two of you, I-I must’ve tried on three different outfits.
-噢 -我换了四件衬衫
-Oh. -I changed my shirt four times.
-你能想象有人能那么紧张吗 -噢 我了解
-Can you imagine anyone being that jerky? -Oh, I know.
快进来 我想我们该在这儿吃午餐了
So, come on in. I thought we’d have lunch in here.
-噢 这房♥间真好 -马特 -谢谢 马特
-Oh, what a great room. -Marta. -Thank you, Marta.
马特 这两位是我们的亲家 乔治和尼娜·班克斯
Marta, estos son nuestros in-laws, George and Nina Banks.
-你好 -你好 嗨
-Hello. -How do you do? Hi.
噢 这是我们家的其他成员
Oh, and here’s the rest of our family.
噢 别担心 他们看起来很凶 实际上很友好
Oh, don’t worry. They look like killers, but they’re actually quite friendly.
只要你别害怕 因为 他们也害怕
As long as you’re relaxed, why, they’re relaxed.
嗨 小狗 小狗 小狗 为什么 你
Hi, puppy, puppy, puppy. Why, you’re…
没事的 大伙 够了 继续 走开 好狗
All right, fellas, that’s enough. Go on. Release! Good boys.
-好了 我们何不坐下来呢 -请坐
-Well, why don’t we all sit down. -Please.
-噢 谢谢 -好的 我们坐吧
-Oh, thank you. -All right. Here we go.
-乔治 亲爱的 -谢谢 甜心
-George. Honey. -Thank you, sweetheart.
I don’t know if the kids told you,
but we were over in Europe on business…
and we stopped in Rome to see Bryan.
-于是我们和安妮相处了一段日子 -噢 天啊
-So we got to spend a few days with Annie. -Oh, boy!
-我们立马就喜欢上她了 -她是个好孩子吧
-We just fell in love with her immediately. -Isn’t she great?
是啊 我们高兴得不能再高兴了
Yes. We just couldn’t be happier about this.
你呢 怎么看待这事 乔治
How did you, uh, take the news, George?

呃 老实说 呃 我有点惊讶
Uh, truthfully, uh, I was a little surprised.
-我有点震惊 -我也是
-I was shocked. -So was I.
毕竟 他们彼此相识才几个月
After all, they’d only known each other a few months.
确切地说 安妮才刚刚完成学业
Exactly. And Annie’s just finishing up school.
确实啊 噢 听我说 我辗转反侧反复考虑这事
Absolutely. Oh, believe me, I tossed and turned over this one…
but the bottom line is they’re in love.
他们都21岁多了 他们是否操之过急
They’re over 21, and whether they’re rushing into this or not…
may be not for us to say.
Right. “Not for us to say.” We’re only their parents.
我正准备这么大声说的时候 他打断我的话
I was about to say these very words out loud when he hit me with…
是啊 迟早 你都得由着你们的孩子
Yeah, sooner or later, you just have to let your kids go…
and hope you brought ’em up right.
乔治 尼娜 亲爱的
George. Nina. Darling.
This guy was making a little too much sense for me.
Suddenly my shirt collar felt like it was starting to strangle me.
To George and Nina…
and a future of wonderful memories.
首先 我们孩子的婚礼
First, the wedding of our children…
and the happiness we’ll share watching their lives.
然后 分享和我们孙子们在一起的快乐
Then sharing the joy of our grandchildren together.
生日聚会 毕业典礼
Birthday parties, graduation…
Now I knew where they got the expression “like father, like son.”
-我也知道我需要透透气 -你能告诉我洗手间在哪吗
-I also knew I needed some air. -Can you tell me where the restroom is?
噢 事实上 楼下这间有点儿乱 我们正在重新装♥修♥
Oh, actually, the one down here is a mess. We’re remodeling.
噢 你何不去楼上最顶层的那间呢
Uh, why don’t you try the one at the top of the stairs?
It’s the seventh door on the left.
-第二间 -第七间
-Second? -Seventh.
-第七间 -第七间
-Seventh. -Seventh.
我要走了 我不紧张 我要走了
I’m leaving. I’m relaxed, and I’m leaving.
退 退后
Re… Recoil.
Well, I hope George hasn’t gotten lost up there.
噢 不会的 他没事的
Oh, no, he’s gonna be fine.
呃 多可爱的雕塑
Well, um… Such a lovely sculpture.
噢 动感十足不是吗
Oh. Doesn’t it have a wonderful sense of motion?
