因为你会被逼到崩溃边缘 满脑子都是 我已经啥也不剩了
Cuz you’re pushed to a point where you’re like, “I have no more.”
只有了解了斯坦利•库布里克这个人以后 你才能想象
You have to understand Stanley Kubrick before you can even begin to understand
What Leon Vitali did, does, went through,
What’s imprinted on his soul and mind.
你要知道 这个了不起的人 天才
It’s only when you understand that this remarkable man, genius,
噩梦 温暖 照顾别人 疏远别人 冷漠
A nightmare, warm, caring, distant, cold,
大手笔 幽默 绝顶聪明 非常有决心的人
Expensive, funny, hugely intelligent, totally driven man,
Would do to make his movies.
斯坦利对哪怕最小的细节那种超常的注意 把很多人都吓跑了
Stanley’s extraordinary attention to the tiniest detail drove a lot of people away from him.
The Production Designer on Barry Lyndon
因为受不了那种压力 直接从片场被救护车接走了
Actually got taken off by men in white coats because he couldn’t stand the pressure.
He could be as charming as Charming to you,
然后你觉得 哇我从没这么自豪过 他拍我肩膀夸我了
Where you think, “Boy, I’m on top of the world, he just patted me on the back,”
“And being very pleased about something.”
And then the next thing you could be shit on from a great height.
说实话 我一直都有点怕他
I was always scared of him, to be honest.
真的 因为他的光环太强了 感觉就像是在跟上帝说话
I really was. You know because it was really cool, it’s like talking to God, pretty much.
但是时刻在那种环境下生活 在那种环境下工作 太高压了
But living in that environment,and working in that environment, which was so intense.
And the intensity of Stanley is well-documented.
So Leon was as close as anybody was likely to get to that.
假如利昂做错了哪怕一件事 后果啊…
If Leon would do one thing that wasn’t correct,
但是不好意思 没有人是十全十美的好吗
Well nobody can do everything correctly, I’m sorry.
尤其是跟斯坦利合作的时候 因为要注意的细节实在是太多了
Especially when you work with Stanley, because it’s so much detail and so much stuff.
而且他本能地觉得 你没往心里去
It was his nature to always think that you didn’t care,
或者你会搞砸 觉得别人都没有他那么投入
Or you’re gonna mess up, that people aren’t gonna be as invested as he is.
感觉就好像 他总是在等着你搞砸
He was always waiting for you to fuck up in a way.
所以就 不管你付出多少 他给人感觉总是
So it was always like, as much as you gave, that it was like
“还不够 还不够 再多努力一点 多一点”
“Give more, and you have to give more, and more, and more…”
And that’s why Leon got eaten up.
I think we have these ideas about what it would be like
To spend all of your time with one of the world’s greatest film directors.
And then, when you really stop to think about it,
就会发现 哦不 其实会像地狱一样
You think: “Oh, that would be hell actually.”
Because you would never have your own life anymore.
你的整个存在 都是围绕着那个人
You know, your entire existence would revolve around this one individual.
I’d say outside of the film industry,
Stanley’s equivalent would be Gordon Ramsay
On one of his, you know, reality TV shows.
满嘴脏话 他妈的他妈的 你♥他♥妈♥的个蠢货 这样的
Where he says oh fuck me, fuck me, fucking stupid… You know.
看我啊 你♥他♥妈♥看着我的眼睛!你♥他♥妈♥的生气?没我气!
Fucking look at me, look at me in the eyes! Not as pissed as I am! You fucking aren’t!
I’m not sending that shit! This is not personal, this is professional!
That first one was a piece of shit, now pull it back!
斯坦利有时候也会那样 如果他因为什么生气了
Stanley could be like that, I mean if he was mad about something,
肯定的 如果错在你 你就完了
You could bet, that if there was a fault, you were done.
做那些工作 最可怕的部分
The worst part of any of those jobs,
就是你离开实验室的时候 或者其他地方
was actually the time you left the lab or whatever facility it was,
with what you thought you got,
And you had to have lots of alternatives.
And the whole journey back was, you know,
天啊天啊怎么办 他可能会不满意 他要是不满意怎么办…
“Oh my god oh my god, he may not like this, he might not like this…”
实在是… -压力很大? -绝对的
I mean… -Stress? -Oh yeah.
They made a 70mm print of 2001.
然后给我们发了一份来 绿色比原版超了百分之十
And they sent us this copy which was about 10 points too green.
我得一帧帧去过去改 上面这个小的是斯坦利原来的35毫米版本
I had to go through every single frame. The smaller frame here is Stanley’s 35mm print,
按照他的标准调整过色彩 你可以看看区别有多么大
Color timed to his specifications. But you can see they’re so different.
斯坦利看到以后 他就 完全暴怒了
And when Stanley saw it, he was just apeshit.
I think that’s the word to describe it.
我当时看到就说了 他是绝对不会让这个过关的
Oh I saw it and I just said: “There’s no way he’s gonna approve this thing.”
差别是多么巨大啊 做这个的人怎么就没看出来呢
What a huge difference there is, and how couldn’t someone see that.
That was where I had a lot of empathy for Stanley,
但同时我也觉得 他也是有一点自作自受
But then I also think he kind of pulled that a little bit on himself.
因为他的脾气实在是太刻薄 太冷嘲热讽 太强硬了
Because his temper was so vitriolic, and so sarcastic, and so hard.
不管是什么事 跟他说实话都需要点勇气
It took a little bit of courage to actually say the truth about any situation
比如我们检查当天的原始影像 我必须得说出来
If when we were watching the rushes, I couldn’t not say:
“I don’t think that looks quite right.”
因为如果我不说的话 之后他就会怪我
Because if I didn’t say it, he would say afterwards:
“Why didn’t you say something?”
有一次平安夜 突然间剪辑室里就剩我一个人了
It was Christmas Eve and suddenly I was the only person left in the cutting room.
Everyone had pissed off by noon.
我得给斯坦利过目当天拍的原始画面 他那天的脾气简直他妈臭到不行
And I had to show Stanley these rushes, and he came down in the foulest fucking temper.
在那之前 我如果提醒他某个镜头里有闪光 有光晕
Whenever I said to Stanely there’s flare in this shot or that shot,
他都说”我喜欢光晕” 所以后来我就不提这事了
He said: “I like flare.” So I never bothered to mention it.
那天他在看原始画面 看到了光晕 他就说
So he’s watching the rushes, and he saw this flare, and he said,
“利昂 怎么有光晕!”
“Leon, there’s flare!”
我就说 呃是啊 可是你一直都说你喜欢光晕的
And I said, “Well yeah, but you’ve always said you like flare.”
然后他把我骂得那个惨啊 完全不敢相信
And he gave me such a bollocking it was unbelievable.
直接就是冲着我咆哮 后来他骂完了 马上又说
I mean he was just screaming at me. And as soon as he finished,
He said, “Guess you wanna go home now.”
“过来 我有礼物给你”
“I’ve got some gifts for you, come.”
他就走到走廊另一头 他的办公室门口放着一箱各种各样的礼物
So he walked down the hallway, and outside his office was this box with lots of gifts in them.
他说 嗯 拿着吧 圣诞快乐
He said, “Uh so, take it, happy Christmas.”
You kind of think, “I can’t believe this,”
我就以为 今天就这么结束了吧 他不会再找我麻烦了
“well this will be the end, he’ll leave me alone now.”
结果到了第二天圣诞节 一点钟 他就又电♥话♥轰炸我了
Until one o’clock on Christmas day, and that’s when I started getting bombarded with phone calls
这个事怎么样了 那个事呢 我们进度如何啊
Like “what’s happening with this? What’s happening with that? Where are we now?”
好然后我以为该说的说完了 放下电♥话♥
And you thought you finished the conversation, you put the phone down.
过了十分钟 电♥话♥就又响了
And then 10 minutes later, you know, ring.
还有那个事呢?这个做到哪了 你看了那个什么什么吗
“What’s happening with that? What’s happening with this? Have you looked at that?”
“And have you done this?”
It just went on and on.
what am I doing?
作为库布里克的助手 他的全能型助手
When you work as Stanley Kubrick’s assistant, general factotum,
It’s not terribly difficult to lose your temper, it’s easy.
You have to have patience of a tribe full of Jobs,
每天听着那些话 忍♥着
To listen to that kind of thing everyday, and take it,
And understand from whence it came.
I guess he didn’t feel he needed anymore,
To be kid, love handling me, and my sensitivities.
直接就是”听好了啊 你得做这个事 必须完成”
It became “Right, you’re here to do this, and you have to get it done”
Any kind of error or mistake could be just jumped on,
And absolutely, you could feel crucified at the end of it.
确实有的时候我会犯蠢 没有理解他的要求
There were times when I was a total dickhead, and I didn’t get it,
Or I made a gross error of judgement or something.
As much as Stanley would yell at him and be like, “Leon, what are you doing!”
“天啊…” 利昂总是 好的斯坦利 好的好的 但是你看…
“Oh, god…” Yes, Stanley. Yes, Stanley. Ok Stanley, but listen…
他自己从不提高音调 哎 他们在一起都多少年了啊
Always kinda keeping it low tone, and it was, how many years were they together?
我觉得他们的关系能保持那么久 唯一的原因就是
I think that the only reason that that could have continued for so long,
那种深深的忠诚 斯坦利是清楚的
Was because of a deep loyalty that Stanley understood,
他明白利昂是他的后盾 是一个会支持他保护他的人
That Leon was somebody who had his back, and would protect him.
利昂跟我说过一些关于他们俩 他最珍贵的记忆
The few things that Leon has shared with me that he holds most dear to him,
比如两个人站在他家的门廊上 一起抽着烟 从门廊上往下撒尿
Standing on the porch of his house, smoking cigarettes, and peeing off the porch.
I don’t think Jack Nicholson ever peed off the porch with Stanley Kubrick.
他们之间的关系是独一无二的 很少见
I think they had a unique relationship. Rarely found.
They had this level of trust between each other.
Leon was like a part of Stanley.
两人之间的那种默契 是不需要说出口的默契
There was an understanding between them, an unspoken understanding.
这些是我写的证词 关于斯坦利的电影
These are depositions I wrote about aspect ratios
That Stanley had wanted his films to be.
And I had them notarized.
Barry Lyndon, that’s been a bone of contention all the time.
都让我头痛 各种杂七杂八的人来跟我吵
And I went through day of hell, where I had all these people saying,
“It never was 1.77.”
“It never was.”
挺逗的其实 我跟随斯坦利那么多年 处理了那么多年的片子
And it’s really funny isn’t it, that I’ve worked for all those years with Stanley, working on prints.
我们当时有一个特制的光圈挡片 装在放映机里
We had a special aperture plate that we put in the projector,
it was 1.77.
什么乱七八糟的 噗
You know, I mean, pssh.
A bit like Room 237,
《闪灵》到底是讲什么的 每个人都有一大堆想法
you know where people had their own ideas of what the film was about, blah blah blah.
You know, “A picture of a downhill skier was not a picture of a downhill skier,”
