

《一条名叫旺达的鱼》虽然是英美合拍,但是毕竟是大名鼎鼎的Monty Python(下期讲讲这个现象级的文化icon)的John Cleese写的,也是一部经典的充满英式幽默元素的喜剧。这部片子是我童年记忆,时隔二三十年再看,即使完全知道下面的情节,也还是忍不住被逗得哈哈大笑,真的是太经典,太有趣,太让人放松了。

如今不知道有多少小朋友听说过这部片子抑或是女主角Jamie Lee Curtis。如果看过施瓦辛格的经典动作片《真实的谎言》,你一定会对施瓦辛格片中的妻子一角印象深刻。其实在旺达这部片子里,Curtis正处于巅峰时代。女喜剧演员很不容易,好的女喜剧演员非常难得。Curtis就是那种既有万种风情,又有俏皮风趣、聪明机智的性格演员。本片中,Curtis的表演简直令人叫绝,眼神里蕴藏了无限的小心机,又收放自如,完全没有美国喜剧片常见的使劲儿搞笑的用力过度。

以下选自维基百科对本部影片的介绍。我把一些重点词语和表达highlight出来,大家可以学习一下一些电影相关的一些表达,酱紫和老外聊天聊起电影,你就知道如何评论得像个地道的native speaker啦(当然这两段比较正式,以后我们会继续同时介绍正式英语和口语化英语)。

A Fish Called Wanda is a 1988 heist comedy film directed by Charles Crichton and written by John Cleese. It stars Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline and Michael Palin as a gang of diamond thieves who double-cross one another to find stolen diamonds hidden by the gang leader. A barrister (Cleese) becomes a central figure as femme fatale Wanda (Curtis) uses him to locate the loot. It was Crichton’s last film.

This British-American film was released to positive reviews and was nominated for three Academy Awards including Best Director and Best Original Screenplay, winning Best Supporting Actor for Kline. Cleese and Palin won BAFTA Awards for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor for their performances while Curtis was nominated for Best Actress. A spiritual sequel, Fierce Creatures, was released in 1997. The British Film Institute ranked A Fish Called Wanda the 39th-greatest British film of the 20th century.

Heist:a robbery. 这种抢劫案件的类型片很常见。本剧是heist comedy,抢劫案喜剧片。


Double-cross: deceive or betray (a person with whom one is supposedly cooperating). 本片全都是讲double-corssing。哈哈。


Femmefatale: an attractive and seductive woman, especially one who will ultimately bring disaster to a man who becomes involved with her. 瞧瞧,这不就是咱说的红颜祸水嘛?


A femme fatale (/ˌfæm fəˈtɑːl/ or /ˌfɛm fəˈtɑːl/;French: [fam fatal]), sometimes called a maneater or vamp, is a stock character of a mysterious, beautiful, and seductive woman whose charms ensnare herlovers, often leading them into compromising, deadly traps. She is an archetype of literature and art. Her ability to enchant, entice and hypnotize her victim with a spell was in the earliest stories seen as being literally supernatural; hence, the femme fatale today is still often described as having a power akin to an enchantress, seductress, witch, having power over men.


Loot: goods, especially private property, taken from an enemy in war. 这个词这里是名词,赃物,也经常用作动词,looting,一有暴动就有打砸抢啊,就是用这个looting。

wasreleased to positive reviews: 如果不看人家地道的表达,让你来翻译“电影上映后大受好评”会怎么说呢?大概率没有如此简洁。

For: 细节不可忽视啊。很多人写东西一看就是外国人就是因为这些细微的介词用错。

Spiritual sequel: sequel就是续集啦,可是spiritual sequel是神马意思?Aspiritual successor, sometimes called a spiritual sequel, is a successor to awork of fiction which does not build upon the storyline established by a previous work as do most traditional prequels or sequels, yet features many ofthe same elements, themes, characters or styles as its source material, thereby resulting in it being related or similar “in spirit” to its predecessor. 精神续集,通常是指一个作品,并没有继承其早前作品的故事线和名称,但依旧有非常多的细节、元素、主题、素材等内容,被继承了下来,而成为了一个新的作品。



Wanda Gerschwitz: Let me correct you on a couple of things,okay? Aristotle was not Belgian. The central message of Buddhism is not everyman for himself.

Otto West: You read…

Wanda Gerschwitz: The London Underground is not a political movement. Those aremistakes. I Iooked ’em up.

片中的Otto是个整天捧着尼采的书,自己以为自己很聪明,其实智商不够线的家伙。所以有一天旺达终于忍无可忍,爆发出来不客气地纠正了他。大家如果不知道的话,也去查一下(lookit up) The London Underground是什么东东。

Otto West: Don’t call me stupid.

Wanda Gerschwitz: Right because calling you stupid would bean insult to stupid people!


Wanda Gerschwitz: You think you’re an intellectual don’t you ape?

Otto West: Apes don’t read philosophy!

Wanda Gerschwitz: Yes they do, they just don’t understand it!


Archie Leach: I Wendy- I Wanda- I wonder…


Ken: Otto t-t-tried to k-k-kiss me.

Wanda Gerschwitz: I thought he might.


Otto West: I love watching your ass when you walk. Is that beautiful or what? Don’t go near him, he’s mine.

