利昂的行为是无私 忘我的
What Leon did was a selfless act,
Kind of crucifixion of himself.
我没法想象让我去那样做 我大概也太自私了吧
I couldn’t imagine doing it myself, I guess I’m too selfish.
利昂不得不献出了他的一生 他跟随库布里克整整30年啊
Leon was compelled to dedicate his entire life, 30 years, he spent with Stanley Kubrick.
利昂为斯坦利做的事情 相当于外面一半那些执行制片人 助理制片人
Leon did for Stanley what half of those executive producers, associate producers,
制片经理 司机 裁缝 这些人加起来为其他导演做的事
Production managers, and drivers, and tailors do on other movies for directors.
It was a real rollercoaster ride even for a single day,
而我的那么多天 每天都很长
And of course, the days were very very long.
开车进他家大门的时候 那个锻铁大门平时基本不关的
When you turn in through the gates, these huge wrought iron gates which would never close normally,
It would just never close.
You kind of mentally hear this “Bang”.
就好像大大的锻铁门在你身后关上了 至少我会听到
You know, they were closing behind you. I mean I did, I did.
Fact of the matter was, this is it.
一旦到了这里 你就没有真正的自我了 直到什么时候你开车离开
There will be no you until you start driving out of here, at some point.
清早就得打各种电♥话♥ 给实验室啊 华纳伦敦分部啊
The phone calls you had to make early in the morning to the laboratory, or Warners in London,
因为你很清楚 接下来一整天都得一直跟进这些电♥话♥
Cuz what you know is, you’re gonna be chasing for the rest of the day.
关键是 我说我每天工作十五六个小时 那只是在那里的时间
The thing was, when I say I worked 14, 15,16-hour days, that was at the place.
在斯坦利家里 那是我们处理工作的总部
That was at Stanley’s place, the place where we worked.
但等我回自己家了 还有电♥话♥工作等着我
But when I go home, it was all telephone work.
Was there a big staff on the estate?
有我自己 处理跟他电影作品有关的所有菲林 录像 电视 实验室工作等等
There was me, who worked, dealt with all the film, video, TV, lab work and all that stuff to do with his movies.
有托尼•弗雷温 他打点斯坦利的大房♥子
And then there was Tony Frewin who looked after the estate,
协调编剧 还有编剧们和斯坦利之间的联♥系♥
go between writers, between them and Stanley.
然后就是扬 代理斯坦利的权益 法律方面的权益 就这样
And then there was Jan, who looked after Stanley’s interests, legal interests and that was it.
是你负责管理斯坦利? -不 不 不 我从没”管理”斯坦利
But you handled Stanley? -I didn’t, no I never “handled” Stanley.
哈 从来没有”管理”斯坦利 -那你换个更恰当的说法?
Ha, never “handled” Stanley. -Well reword it for me.
我管理好我自己 好在斯坦利的世界里存在下去
I handled myself, so I could exist in Stanley’s world.
经常在实验室里工作到凌晨3点 不停记笔记
You’re there till 3 in the morning, just writing these notes,
That’s how I learned so much about color timing,
因为他做的时候我总是在他身边看着 这么多年了
Cuz I was with him, as he’s doing it, for all those years, it was years.
Most of his grading he’d stop and start on the Steenbeck.
他一般晚上11点到这 利昂总会在
He’d come at about 11, and Leon would be there.
So it was very much a family thing.
这些是斯坦利的笔记 大♥师♥的亲笔啊 经常整夜写这些
This is Stanley’s notes, the maestro’s writing, all bloody night doing this.
“颜色很不自然 瑞安的头发不应该是橙色的”
“Very unnatural color, Ryan’s hair is not orange.”
这里就有15页 我猜收到笔记的人
15 pages of this stuff. I’m sure their heart sank
那天早上开工发现这些在桌上等着他 肯定心都凉了
when they did come in, only to find this waiting for them.
Warner Brothers went through a time where every fax they sent to you had that.
慢慢地你就开始讨厌兔八哥了 想不到吧
You actually started to hate Bugs Bunny, you really did.
本能反应就是 唉 又一份全是坏消息的传真来了
You thought: “Oh, this is another bad news fax coming through.”
This is 2001, video VHS with the notes that I gave them.
没有严格遵守我给的排版 没有精确到毫米 唔…
They hadn’t follow my layout, I mean, not to the millimeter, so…
I did give them these notes.
这也是我做的 这样子打开 然后里面有个小册子
I did this one. There it is, and then you open it up, then you have a little booklet.
Everything had to be to the millimeter.
We even got Stanley to sign.
那时候要用彩色复印机 那鬼东西有多慢你知道吗
I was using a color copier, do you know how slow those things were?
斯坦利特别抓狂 因为他想要的东西总是马上就要
It drove him nuts. It drove him nuts because Stanley wanted everything now.
This is all pre-production on Wartime Lies.
也就是各种杂项清单 手持武器啊 小型枪炮啊 库存清单
AKA errand papers, hand weapons list, small arms artillery, inventory…
你知道吗 斯坦利的每部电影 都有差不多
Do you know, for every one of Stanley’s films, there were like
25 protection tracks.
然后每一份原始底片 又有好几十个备份 多到数不清
For every single original negative, there were dozens, and dozens, and dozens…
The original negative of Dr. Strangelove disappeared off planet earth.
And the only bit of original negative you’ll see,
就是这么一小段 曼德雷克发现了一台正常工作的无线电
Is just one little short, when Mandrake has discovered a working radio,
That tells him that there is not a nuclear alert.
And so for 10 years I was searching for that one.
That’s why we kept track of every reel of all of Stanley’s movies
只要我们能亲自拿到手 放好 存好档 我们都自己来
And if we could grab them, and store them and archive them ourselves, we did.
这个也基本上是全职工作了? -是啊
And that was a full time job itself? -Yeah.
说起来 要做的每一件事都是一份全职工作
Yeah funny enough, everything you ever did was a full time job.
利昂从头到尾 亲自♥制♥作了
Leon put together, put together, quite literally,
Different trailers for every country in the world.
这些预告片都在这里制♥作♥ 全部让利昂检查好 然后寄出去
They were printed here, they were checked by Leon, and they were then shipped out.
He helped small production house, he had to deliver the ads needed.
所有这些细节 让利昂忙到简直是口吐白沫 歇斯底里的程度
All the minutia that drove Leon into, you know, catatonic foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria,
这些事情是我们公♥司♥ 包括其他电影公♥司♥
Were the things that other people in our company, and certainly the other film companies,
都没有想到 没有想过的
Hadn’t thought about, didn’t think about.
When it came to release, Full Metal Jacket, in the UK,
Stanley intuitively came to distrust the managing director of Warner Home Video in the UK.
Going as far as to send people across England,
take photographs of the in-store displays and the store windows.
I went out around all these stores and I took photographs.
然后跟斯坦利说 连华纳家庭影像自己的大楼里都没有一丁点宣传广♥告♥
When I told Stanley there’s not a single bit of advertising in Warner Home Video’s own building,
You know, he just went fucking berserk.
I felt incredibly responsible for this,
Ultimately we remedied the shortcomings.
His attention to perfection could periodically be maddening.
但说到底 那是他的心血 他是出于一个艺术家的热情
Well the reality, these were his works, and he brought the passion of an artist,
Who wanted the audience to see the movies in the highest qualify form,
And to have them marketed properly.
What Leon provided was that link between Stanley and this great behemoth that was Warner Brothers.
这个庞大 强势的企业
Huge, huge powerful corporation.
就像是只恐龙 高大强壮的身体 和小小的脑袋
Rather like a dinosaur, wonderful mass power body, and a tiny little brainpan.
斯坦利通过利昂做到的 就是让他们多少做些让步
What Stanley was doing, and went through Leon, was getting them to change things ever so slightly.
大家总是说”利昂说需要这个 我们给他做好吧”
I never heard a word said other than “Leon needs it, let’s get it done”.
如果什么事出差错了 他总是说
If anything ever went wrong, he said,
“确保他们彻底理解你想要的具体是什么 这可是你的责任”
“It is your responsibility to make sure they understand exactly what you want.”
That could take 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 tries to get it right.
如果我觉得没有得到回复 或者别人 怎么说
If I felt like I wasn’t getting any response, or people were, kind of,
说好听点 把我当皮球踢来踢去
For one of the better phrase, dicking me around, you know,
说了会把东西发过来 结果没发
Said they’re gonna send something, it never get sent,
You gotta chase em up, and chase em up.
他会说 “好 利昂 今晚你打电♥话♥给他们 跟他们说”
He’d say, “Ok Leon, tonight you get on the phone, and you say to them,”
“如果他们敷衍你 就是在敷衍我”
“if they’re talking like that to you, they’re talking like that to me.”
It really felt like there was kind of a loyalty there.
So sometimes, I get into my office,
And there’d be a fax on my desk.
是斯坦利写给别人的 指责他们犯下的滔天大罪
From Stanley to somebody, about some heinous crime that they committed.
但其实不是斯坦利 因为他落款写的是我的名字
Except it didn’t come from Stanley, he’d typed my name under it.
Where I never knew what it was I was saying to anybody,
因为斯坦利替我说了 我是他的替代品
Because Stanley was saying it for me, using me as a substitute for him.
除了其中两个人 我从来没有见过洛杉矶这边的工作人员
I never met, with maybe two exceptions, anybody from the offices here in LA.
哪怕他们去英国的时候 斯坦利也会让我待在别的房♥间
Even when they came over to England. Stanley would stick me in the back room.
我觉得 斯坦利是不想让他们知道我到底长什么样
I think what it was, in a way, you know, Stanley didn’t want them to see what I look like.
说好听点 我是他的”代言人”
Being his, for one of the better words, “spokesman”,
总是跟别人说 你必须做这个做那个
When I would say “we need to do this, you gotta do that, you gotta do this”.
那些人听我电♥话♥里的声音 估计都以为
You know, they probably heard my voice on the phone and thought
我是那种穿三件套西装 一米八几的权威人士
I wore a three-piece suit, 6 feet tall, and I had tremendous authority.
外界听到”助手”这个头衔 会有一些猜测
The assumptions that people think, oh somebody is an assistant for someone.
但你做了那么多 做排版啊 跟实验室处理底片啊
You’re doing layouts, you’re, you know, you’re working with labs,
要管电子修复 要选角
You’re working with restoration, you’re casting people,
还要跟演员合作… -有的时候还要亲自演
You’re working with the actors… -And sometimes I’m acting.
你对这个头衔满意吗 还是有什么…
Was that the title you were happy with, or was that…
It didn’t make any difference.
我跟你说 要出国的时候 我得填那些签证表格
You know something, when I traveled abroad, and I used to have to fill in these visas.
上面问职业 我总是写”电影工人”
They used to say Occupation, I always used to write “Filmworker”
我就是个电影工人 我是一个工人 那就是我的工作
I mean, I’m a filmworker, I’m a worker, that’s what I do.
助手也好什么也好 我只是帮助这个人
So assistant to me, is nothing other than I’m assisting somebody
To fulfill what it is they want to get up on a screen.
我是对白教练 做选角
I was dialogue coaching, casting…
我负责物流 电视 销♥售♥
I was also in charge of shipping, television, sales,
各种版权发放 做排版 视频传输 DVD 激光盘 库存清单
All that licensing, doing layouts, video transfer, DVDs, laser disc, inventory,
考勤表 检查底片
Time sheets, checking all these prints,
翻译各种预告片 那个真要命
The trailer translations, oh that was…
色彩纠正… 所有电影 每一份菲林 每一个给电视放的版本
Color timing… There wasn’t a print or a tele-cine I hadn’t sat with Stanley,
我都有跟斯坦利一起检查 做改动 然后跟实验室沟通
Make the changes, and then talk to the lab about it afterward, for all those movies.
一开始你会觉得 哇塞 这可是库布里克啊!
At first you’re like, “Oh my god, Stanley Kubrick.”
后来就会变成 妈的烦死我了
And then you’re like, fuck no man.
