

[adjective] changing frequently, especially as regards one’s loyalties, interests, or affection
[形容词] (尤指忠诚、兴趣或感情)经常改变的


Fickle 不仅是一个与小站去年推送的 trickle 结尾相同的单词,而且在词典里的位置也常与小站两个月前推送的 fiddle 在同一页。

该词可能源自古英语 ficol (骗人的、狡猾的),13世纪进入英语后原本也是用来表示“虚假的、奸诈的、欺骗的、狡猾的”,不过这个含义现已不再流行。


  • 这个积习难改的调情老手是如此变幻无常,喜欢同一个男人从未超过一星期。
    The incorrigible flirt is so fickle – she’s never been interested in the same man for more than a week!
  • 作为一个靠不住的朋友,他总是在最需要的时刻抛弃他的朋友。
    As a fickle friend, he always forsakes his friends in their hour of need.

此外,还可以用 fickle 来形容天气、关系等情况“变幻莫测的、不定的”,强调变化突然且没有任何先兆,比如:

  • 这里的天气出了名的变化无常。无视该问题要自担风险。
    The weather here is notoriously fickle. Ignore it at your peril.
  • 风向不定增加了航海的难度。船长让船开足马力全速行驶,但一阵疾风吹翻了他的船。
    Fickle winds made sailing conditions difficult. The captain of the boat had his engines at full throttle, but a flurry of wind upset his boat.


Lighthearted deceiver and fickle like all his sex he would never understand what he had meant to her and for an instant there was in the blue eyes a quick stinging of tears.

出自爱尔兰现代主义作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)于1922年出版的长篇小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。


  • A paper by Austan Goolsbee and Peter Klenow of Stanford University found that even excluding clothing, for which tastes are fickle, 44% of online sales in a database produced by Adobe Analytics, a computing company, were of goods that did not exist in the prior year.
    斯坦福大学的奥斯坦·古尔斯比和彼得·克莱诺的论文发现,在信息技术公司 Adobe Analytics 提供的数据库中,即使不包括品味易变的服装,在线销售中有44%是上一年不存在的商品。
  • It depends on the availability of aircraft, and on the weather — always a fickle matter in Britain, even in high summer.


词义: “fickle” 是一个形容词,表示善变的、易变的、不可预测的。

词源: “fickle” 这个词源于中古英语中的 “fikel”,意为 “变化无常的、不可靠的”,源自古英语中的 “ficel”,意为 “诡计、欺骗”。它的词源反映了这个词的含义,即指人或事物易变、不可预测。

用法: “fickle” 一词常用作形容词,用于描述人或事物的变化无常和不可预测性。以下是一些详细的用法和相关短语:

  1. 形容词用法:
    • She’s known for being fickle and changing her mind frequently.(她以善变而频繁改变主意而闻名。)
    • The stock market is notoriously fickle, with prices fluctuating wildly.(股市众所周知地变化无常,价格波动剧烈。)
    • He had a fickle heart and easily fell in and out of love.(他心思多变,容易陷入爱情,又容易放弃。)
    • The weather in this region is notoriously fickle, with sudden changes in temperature.(这个地区的天气变化无常,气温骤然变化。)

以下是一些与 “fickle” 相关的常见短语:

  1. Fickle-minded: 善变的
  2. Fickle nature: 变化无常的本质
  3. Fickle lover: 易变的恋人
  4. Fickle fashion trends: 变幻莫测的时尚潮流
  5. Fickle public opinion: 多变的舆论
  6. Fickle market conditions: 不稳定的市场状况
  7. Fickle weather patterns: 变化无常的天气模式
  8. Fickle decision-making process: 不可预测的决策过程
  9. Fickle loyalty: 不可靠的忠诚
  10. Fickle fate: 变幻莫测的命运


volatile: (of a person) liable to display rapid changes of emotion
capricious: given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior
variable: not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change
