“是象征着撒旦 还能看到他的尾巴呢”
“it’s a picture of Satan, and you can see his tail behind him.”
这么说吧 我看到满月的时候 从来看不出别人说的人脸
You know, when I look at the full moon, I never see a man in the moon.
但如果从某个角度 我能看出一只坐着的法国贵宾犬
If you look on one side of it, I can see a French poodle sitting.
I don’t think there is a French poodle sitting on the moon.
这个问题我得交给利昂 我问了啊
I’m gonna have to turn to Leon, and I’m gonna have to say,
利昂 斯坦利跟阿波罗火箭登月这事有关吗
Leon, was Stanley involved in the Apollo Landings?
他给我写的任务清单 打扫好放映室 半天内
“Task list: finish cleaning up projection room. About half a day.”
重新整理我的文件柜 一天内
“Go through my filing cabinet and reorganize. About one day.”
“Clear up old library.”
给各种仓库列物品清单 半天内
“Finish inventory, long garage. Finish inventory, long stalls. About half a day.”
我们那个仓库是一长排房♥子 大概45米长
And the stable block was a line of buildings, 50 yards long,
所有东西都那么堆在里面 我当时得全部整理清点好
Where everything was shoved into. And I had to sort it out.
我给他回信 亲爱的斯坦利 仓库都整理好了
“Dear Stanley, this is now complete, regarding stable block.”
他满意吗? -他压根就没去看过
Was he happy? -He didn’t even come and look at it.
“利昂 你怎么让沙发搞得这么脏”
“Leon, how could you get the couch so filthy?”
呃 脏是因为他任由他几只狗躺在上面掉毛
Well, it was the dog hairs of the dogs who he allowed to lie on the sofa,
星期天晚上 跟他一起躺沙发上看电影
On Sunday evening, he was watching the movies.
My appreciation for a genius would probably end,
When the genius told me to clean a room for him.
利昂为了他什么事都做 我是不会的
He would do anything for the guy, and I would not.
如果体力上让我吃不消了 我会明说
I would, when it got physically difficult, I’m here to tell you,
我会说 多谢了您啊 你确实是个天才 离我远点吧
I would probably say, “Thank you very much, you’re quite a genius, leave me alone now.”
Amongst my other duties is the cat compound.
How we kept the cats safe.
斯坦利这个人 天啊 他觉得动物绝不会有任何坏心思
Stanley… Oh my god. He never thought animals had any guile.
一旦有一个快死了 那就是世纪大♥麻♥烦
So when one of them was dying, it became a major major problem.
那时有一只很乖的猫 十五六岁吧 叫杰西卡
There was this lovely cat, 15 or 16 years old, named Jessica.
她生病了 动都动不了 我在整座房♥子里布置好视频监控
And she had a fit, couldn’t move. I set up a whole video system in the house,
好让每个房♥间都有一个显示屏 能看到杰西卡
So that in every room there was a monitor where you could see Jessica.
躺在那里 全天都能看到
Lying there, any time of the day or night.
没办法 他就是这么偏执 不愿放手
It just became obsessive, just didn’t wanna let her go.
最终我们叫来兽医 给她打了针
And in the end, we called the vet, and they gave her the shot
几周前就应该打的 让她安息
She should have had weeks before, put her to sleep.
Everything was a tragedy for him.
如果一只狗快死了 那世界上除了这只狗就啥也不剩了
If a dog was dying, there was nothing else except this dying dog.
我是理解的 但是工作没有任何进度 我得尽量自己继续
And I understand it. Nothing got done. I had to keep with the work.
这样他回来的时候 至少我能说 这是我们目前的进度
So that when he came back to it, I could say, “this is where we are”.
利昂对电影事业很着迷 好奇心强 而且靠谱
Leon is fascinated, and he’s curious, and he’s there.
Someone who’s a Shakespearean-trained actor,
你跟他解释三点打光 他马上就能听懂
Someone that you can explain three-point lighting to and they’d get it.
然后你跟他说洗胶片和实验室的事 他也都记得
Then you find someone that you can tell them about baths and labs, and they remember.
加一起不就是个活金矿吗 而且他对你如此迷恋
And you’ve struck gold. And that person is so enamored with you,
And they don’t wanna leave your existence.
That sort of thing is irreplaceable.
And if Leon had really ever seriously try to make a break, you know, for the hills,
I think he would’ve been prevented from doing it.
有一天他走进我办公室 说”利昂 我刚想到个事”
He came into my office and he said, “Leon, I just had a thought.”
“You’re not gonna go and work for Warner Brothers are you?”
我当时穿着件军用夹克 头发看上去一周没梳洗了
I was wearing a Marine jacket, my hair hadn’t looked as if it’d been combed in a week.
我就说 斯坦利 我看上去像坐班的人吗?
I just said, “Stanley, do I look corporate?”
他就笑了笑 然后又出去了
He kind of smiled, and then laughed, and then he kinda walked out.
And then there was never any discussion
我离开啊 他把我换掉啊 都没有
about me leaving or him getting rid of me again
有些人会跟斯坦利说 他们真的会这么说
When somebody would say to Stanley, and they would,
“只要能为你工作我右手都可以不要” 他会微笑听着
“I’d give my right arm to work for you.” He would kind of smile.
我其实觉得 他内心是在想
Because I actually think, you know, he thought:
你这也太没诚意了吧 只给个右手而已?
“Well why are you low-balling me, what, just the right arm?”
左手呢 双腿呢 躯干和心脏 所有所有呢?
“How about the left one? And the legs? And the body and the heart? And everything?”
你如果跟他说 我很投入的 你最好是真心说这话
If you said to him, “I commit myself”, you just better make sure you mean it.
不然的话 何必呢
Otherwise, why would you bother?
Cuz you’ll betray yourself anyway in the end
if you’re not going to give everything you’ve got.
投身事业 因为他就是这么做的 他把自己的全部
To what it is you’re doing, because he did, he gave everything he got,
都投入到他的事业里了 这就是最重要的一点
To what he was doing, and that’s the most important thing.
这就是我见识到 我理解到 让我响应的一点
And that’s what I saw, that’s what I understood, and that’s what I reacted to.
亲友们理解你吗 -我觉得不理解吧
Friends, family, etc., everybody understood that? -I don’t think so.
为什么? -因为斯坦利算是 把我吞没了
And why is that? -Because Stanley kind of ate you up.
电影行业是个奇怪的世界 而库布里克的小世界比大多数都更古怪
You’re in this strange world, and probably Stanley Kubrick’s world was stranger than most.
He was obviously someone who was so steeped in the day to day minutiae of his own films.
什么都想做 而很大一部分工作都交给利昂了
He wanted to do everything, and a lot of that work got deferred to Leon.
利昂成了他的四肢 我觉得这大大降低了他的生活质量
And Leon really became his arms and legs, and I think it probably took quite a serious toll.
He would not admit it.
不会亲口这样说 但我会说
He probably wouldn’t say it out loud, I will though.
Leon surrendered a great deal of his family life to the cause.
他需要那份工作养家吗 当然不了 他完全可以继续当一个出色的演员
Did he need the job? No, he could worked on, continue working, as I said, as a very good actor.
斯坦利总是说 你要么在乎 要么不在乎
Stanley said, “You either care or you don’t care”.
There’s no gray area in between.
他心目中的在乎 就意味着竭尽所能贡献你的时间
So caring meant giving as much of your time as you have,
直到你彻底累垮 没法继续了
Until you quite literally were too tired to go on.
How was Stanley with you guys?
斯坦利吗? -对
Stanley? -Yeah.
他啊 他很好的
He was, em, he was lovely.
He was always very sweet to me and Max.
我一直都觉得他挺有魅力的 大概是因为我不为他工作吧
I always found him very rather charming, probably because I didn’t work for him.
如果他们那天工作顺利 那我也会有快乐的一天
If they had a good day, then it became a good day for me.
如果斯坦利那天不顺 那利昂也就会不顺
If it was a bad day for Stanley, it became a bad day for Leon,
and that would be a bad day for me.
Of course I see a person who demanded a lot from Leon,
And made life tricky for Leon to maybe balance.
总是在工作工作工作 不停工作 没有休息
He’d be working working working, and constantly working, not a break.
工作占据了他的全部时间 所以我和薇拉就玩自己的
And that would take all his time, so me and Vera would do other things.
他总是要么打电♥话♥ 要么在复印机旁边
He would just be on the phone, or by the copy machine,
没个停 一直抽烟
nonstop nonstop nonstop, and smoking.
手里一支烟 旁边一杯茶 完全专注于工作
A cigarette and a cup of tea. And just be totally in the work.
有点卡夫卡式的噩梦压♥迫♥感 总是有成堆的做不完的事
It was kind of Kafkaesque I guess. Always piles of stuff to do that would never go away.
成堆的电影胶片要检查 给影碟店的货架布置啊
Piles of film reels footage to check, all these stands for the video stores and all that.
外语配音 翻译 字幕 成堆的海报也要检查色调
Dubbings, translations, and subtitles. Piles of posters to check, take color temperature of,
或者一大堆录像带 什么匈牙利语配音啊 老天
Or piles of VHS to check, Hungarian dubbing or whatever… Oof.
I get exhausted just thinking about those things actually.
In a professional way, Leon never relaxed.
I know there were periods where he would stay dressed and sleep on the doormat.
这样就可以稍微睡两个小时 起来继续工作
So he could wake up two hours later and go back to work.
从来不让自己睡舒服 免得睡过头
Never been comfortable cuz then you might oversleep.
When you’re working for somebody who’s such a perfectionist,
You just keep going, and going, and going.
I think until you literally fall over.
And I think there’s been times when it’s got to a point where Leon has literally fallen over.
因为他觉得那个事业大于他个人 所以他一直继续
Because he felt it’s bigger than him, so he’ll keep going until he achieves
Something close to impossibly beautiful or perfect.
It’s something that just keeps driving you on,
简直像一种毒品 你必须要不断得到它
That you need to have it again, it’s almost like a drug.
Nothing mattered to him as much as the work he’s been doing.
Because that’s overshadowed everything.
It’d be hard to have a single discussion I think,
尝试跟他交流吧 他的心思总是在别的地方
Try to communicate with someone who is still somewhere else in his mind.
我记得小时候会嫉妒 他总是有那么多精力放在别的人身上
I remember feeling jealous, that he always had the energy for other people.
一个小孩子看到他这样 我是没办法理解的
Being a kid and seeing that… I don’t, I don’t get that.
没有人会24小时工作 能做到或者愿意那样
No one works 24 hours a day, but if anybody could or would,
Leon’s job pretty much encompassed that,
and he was certainly on tap 7 days a week.
There was one day I remember,
when Stanley decided we were gonna change The Full Metal Jacket campaign,
and Leon had to go through frame by frame
Of 35mm film to pull the right frame
that just reflected the nuance that Stanley was looking for.
那一天利昂身体上承受着巨大的痛苦 他牙齿里有个脓包
And on that day, Leon was in absolute pain, he had an abscess in his tooth.
And he was taking a swig out of a bottle of whiskey,
To, hoping that the whiskey was going to sort of kill the pain.
利昂知识渊博 不仅是电影制♥作♥方面 而且文学方面也是
Leon had a lot of knowledge, not only about filmmaking, but also about literature and everything.
