We were like best friends.
你好 丹尼
It wasn’t in the script that they were twins.
I was just looking for someone who’s good.
The problem with kids who come to these things,
They go to these children’s stage schools,
都被打下了一种烙印 说话时都是同一种用力过度的腔调
But they’re all infected with having an inflection in the way they talk.
Like “I don’t know why you would…”
就让人… 受不了
And you kind of thought,you know…
I was getting really really desperate,
And suddenly on the very last day,
有个女人带了两个小女孩来 是一对双胞胎
This woman brought these two girls in to the room,and they were twins.
And the first thing that went through my head was Diane Arbus,
非常有名 一对看上去有点诡异的双胞胎
Famous photograph of these twins who look a bit weird.
So I did about ten takes of them doing this,
And I went running onto stage:
找到了 我找到了!阿勃斯双胞胎!
“I’ve got them! I’ve got them! It’s the Arbus Twins!
他看了以后就说 哇 非她们莫属啊 就是这么来的
And he looked at it and he just said,”Wow,there’s no question is there?” That’s it.
Come play with us Danny.
When something like that happens,
一起玩… -大家不用说出口也有目共睹
Forever… -It kind of speaks for itself,you don’t have to say it.
永永… 远远…
And ever. And ever.
我记得跟利昂一起 他会跟我说 “来 画画 好了停下”
I remember Leon and I,he would say “Okay color,okay now stop”,
Or “Okay give me the scared look”.
我学会了听他的指示 他就是我的表演指导
So I was able to tune in to his voice,he was my acting coach.
Stanley saw that it worked,
That way,whenever we’d do a running shot or a traveling shot or something like that,
都让我离他最近 在摄像机后面
I’d be the one closest to him,behind the camera.
丹尼 听斯坦利的指示
Danny go listen to Stanley.
我就会告诉他 “四处看看” 或者”犹豫一下”
So I could tell him to do things like “look around now”,or “hesitate”.
继续!来 害怕的样子!
Keep going! Come on,scared!
“害怕的表情 往后看往后看 去左边丹尼 右转”
“Look scared. Look back,look back. Left,Danny. Turn right.”
Leon and I would be working together,practicing that.
或者有时候我们直接开机排练 但是由利昂演杰克的角色
Or maybe we were actually shooting it,but Leon would play Jack.
This whole place is such an enormous maze.
后来斯坦利让我也跟谢莉合作 帮她对台词
And then Stanley wanted me to work with Shelley,just run dialogue,
And the same with Scatman.
是挺大的 但不就是个厨房♥嘛
It’s big,but it still ain’t nothing but a kitchen.
Do you remember the repetitive,the many takes?
呃 算记得吧
Uh kind of.
I think the reason I do is because there’s a bowl of ice cream.
几天过后 就有人说
But it was like a few days later,somebody said:
哇 我们已经用掉19升巧克力冰淇淋了
“Oh we went through 5 gallons of chocolate ice cream.”
为了保证画面连贯性 一旦要停机重新开始
The continuity would be,if you had to stop and start again,
You got a new bowl of ice cream.
我虽然吃不完 实在太多了哈哈
And not being able to eat it all,something to that effect,
你想啊 一个五岁小孩还是会留意到 哇 这么多冰淇淋
You know,a 5-year-old’s mind was,”hey look at all this ice cream”.
这是一个非常有标志性的人物 后来很多人都努力想达到那个级别
That is such an iconic character,so many people strive to get to that level.
关于这个 我想说的最重要的一句话
The most important thing that I would wanna say about that is that,
我觉得那是对利昂的付出的一种致敬 包括他的为人
I think that’s the tribute to the job Leon did,and the kind of person he is.
斯坦利一开始就告诉我 只要你没什么具体的事情要做
Stanley had said from the very beginning,”Whenever you’re not doing anything specific,”
就跟在我身边 陪我去剧组开会什么的
“you know,just stick by me. Come in to meetings and things like that,”
看看我们是怎么做事的 剧组如何运作 我们如何管理等等
“and just see how things are done,how they’re run,and how we’re organized.”
我也跟约翰•奥尔科特合作 我们经常用黑白宝丽来相机
I worked with John Alcott,we worked a lot with black and white polaroids
To get contrast and density.
而且 在片场我是允许带自己的相机的
This is another thing,I was allowed to bring my camera.
斯坦利还教了我胶片感光度 不同感光度有什么不同效果
And then Stanley cued me into ASA speeds,what you could do with them
去改变它 曝光不足 过度曝光
Push them,underexpose,overexpose…
All those things that he learned as a young man,as a photographer.
Also he’d give me the job of doing all the location stills
去芝加哥 丹佛 密苏里州的堪萨斯城
In Chicago,Denver,and Kansas City,Missouri.
每到一个地方 就去那里所有的酒店
So we went to every hotel in whatever town we were in,
And just photographed every kind of room that there was.
I went back with about 100 rolls of film.
他说”我想告诉你 我觉得你任务完成得非常好”
And he said,”I just want you to know,I think you’ve done a really great job.”
他就是这样让人感觉非常自豪 因为他让你感到很有参与度
And he just makes you feel so great,because he’s making you feel like you’re a part of it.
你是他电影制♥作♥的一部分 是重要的一部分
A part of his process,like you’re being an important part of his process.
让他进来 告诉他我们时间很紧
Just get him in,let him realize we’re out of time.
Everyday was full of a lot of different jobs.
I was in absolute heaven.
一个陌生人如果刚认识斯坦利 跟他交谈十分钟 二十分钟
If anybody met Stanley and maybe talked with him for 10 minutes or 20 minutes,
或者在他手下工作一年 或者像我那么久
Maybe worked for him for a year or as long as I did,
They’re always gonna come away thinking “I know the real Stanley Kubrick”.
哪怕他只是初次见面 跟他们握手 打招呼说 你好 我是斯坦利
He could meet somebody,shake their hands,and be like “Hello,I’m Stanley”.
别忘了 他是个会下棋的人
And remember,he was a chess player.
I always remembered the people who met him for the first time,
他们总是说 哇 完全不是我听说的那样
Would always come out and say: “Oh jeez,nothing like what I’ve heard about,”
他太好了 非常温柔 非常这个那个的
“he’s fantastic,he’s so gentle,he’s so this he’s so that.”
话说回来他对我也一样 我第一次见他的时候
I mean he was the same with me,when I first met him.
It was only when we got into Full Metal Jacket,
And the responsibilities were getting heavier and heavier,
Another Stanley came in.
Because it was like pow,pow,pow.
时间 1985年八月 地点 制♥作♥办公室
Date: August 1985. Location: Production Office.
Stanley invites me to the production office,
To show me what goes on behind the scenes.
The first thing that strikes me is the lack of people,
This place is almost empty.
There’s a guy here named Leon Vitali,
I’ve met him a few times at Stanley’s house,
I think he’s Stanley’s assistant.
Leon appears to be a jack of all trades,
不管什么事他都记笔记 有时候直接写在手臂上
He makes notes about everything,sometimes he writes on his arms.
One thing about Leon…
When I was working on Full Metal Jacket,
I thought of Leon as kind of an Igor character from Frankenstein.
“好的 主人”那种感觉 他就像是斯坦利•库布里克的奴隶
You know,”yes master”. That he was,that he was just a slave to Stanley Kubrick.
我基本要做到三头六臂 什么都要管
I kind of had to be everywhere at once.
It was just one of those things
只要斯坦利觉得我能派上什么用场 我就按他要求的去做
where Stanley kind of utilized me in any way that he thought would be effective and would work.
It was the first time that Stanley had given me responsibility of casting.
There were thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands
发到我这里 要做的事情真的非常多
Of tapes sent over,there was just so much to do,you know.
I agreed to be Stanley’s technical adviser
Simply so I could get my foot in the damn door,
好去跟他自荐 我说 我想要哈特曼教官的角色 非我莫属
And audition for Stanley,said I wanted to be Gny. Sgt. Hartman,no question about it.
I couldn’t imagine anybody that could do it any better than I could.
他直勾勾看着我说 没可能的 这个角色已经有一个签约演员了
He looked me straight in the eyes and said,”not a chance,I already have a contracted actor.”
怎么说呢 海军陆战队可从没教过我认输
Well,the marine corps never did teach me to lose gracefully.
下午好先生 我是蒂姆•科尔塞里 今年32…
Good afternoon sir,my name is Tim Colceri. I’m 32…
华纳兄弟给我来了电♥话♥ 你好啊蒂姆
I get a phone call from Warner Brothers,”Oh hello Tim”,”Yes,sir?”
“Come on down let’s sign your contract.”
他说 你这个角色是全片最有意思的
He says,”I think you have the funnest role in the film”,
然后从办公桌下面 拿出《全金属外壳》的合同
He reached under his desk,and he pulled out Full Metal Jacket.
他说 你演那个教官
He said you play the role of the drill instructor.
我当时要招士兵 去做队伍里的群众演员 就去兵团里说
I was looking for extras for the platoon so I went to army regiments and just said:
我们在准备拍电影 如果有兴趣请联♥系♥我们
“We’re making a film,we’d like to know if anyone would be interested.”
然后我意识到 李•厄米以前就会穿上他的教官制♥服♥
And it occurred to me that Lee Ermey,he used to dress in his drill instructor gear.
所以我想 干脆让他演示一下 以前在军队里是怎么做教官的
And I thought oh,why don’t we do it the way he used to do it.
我说 让他们立正站好 然后你给他们来个入团仪式
“Just stand them up,and you give them their induction.”
我们就干起来了 我也录了下来
So we did that,and I was videotaping it.
我心想 一定得让斯坦利•库布里克刮目相看
So I’m thinking Stanley Kubrick’s gotta see this,alright?
And then I had a little talk with these people,
一会我可能会针对他们的父母 家人
And let them know that I might say a few unsavory things
About their mothers and fathers and their immediate family.
And that they should not take a shot at me,
因为如果打了 我肯定就不会招他们进组了
Because if they hit me,I would for sure not hire them.
然后我就开始了 一个接一个
Then I went from one to the next to the next,
侮辱他们的家人 嘲笑他们的长相
Berating their family,what a jerkbag they look like,
