

[noun] a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute
[名词] 长期而激烈的争吵或争端


Feud 是一个容易让人联想起 feudal (封建的、封建制度的)的单词,正因如此常使人误以为前者是后者的名词用法,实则不然。

该词源自古法语 fede, faide (战争、突袭、敌意、敌对、仇恨、世仇、合法复仇),14世纪进入英语后原指“敌意、敌对、仇恨”。

等到了15世纪初, feud 开始发展出现在的主要含义表示“夙怨、长期不和、争吵不休”,多指个人或团体之间长期而激烈的争吵或争端,既可以是暴力的,也可以是非暴力的,比如:

  • 这场冤仇积结了多年。双方都担心事态会升级。
    The feud smouldered on for years. Both sides feared it could escalate.

等到了16世纪80年代后, feud 开始用来表示部落或家族之间的“世仇”,也就是一种以通过暴力袭击来报复先前伤害为特征的长期或根深蒂固的相互敌对状态,比如家族世仇(a family feud)。

用作动词时, feud 相应表示“与……长期争斗、争吵不休、世代结仇”,比如:

  • 他和分居的妻子积怨已久。
    He feuded with his estranged wife.


She spoke a few soft words to Dilcey who nodded kindly, as though an unspoken armistice existed in their old feud.

出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。


  • In India, an epic feud began in 2002 after Dhirubhai Ambani, the founder of Reliance Industries, died without naming a sole heir.
  • Still, in both communities there is a growing sense that the blood feud—and its cycle of violence—must be broken if anyone is to prosper.


  1. Family feud: 家族纷争
  2. Bitter feud: 恶劣的争斗
  3. Long-standing feud: 长期的敌意
  4. Blood feud: 血仇
  5. Feud between neighbors: 邻里纷争
  6. Political feud: 政治纷争
  7. Feud between rival gangs: 对立帮派之间的争斗
  8. Feud between business partners: 合作伙伴之间的纷争
  9. Feud over property: 财产争议
  10. Feud between rival companies: 竞争公司之间的争斗
  11. Feud between teammates: 队友之间的纷争
  12. Feud between celebrities: 名人之间的争端
  13. Generational feud: 代际冲突
  14. Feud over inheritance: 继承权之争
  15. Feud between rival nations: 敌对国家之间的争斗
  16. Feud between religious sects: 宗教派别之间的纷争
  17. Feud between artists: 艺术家之间的争斗
  18. Feud between sports teams: 运动队之间的争斗
  19. Feud over a love interest: 因爱情对象而起的争斗
  20. Feud between rival schools: 竞争学校之间的争斗
  21. Feud between landlords and tenants: 房东和租户之间的纷争
  22. Feud between coaches: 教练之间的纷争
  23. Feud between rival factions: 敌对派别之间的争斗
  24. Feud between siblings: 兄弟姐妹之间的纷争
  25. Feud between artists and critics: 艺术家和评论家之间的争斗
  26. Feud between rival political parties: 竞争政党之间的争斗
  27. Feud between co-workers: 同事之间的纷争
  28. Feud between rival street gangs: 竞争街头帮派之间的争斗
  29. Feud over a disputed territory: 因争议领土而起的争斗
  30. Feud between rival factions within an organization: 组织内敌对派别之间的争斗


vendetta: a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer’s family
rivalry: competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field
bicker: argue about petty and trivial matters

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
