Lights up! Beginners, please!
灯光! 开场人员准备!
Your fiveminute call, sir. Places.
还有五分钟结束准备! 就位
Places. Everyone to their places.
就位! 大家各就各位!
Quiet everyone.
嘘! 安静一下!
Opening nights? I love opening nights.
首场公演? 我爱首场公演!
How are you? Good to see you. Good evening, Charles.
你好吗? 很高兴见到你 晚安 查尔斯
Sir Herbert, how are you? This is my wife.
贺伯先生 你好吗? 这是我太太
Oh, Lady Herbert. How do you do?
贺伯太太 你好吗?
May I give you a peck?
One of Mr Barrie’s finest?
Oh, that genius Scotsman has done it again.
It’s the best thing I’ve produced in 25 years.
I already have investors interested back home in New York.
See you on Broadway!
First positions, people.
各就各位 大家
Standing by, please, ladies and gentlemen.
到舞台就位了 女士们 先生们
If you could take your opening positions, please.
Beginners, please take your opening positions.
开场人员们 请到你们的开场位置就位
Audience are coming in. Standing by.
观众们已经入席了 准备好
Good audience. Sorry?
上座率非常高 抱歉你说什么?
Good audience tonight.
OK. That’s great, thank you. How much longer?
好…很好 谢谢 还有多久正式演出?
Um, ten minutes, sir.
恩…10分钟左右 先生
I love opening nights.
I want to dance with your wife at the after-party.
我真想邀请您的夫人 在公演后的舞会上跳支舞
Oh, my goodness. Good evening, Mr Frohman.
我的天啊! 晚上好 弗罗曼先生!
How are you, John? Very well.
你好吗 约翰? 承蒙关心 非常好!
It’s the best thing that I’ve produced in 25 years.
Hello, George. How are you? Healthy and wealthy, I see.
乔治! 最近过的怎么样? 老样子 有钱有闲
You’ve rearranged a holiday for me and I won’t forget it.
你推迟假期给我捧场 我真是受宠若惊
For you, Charles, anything. You won’t regret it.
为你啥都愿意 保证不会让你失望
I’m sure.
Have you got the tickets? They’re in my pocket.
公演的票带了吗? 在我的口袋里呢
There’s Mrs Barrie. Oh, Mr and Mrs Snow.
贝瑞夫人! 斯♥诺♥先生和太太
We were so hoping to speak with your husband before the show.
真希望在公演前 能有幸和您丈夫说上两句
Have you seen him? I’m not sure where he is, actually.
您知道他在哪吗 其实我并不太清楚他在哪
We do miss seeing you on stage. You were so wonderful.
我们非常怀念您过去的演出 演的太棒了
Yes, well, it’s been some time now. Are you right to find your seat?
谢谢 不过都是过去的事了 你们能找到座位吗
Oh, yes, yes.
See you at the party, then.
Excuse me. Could you find Mr Barrie
对不起 您能否去找一下贝瑞先生
and remind him that they’re doing his play this evening.
Yes, ma’am. Thank you.
好的 太太 谢谢
Let’s close the doors.
Really, I mustn’t inconvenience you in this way.
说真的 我在这一定打搅您了
I can wait quite well in the shop.
‘Tis no inconvenience. The shop is chilly. And there is a fire here.
请不必放在心上 店里好冷 这有火取暖
Really, you are uncommonly good.
Sorry, sir.
打扰一下 先生
Mrs Barrie wanted me to remind you that the play’s begun.
贝瑞太太希望我转告您 表演已经开始了
Though I imagine you know that. They hate it.
不过我想您已经知道了 他们不喜欢它
Sir? It’s like a dentist’s office out there. Why?
您说什么 他们的表情就像是看牙医一样痛苦 为啥
I wouldn’t say they hate it, sir. What do you think? Do you like it?
我不认为他们讨厌它 你怎么看? 你喜欢这出戏吗
I’ve just been hired here, sir. Yes or no? I’m not bothered.
我才来这工作没多久 喜欢还是不喜欢 说实话
I’m not really qualified to…Do you like it? Is it crap?
我想我还没资格… 你喜欢它吗 它是不是糟透了
Crap, sir? Go on, say it. Just say it.
糟透了? 先生 来吧 说出你的感受
It’s shite, isn’t it? Go on. Say it.
简直是垃圾 对吗? 来吧 说出来
Don’t know if I’m…”It’s bull’s pizzle, Mr Barrie.” Go on, say it.
我不知是否应该…跟我说”简直乏味极了 贝瑞先生”
It’s bull’s pizzle, Mr Barrie. I knew it.
简直乏味极了 贝瑞先生 我就知道
No, I haven’t even seen it. I knew it. Thank you.
不 我是按照您的要求才这么说的 我明白 谢谢
Thank you very much.
Might I knock a tune, milord, for a moment?
大人 我能有幸为你奏一支曲子吗?
I’m an old man…
and I’ve seen few of the sights.
Absolute rubbish from start to finish.
Yes, I found it fearfully dull.
完全正确 极度乏味
Say goodbye to your investment, old boy.
和你的投资说再见吧 老朋友
Good to see you. My apologies.
请接受的歉意 还是很高兴您能来
We’ll get them with the next one, Charles, I promise.
我保证下出戏我们会赚回来的 查尔斯
Of course we will, James. I know you put a lot into this one.
当然 詹姆斯 我知道这次你花了一大笔钱
A fortune, James, but I am fortunate because I can afford to lose a fortune.
确实数目不小 幸运的是我还负担得起
Can you? No, I can’t. How are you?
真得? 开玩笑的! 你好吗?
Arthur. James.
亚瑟 詹姆斯
You were sorely missed at the last club meeting.
Was I?
We were beginning to wonder which is your hobby, writing or cricket.
我们都开始怀疑到底你爱哪样多一些 写作还是板球?
You wanted to speak with Mr Barrie, didn’t you?
Oh yes, but we shouldn’t interrupt them, should we?
非常愿意 但我们不应该打断他们 对吗?
I don’t see why not.
If you ask me, the problem lies in our batting order.
如果你问的意见的话 我想问题出在我们的击球顺序上
James. Hello, darling.
詹姆斯 亲爱的!
You remember Mr and Mrs Snow, don’t you?
Mrs Snow. Mr Barrie.
斯♥诺♥太太 贝瑞先生
Mr Snow.
The Snows have been waiting to meet with you all evening.
Oh, yes. Is that right?
是的 是真的吗?
Your play this evening, it was remarkable, wasn’t it?
您今晚的戏实在是太棒了 不是吗?
Was it?
Well, thank you. That’s very kind of you. I’m glad you liked it.
谢谢 我很高兴你们喜欢它
How did you feel it went?
I think I can do better. Really?
我想有些细节不尽人意 真的?
Mary? Hello? Yes, James?
玛丽? 怎么了 詹姆斯?
I’m headed off for the park if you’d like to join me. It’s a beautiful morning.
我想去公园散步 你要一起去吗 天气很不错
You’ll be working, won’t you?
你准备去那写作 不是吗?
Perhaps, yes.
I’ll let you to your work then.
Morning, Mr Barrie. Morning, Emma.
早上好 贝瑞先生 早上好 爱玛
Have a good day, sir. And you.
祝您今天好运 先生 您也是
That’s it. Go on, boy. Go get it, boy.
就是这样 追上去 去捡起来 好的
That’s right. Good boy. Grab it. Good.
就是这样 就这样 捡起来
Who do you belong to? Come on, boy. Come on.
你的主人是谁? 过来 乖孩子 到这来
Excuse me, sir, you’re standing on my sleeve.
抱歉打扰你 先生 但您睬到我的袖子了
Am I? So sorry.
是吗? 对不起
I might point out you’re lying under my bench.
但我必须告诉你 你可是躺在我的长凳下
I have to, I’m afraid.
我不得不这样做 因为我很害怕
I’ve been put in a dungeon by the evil Prince George.
I’m sorry if it bothers you.
Well, if you’re trapped in the dungeon,
there isn’t much to be done now, is there?
Perhaps I could slide a key to you through the bars.
I wouldn’t risk it, sir.
The evil Prince George has tortured many men.
I’m sorry. Is he bothering you, sir?
对不起 他打扰您了吗? 先生
My brother can be an extremely irritating sort of person.
Aha, Prince George, I gather.
I understand you are the horrible tyrant who imprisoned this unfortunate wretch.
你就是这个 把这不幸的人投入地牢的暴君吧
I’m not horrible really, but a firm ruler, yes. Kind and tolerant.
并没那么可怕 我是个沉稳仁慈好心肠的人
And what precisely is…What did you say your name was?
Michael. What precisely is Michael’s crime?
麦克 麦克到底犯了什么罪呢?
He’s my younger brother. Ah.
因为他是我弟弟 啊…
Fair enough. Sorry, lad. Cannot free you. That’s all right.
原来如此 抱歉 年轻人 不能放你出去 没事
Do you mind us playing with your dog? No. Go on.
您介意我们和您的狗玩一会吗 当然不 去吧
This is Jack, second in line to the throne and that one’s Michael. He’s only five.
这是杰克 排行第二 那是麦克 他才五岁
And I’m in prison for it.
I’m so sorry. Are my boys bothering you? We’re not bothering him, Mum.
抱歉 我的孩子有没打扰到您 我们没打扰他
Michael, darling, come out from under there.
麦克 亲爱的 快从那下面出来
I can’t. I’m in prison.
那怎么行 我是一个囚犯
Oh, I see.
喔 我明白了…
JM Barrie. Pleased to meet you.
詹姆斯 贝瑞 很高兴认识你
JM Barrie, the author? A pleasure. Sylvia Llewelyn Davies.
那个作家詹姆斯? 我的荣幸 西维亚·戴维斯
