噢 噢 那个 呃 只是个小问题 我们能够修好
Oh. Oh, that… Eww. That’s only a sem. We cun fix that.
现在 班克斯先生 拜托了 关于海产品的事
Now, Mr Bonks, please, about the seafoot.
Hanck vants to know if it’s hokay or not hokay.
不要 弗兰克 告诉汉克不要
No, Franck. Tell Hanck it’s not okay.
If I have to move out all the furniture and add amps…
以及重新粉墙 买♥♥新的晚礼服 还有花钱买♥♥天鹅
and repaint the walls and get a new tux and pay for swans…
then I’d like the “chipper” chicken.
-明白了吗 -我明白了”变宜”部分意思 嗯
-Is that clear? -I understood the “chipper” part. Yeah.
好的 是这样的 汉克说他会再考虑下
Hokay. Dat’s it. Hanck says he will think about dis.
现在 我们不能没有他
Now, we do not vant to louse him.
他是个天才 我们需要他的意见 好吗 那么
He is a ganius, and ve need his mand. Hokay? So.
我看我能做些什么 汉克 汉克
I’ll see vhat I can do. Hanck? Hanck!
I’m fine.
总之 我们说到哪了 噢
Anyway, where were we? Oh.
-对 -我看你要失去他了
-Yes. -I see you’re starting to lose it.
但是我还有有两个问题 非常小的 我迅速告诉你
But I have one more question. Very minor. I’ll say it quickly.
停车服务员 四个人比较合适
Parking attendants. Four is comfortable.
三个还可以接受 再少的话
Three is acceptable. Anything less…
-着实让我感到恐怖 -两个
-absolutely terrifies me. -Two.
-两个 -乔治 -两个
-Two. -George… -Two.
汉克说如果你要鸡肉 他不感兴趣 他不干了
Hanck says if you vant the fowl, he vasn’t interested. He passes.
他 他不干了 那他还做我们的蛋糕吗
He… He passes? Is he gonna do our cake?
嘿 爸 进展的怎么样了
Hey, Dad. How’s it going?
嗨 我来拿我的运动鞋 我昨晚忘在安妮的房♥间里了
Hi. I came to get my sneakers. I left them in Annie’s room last night.
I was beginning to feel like I was having an out-of-body experience.
I had to get out of the house and fast.
安妮曾说过只要我逃跑的话 不介意
Nina said as long as I was escaping, would I mind…
escaping to the market and picking up something for dinner?
当然 我就需要这个 繁忙的超级市场
Sure. That was all I needed. A busy supermarket.
我需要开车 放松 不再想婚礼的事情
I needed to drive, mellow out, get my mind off the wedding.
But mellowing out was not in the cards.
搞定 搞定
Here we go. Here we go. Yeah.
对不起 先生 您在做什么
Excuse me, sir. What are you doing?
I’ll tell you what I’m doing.
I want to buy eight hot dogs and eight hot dog buns to go with them.
但是没有八个装的热狗包卖♥♥ 只有十二个装热狗的包卖♥♥
But no one sells eight hot dog buns. They only sell twelve hot dog buns.
So I end up paying for four buns I don’t need.
So I am removing the superfluous buns.
不 不好意思 先生 但是你得付所有十二个的钱
I-I’m sorry, sir, but you’re gonna have to pay for all twelve buns.
-他们不单独卖♥♥ -哦
-They’re not marked individually. -Yeah.
想知道为什么吗 因为某个香肠公♥司♥的大老板
And you wanna know why? Because some big shot over at the wiener company…
got together with some big shot over at the bun company…
and decided to rip off the American public.
Because they think the American public is a bunch of trusting nitwits…
who’ll pay for things they don’t need rather than make a stink.
Get me security.
好吧 他们不再欺骗这群傻瓜
Well, they’re not ripping off this nitwit anymore…
because I’m not paying for one more thing I don’t need.
George Banks is saying no!
Who’s George Banks?
哦 先生 我们何不冷静地谈谈
Uh, why don’t we just calm down now, sir?
我来告诉你为什么”我们”冷静不下来 因为你不够兴奋
I’ll tell you why “we” don’t calm down. Because you’re not excited.
要两个人才构成”我们”来冷静下来 不是吗
It takes two people for a “we” to calm down, doesn’t it?
哦 那我可不知道 先生 我是本超♥市♥经理的助手
Uh, that I don’t know, sir. I’m just the assistant manager of a supermarket.
我要告诉你 如果你不安静下来而且付这些热狗
But I’ll tell you this. If you don’t pipe down and pay for those buns…
-我就要叫警♥察♥了 -噢 好啊
-I’m gonna call the police. -Oh, right!
好 好 很好
Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Right.
-对 -嘿
-That’s right. -Hey.
-对 -嘿 嘿 过来
-Right. -Hey! Hey, come here!
-啊啊 啊啊 -过来
-Uh-uh! Uh-uh! -Come here!
啊啊 啊啊
Uh-uh! Uh-uh!
糟糕极了 为四个热狗大动肝火
That was the low point. Flipping out over four hot dog buns.
I couldn’t figure out why I’d gotten so nuts…
why the wedding had me so unglued.
班克斯 你妻子来了
Banks, your wife is here.
-你要放我出去吗 -她要先和你谈谈
-Aren’t you going to let me out? -She wants to talk to you first.
-她要先和我谈谈 -谢谢
-She wants to talk to me first? -Thank you.
好啊 乔治
Hello, George.
看到我在这你怎么这么高兴 尼娜
Why do you look happy to see me in here, Nina?
高兴 不 不 不 我哪高兴啊 乔治
Happy? No, no, no. I’m not happy, George.
You think I was happy to tell everyone that I had to come…
市监狱来保释你出去 因为偷四个热狗
down to the city jail and bail you out for stealing hot dog buns?
-我没偷它们 -啊
-I wasn’t stealing them… -Ah!
-我只是有一点 -啊
-I was having a little… -Ah!
I’m going to have to ask you not to talk or I’ll have to call…
Officer What’s-his-name over there.
乔治 你比从前更难得伺候
You’ve been more than I can handle, George.
Annie’s wedding is not a conspiracy against you.
It’s just a wedding.
People have them every day in every country in the world.
我知道那会很贵 但我们不去欧洲
I know it’s going to be expensive, but we don’t go to Europe.
不买♥♥昂贵的汽车 我也不买♥♥贵重珠宝
We don’t own fancy cars. I don’t own expensive jewelry.
So we can afford to have a big wedding.
我把你保释出去不过有一个条件 班克斯
I’ll get you out of here on one condition, Banks.
你要同意以下条件 现在 跟着我说
That you agree to the following. Now, repeat after me.
我 乔治·斯坦利·班克斯
I, George Stanley Banks…
我 乔治·斯坦利·班克斯
I, George Stanley Banks…
保证尽心尽力做个父亲的样 保证
promise to pull it together and act my age. Promise.
promise to pull it together and act my age.
我不再过度焦虑 翻白眼
I will stop hyper ventilating, rolling my eyes,
unbuttoning my top collar button.
I don’t unbutton my top collar…
哦 是 不 你是指这个 还有
Oh yeah. No. You mean this bit, with…
-不再过度焦虑 -过度焦虑
-Stop hyper ventilating… -Hyper ventilating.
-翻白眼 还有 呃 -不扣
-rolling my eyes, and, uh… -Unbuttoning.
unbuttoning my top collar button.
平时我不再做鬼脸 而且一定会停止
I will stop making faces in general, and I will definitely stop…
告诉我遇到的每个人这个婚礼的 花费
telling everybody I meet how much this wedding is costing.
I don’t tell everyone how much it costs!
-他告诉过你 对吧 -每个人250元
-He told you, right? -250 a head.
噢 得了 谢谢
Oh, well, thanks!
I will try to remember my daughter’s feelings.
而且我每翻一次白眼 就会带走她的一丝幸福
And how with every roll of my eyes, I am taking away a piece of her happiness.
我爱你 尼娜
I love you, Nina.
重复最后的部分就行了 乔治
Just repeat the last part for me, George.
I will try to remember my daughter’s feelings…
-对 -而且我每翻一次白眼
-That’s right. -and how with every roll of my eyes…
I am taking away a piece of her happiness.
我也爱你 我们回家吧 好吗
I love you too. Let’s go home, okay?
-不 -嘿 我不会把你拦在这
-No! -Hey, I’m gonna hold ya here!
-好的 甜心 -快点 马蒂 开始了
-Yes! Sweet! -Come on, Matty. Let’s go.
“B”计划 马蒂”B”计划
Plan “B,” Matty. Plan “B.”
开始拉 嘿
Here we go! Hey!
好的 我抱你 我抱你
Okay, I got ya! I got ya!
-侏儒灌篮 -好样的
-Midget slam! -All right!
尼娜 布莱恩 快看 你们的礼物
Annie! Bryan! Look, you got a present.
我们的第一个礼物 真不敢相信
Our first present! I can’t believe it.
噢 第二个很快就会到的
Oh, our second one should be here any minute.
噢 哇喔 你怎么知道的
Oh, wow. How do you know?
噢 我父母正在带过来呢
Oh, my parents are bringing it over.
-噢 -噢
-Oh! -Oh!
噢 这是 呃 我们什么时候给礼物
Oh, this is, uh, when we give the presents.
呃 好极了 呃 好的
Uh, great. Uh, good.
-我马上回来 -他去哪啊
-I’ll be right back. -Where’s he going?
-也许他有礼物要送给你们 -你知道这个
-Maybe he got a present for you. -You know about this?
呃 我猜的
Uh, I haven’t got a clue.
-看这个 -给我们的吗 太感谢了
-Look at this! -This is for us? Thank you so much!
呀 一辆车
Yikes. A whole car.
