结果就有点灾难 有很多非常愤怒的反馈
It was a bit of a disaster, there was so much angry reaction to it, like:
“How could you just do this to a master’s oeuvre?”
When you do that, it’s not a case of
just sticking a piece of film into a machine and it comes out in a new format.
整个过程都得重新做 必须得有像利昂那样对这些电影了如指掌的人
You have to do everything again, you have to have people like Leon, who knew the film backwards.
I authorized incurring the cost for perfect mastering and digitization.
再次重制 并且是比录像带更高质量的格式
Remastered again, and in yet a higher quality format than it had been available in VHS.
毫无疑问 只有一个人能领头这个修复过程
Without a doubt, there was only one man that could have headed that restoration effort,
And that was Leon.
像利昂这样 既对电影的制♥作♥过程有很棒的掌握 也熟悉发行过程
Someone like Leon, who had that wonderful grasp of the production process and the distribution process,
Which is quite a rare animal.
You learn the film by working with it and printing it.
如果你冲印它15年了 你就会熟悉原始底片
You know? And if you’ve printed it for 15 years, you know the negative.
我并不熟悉 感觉非常棘手
And I didn’t. It was that daunting.
He was trained in the way to know how it was supposed to sound,
要怎么处理那些音轨 知道看上去应该是什么样
Know what to do with the tracks, know how it’s supposed to look,
And know how to handle the negatives.
And he was the only person who knew that.
他工作中这最后一部分 就是保存一切资料
This final part of his job was basically preserving everything,
确保一切状态良好 所有影像资料都安全地存好在保险库架子上
Making sure it was in good order, making sure it was all vaulted and securely on the shelves.
So he packed up and he came to the US.
Somebody has to be the standard bearer for that thought process,
and this is where Leon comes in.
他承担起了这个艰巨的任务 让一切工作能够起步
Leon was tasked with this kind of Herculean effort to move the ball ahead,
还得承受那些骂声 有些人认为根本就不应该去碰这个事
And then take all the flack from the people who thought that this shouldn’t be done at all.
And Leon was the person who was left standing there when all the knives came out.
而且斯坦利这么多年来得罪过的人 也没给他好日子过
And I know he took a huge amount of shit for what Stanley had done to people for many many years.
Because Stanley wasn’t around anymore.
然后库布里克帮的人 克里斯蒂亚娜和扬 华纳兄弟的那些人
And there was the Kubrick Gang, Christiane and Jan, the Warner Brothers people.
他们是出了名的不好打交道 不会听任何人的指挥
They were known for being tough, and not taking any bullshit from anybody,
按照自己的想法行事 因为他们有这个人在点头
And doing what they wanted to do because they had this guy approving it.
斯坦利是独一无二的 华纳自然不会说不
He was unique, so Warner wasn’t gonna say no.
但评论家也不会说是 所以利昂就被夹在这中间
The critics weren’t gonna say yes, and Leon was caught in this position in between,
Of having to be the guy that had to dress all parties.
我要处理一部电影时 需要了解它的制♥作♥过程 它的历史
When I’m working on a film, I need to learn the production history of the film, the archeology.
And you have to know how it was made,
一旦掌握了这些 就好像菲林在跟你说话一样
and when you got it, it’s that the film speaks to you.
光是重现斯坦利原本做出来的效果 就花了两三年的时间
Just to recreate what Stanley had done originally took two to three years,
去查资料 找大♥师♥ 研究并证明原本的影片是个什么样
Of research, and finding masters, and go in and proving that that was exactly what it was.
And then you could start to do your work.
Barry Lyndon, it’s a lot of long long long shots,
而且经常是室外的 风景啊 建筑外观
And often it’s outside, often they’re landscape, exteriors.
利昂总是知道画面应该有多亮 对比应该有多强
Leon always knew how bright it was supposed to be, how contrasted it was supposed to be,
How rich or how dense.
你跟他共事就会意识到 他的才能有多广
And you realize as you work with him, that his skills are enormous.
And then you finish it and you realized that it’s not really finished at all.
Because Leon then had the task of moving into Warner Brothers,
只剩他一个人了 一个人去争取更多的格式转换
Where he was the only person who was left, and fighting for another transfer to be done,
Or something to be kept up in a certain way.
All of a sudden it’s Leon against the world.
And they were just grinding him down,
Because Warner had exuded good will way beyond what anybody would’ve done in going through the process.
I got, you know, people calling me and saying,
你知道外界怎么说你吗 说你是在找麻烦
“You know what they’re saying about you right now, is that you’re looking for problems.”
不 我们不是在找麻烦
No, we’re not looking for problems.
We were never looking for problems.
但如果问题确实存在 就得指出来
But if there were problems, you have to point them out.
必须的 就从荣誉上来说 必须指出来 说”这里不对”
You have to. I mean in all honor, you have to say,”This isn’t right”.
他越来越消瘦 越来越病弱
So he started getting thinner and thinner, and sicker and sicker.
他那时看上去很憔悴 而且害怕
He looked very gaunt and a bit scared.
I weighed in, at one point, 65 pounds.
This is when I wasn’t very well, and it was my affirmation.
“我是利昂•维塔利 我在治疗自己”
“I’m Leon Vitali, I’m healing myself.”
他在工作中总是全身心投入 百分之百 甚至更多
He was always present for the work, 100%, more.
他就像是 很多人这么叫他 是只蟑螂
But he’s, you know everybody says, he’s like a cockroach.
不太好听 但他就是不会被任何事阻碍 一直前进
Not a great term, but there’s nothing that will stop him, just keeps going.
Eventually they gave his office away
and they gave him a desk in the hallway of Warner Brothers.
他就这么一个人坐在那 继续整理所有的档案
And he was sitting there alone, still going through all the files,
确保事情有人做 有进展
making sure all the things were done.
如果有人想放映《2001:太空漫游》 就得他出面去做
And if somebody wanted to screen 2001, he had to be there for that.
No one else was gonna follow through with the level of maniacal detail,
That only Stanley, or only Leon could’ve done.
And it shows in the work.
这些现在仍然保存着的大作 没有那些努力是不会存在的
It’s this body of work that exists today, that never would have existed.
是因为利昂在斯坦利身边付出了那么多年的劳动 才保留下来
Because Leon took the sweat equity of all those years with Stanley.
Leon righted every single wrong that was done.
他把这些电影保存了下来 以后的一代代人
He basically preserved the process so that for future generations
that would get to see Stanley’s work,
They would see it the way the master made them.
That will always be Leon’s imprint on Stanley Kubrick’s legacy.
Right now in Los Angeles, California there is an exhibit…
Director Stanley Kubrick…
那个展览开办了 搞了盛大的开幕式 全球巡展
And then the exhibit comes about, and there’s this big opening, a world tour,
And Leon kind of not really a part of it.
我感觉利昂被彻底忽视了 请了那么多库布里克专家
I felt like Leon was really dismissed. All these like “experts” on Stanley,
在那聊斯坦利 细数他是个怎样的人
Talking about Stanley, and what he was like.
但是有这么个人 站在角落里 这么多年来他都站在角落里
There was this person, still standing in the corner, how he always would be,
和斯坦利在表演 电影制♥作♥ 所有方面合作了那么多年
Who’s worked with him from acting, from cinematography, everything.
And meanwhile it was like Leon didn’t exist.
那个开幕式 整个过程 你有参与其中吗?
I guess the opening, or the presentation? Were you part of that?
You mean in a kind of official matter? No not at all.
那个大型晚会 很多人去讲了关于斯坦利的事情…
The actual big gala thing where people came and spoke about Stanley…
不 不 我没去那个
Oh no no, no I didn’t go to that.
没去吗 -没有
You didn’t go to that? -No.
Was that like a choice by you or they just didn’t invite you or?
No they just didn’t invite me.
利昂完全有权利说 这个展览太差劲了 我不想和它扯上关系
Leon had every right to say, that exhibit stinks, and I want nothing to do with it,
但是完全相反 他说”你想去啊?我可以带你去”
Just the opposite. He said, “You wanna go? I’m gonna take you.”
When another friend of mine wanted to go,
Leon said: “I’d gladly take you guys again.”
And to see a great filmmaker like James L. Brooks asking questions like a kid,
To walk through these worlds with a guy who knows them intimately,
真的太棒了 他真的很大度友善
It’s just incredible. And he’s so generous about it.
When I asked Leon to take a bunch of high school film and visual arts students,
他二话不说就答应了 我挺吃惊的
He said yes like this. I was shocked.
那次经历真的很好 能够跟人分享也让他精神振奋
It was so amazing. It lifted his spirit to be able to share.
I remember at the recent Academy meeting,
They were talking about people that they needed to have an oral history with.
我就说 我不懂你们怎么还没有跟利昂•维塔利做口述回忆录
And I said, well I don’t understand why you guys haven’t done an oral history on Leon Vitali.
And I said, “you should have done it a long time ago,”
“when you were preparing the Stanley Kubrick exhibit.”
I found out that he went 25 or 30 times with people, as favors to people.
Just to give them that same gift.
There was such a kind of emotional attachment to so much of that material.
会让我想起 啊我还记得拍那个场景的时候 我在忙这个那个
I could actually say, “Well I remember when I was doing that, working on that.”
There was a story about, just about every bit of it.
I spent hours just looking at lenses.
比起他去世的时候 我感觉看展的过程更像是在和他告别
It felt more like I was saying goodbye to him this time than when he died.
You know some places are like people.
有的会”闪” 有的不会
Some shine and, some don’t.
Is there something bad here?
对于利昂来说 他不仅失去导师 要独自面对生活
And for Leon, not only did he have to face life without his mentor,
他还搬到了洛杉矶 一开始是为了监督数字修复
He also moved to Los Angeles, initially to work for the estate on the restoration.
But then he made the decision to stay in Los Angeles,
And suddenly found that doors are not easily opened.
听见了吗 不准进去!
You understand? Stay out!
I had to help him for a while, financially.
想想有点让人难过 因为他辛苦工作了那么久
And I guess that’s kind of sad, because he’s worked so much.
按理说应该是可以照顾好自己的 他的生活方式也很简朴
You would hope that he would have enough to survive, the pretty simple lifestyle he lives you know.
