挺好 最后那三条都挺好的 我觉得最后两条最好
Good, the last three were going good, I think the last two were better.
Stanley had an amazing vital energy.
我那时也有权力去任何区域 忙我自己的
I had the license to go into any area and operate inside.
但是到了这里当然行不通 因为处境不同 时过境迁了
But of course you can’t do that here, because it’s quite heavily demotated.
你还在为斯坦利工作吗 -当然了
Are you still working for Stanley? -Of course.
现在的工作是志愿性质的了 -这是因为我爱斯坦利
So this is all voluntarily at that point. -This is because I love Stanley.
这就是我为什么去做 因为我爱他
That’s why I do it. Because I love him.
你也没工资拿? -没有 那又怎样?
You’re not even getting paid? -No, so?
Leon is one person of many that are like him in the business,
I think he’s an extraordinary example of it.
And I think he represents the best of that group of people,
Who were unrecognized for doing what they’re doing.
一个普通的助手 你圣诞节送他个礼物 就可以算是肯定他的工作了
You give your assistant a gift at Christmas time, and that’s their recognition.
But that person was crushing it for you for 25 years,
要怎么样去肯定他 才配得上他所做的一切?
How do you acknowledge them in a way that celebrates what they’ve done?
电影就是这么令人着迷 它需要你不知疲倦地投入
Film is just such a fascinating thing, it requires tireless effort.
它是一辆前进的火车 途中不停有人上车下车
It is a moving train of people getting on and off at a process,
但它始终会有足够的燃料 继续向目的地行驶
But having the train with enough fuel to continue to make it to the destination.
这是个非常特别的世界 有点像个马戏团什么的
It’s a very special world, it’s like the circus or whatever.
在电影世界的魅力面前 你自己作品的创意就显得比较渺小
Those worlds are, they have an attraction that goes beyond how creative your own work is.
但同时你又是它的一部分 不管你是什么肤色 什么性取向等等
But you’re a part of it. What skin color you had, what sexual preferences you had…
这里总有你的一席之地 只要你懂得合作 能融入其中
It has always been a place to go to, as long as you function socially.
Anybody who’s self-obsessed or grumpy won’t survive in the business.
Unless he’s an actor.
保持位置 我们准备好了 准备开拍
Stay there now, we’re ready, getting ready to shoot.
Are you ok?
利昂辛苦付出了那么多年 差点累死在编辑台上
Leon spent years of his life, almost drove himself into an early grave,
Because the prints needed to be as good as they possibly could.
所有这些人 哪怕少了一个
All those other people, if you took out one person,
There’d be something missing in that film.
This is like all a bunch of Leons.
就是这些字幕里后出现的人 他们的努力把先出现的人抬高到舞台上
All these people below the line are the ones that elevate the people above the line.
利昂能坚持下来 跟在大♥师♥身边那么多年 挺令人赞叹的
It was amazing that Leon got to stick around and stay with the maestro, as we call it.
那么久 他们两个都合作无间 形影不离
And they were inseparable for the longest time.
I’ve been dreaming about him more and more and more.
It’s always in a house that I have,
And it’s always full of people most of which I do not know.
And we’re starting a film production,
And it’s like there’s no kind of feeling that we need to communicate at all.
只是看着对方 点点头
We’re just looking at each other and nodding our heads,
And saying: “That’s it.”
If you look back on your life when you were a child,
and you had aspirations and you had ambitions,
But they never really worked out the way you thought they would.
So there’s a lot that can make you extremely frustrated and extremely mad.
But at the same time it’s kind of exhilarating.
In many ways,
人生有没有照你的设想去展开 这并不重要 哪怕跟你想的完全不一样
it doesn’t really matter if things work out exactly the way you wanted them to, or they didn’t.
The most important thing is the journey.
因为一路走来的经历是那么丰富 那么宝贵
Because the experiences can be so rich, and so valuable to you.
利昂有一种气场 好像门还没开你就能感觉到他在门前了
Leon was a spirit. You could see the door’s open before he got to a door.
He has this aura of Kubricknism around him.
这个学徒一下子 突然成为了拥有所有答案的大♥师♥
The apprentice that all of a sudden, one day became the master with all the answers.
你对自己的旅程感到骄傲和满足吗 -是啊 当然了
You’re proud and you’re happy of your journey? -Yeah, yeah of course.
当然 一路走来都很美妙
Of course I am. It’s been amazing so far.
我能想到最好的 怎么说 人生结局吧
The best way I could think of, you know, leaving this world, and it would be,
要么睡下去 不醒来 或者忙着工作的时候…
Either,you know, go to sleep not wake up, or be in the middle of, you know…
比如说在施滕贝克编辑台前死掉 如果现在还能找到一台老古董的话
I don’t know, I guess dying on a flatbed Steenbeck, I mean if you could find one nowadays.
Maybe in a telecine suite,
做一个新版本转换 《2001:太空漫游》的4K或者8K版本
doing a new transfer, like a 4K or a 8K transfer of 2001.
And just as the music plays out,
我就说 我来了 我去见查拉图斯特拉了
I say, “I’m coming. I’m with ya Zarathustra.”
是吧 也许像那样 挺浪漫的
You know, maybe something like that. Romantic. you know.
That’s the cake.
所以是个快乐的结局? -是啊 当然是了
So it’s a happy ending? -Sure, yeah, of course it is.
