flirt 英 [flɜːt] 美 [flɜːrt]



  • Elsewhere too, higher oil prices and a stronger dollar nudged prices up, though Japan still flirts with deflation.
  • The well-made-up women gleefully throw wads of cash into the air and flirt viciously with their viewers.


[verb] behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions
[动词] 表现得好像被人所吸引或者试图吸引某人,但只是出于消遣目的,而非真情实意


Flirt 这个单词想必对不少小伙伴来说都不算陌生,其常见含义为“调情”,强调以消遣玩乐为目的,而非意在建立正式严肃的恋爱关系,常用搭配 flirt with sb ,比如:

  • 说到调情,相对于直接露骨,他更喜欢较为端庄或含蓄的方式。
    When it comes to flirting he prefers a more demure or reserved approach to one that is overt.
  • 那恬不知耻的女人几乎在跟房间里的每一个男人调情。
    That brazen woman was flirting with just about every man in the room.

用作名词时, flirt 自然表示“调情者、卖俏者”,多指喜欢与多人调情的“调情老手”,比如:

  • 她是个打情骂俏的老手。她这略有受损的公众形象已没办法挽回。
    She’s a real flirt. There is no way to salvage her somewhat tarnished public image.

而与 flirt with sb 相对应的 flirt with sth 则相应表示“不认真地考虑或对待某事、对……暂时感兴趣”或者说“玩儿似地想做某事”,比如:

  • 那个低声下气的女孩总是喋喋不休地抱怨别人对她多么不好,脑子里一直浮现着辞职的念头。
    The abject girl’s always bleating about how badly she’s been treated, and she’s been flirting with the idea of leaving her job.
  • 她年纪更小一些时曾闹着玩似地想过当迎宾员。
    She flirted with the idea of becoming an usher when she was younger.

俗话说“玩火者必自焚”,无论是到处调情还是玩儿似地想做这做那,往严重了说 flirt with sth 就是“故意冒(险)、不顾危险后果”,强调故意使自己暴露在危险或困难之下,比如:

  • 和许多年轻人一样,他也喜欢冒险。结果,他在一起摩托车事故中多处骨折并且重度伤残。
    Like a lot of young men, he flirted with danger. In consequence, he suffered multiple fractures and got seriously crippled in a motorcycle accident.


Besides they say if the flower withers she wears she’s a flirt.

出自爱尔兰现代主义作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)于1922年出版的长篇小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。《尤利西斯》作为意识流小说的代表作,被誉为20世纪百大英文小说之首,并被奉为20世纪最伟大的小说。


flirt” 通常用来表示调情、调戏等意思。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. flirt shamelessly – 无所顾忌地调情
  2. Playful flirt – 调情的人
  3. flirt subtly – 微妙地调情
  4. flirtatious behavior – 调情的行为
  5. flirt with danger – 与危险玩弄
  6. flirt outrageously – 大胆地调情
  7. flirt with disaster – 与灾难勾搭
  8. flirt and tease – 调情和逗弄
  9. flirt shamelessly with someone – 与某人无所顾忌地调情
  10. flirt playfully with others – 与他人玩笑地调情
  11. flirt casually – 随意地调情
  12. flirt with the idea – 与想法调情
  13. flirt harmlessly – 无害地调情
  14. flirt outrageously with someone – 与某人大胆地调情
  15. flirt and charm – 调情和迷人
  16. flirt with temptation – 与诱惑调情
  17. flirt with the line between friendship and romance – 在友谊和浪漫之间调情
  18. flirtatious gestures – 调情的姿态
  19. flirt with disaster without caution – 不加注意地与灾难玩弄
  20. flirt and have fun – 调情并享乐
  21. flirt openly – 公开地调情
  22. flirt with someone you like – 与你喜欢的人调情
  23. flirt with the boundaries – 与界限调情
  24. flirt harmlessly with strangers – 无害地与陌生人调情
  25. flirt with the possibility – 与可能性调情
  26. flirt and be lighthearted – 调情并轻松愉快
  27. flirt with charm and wit – 以魅力和机智调情
  28. flirt with finesse – 以技巧调情
  29. flirt and enjoy the moment – 调情并享受时刻
  30. flirt and tease with a twinkle in your eye – 调情和逗弄,眼神闪烁
  31. flirt with someone you just met – 与刚认识的人调情
  32. flirt with the boundaries of propriety – 与适当性的界限调情
  33. flirt and make connections – 调情并建立联系
  34. flirt casually with acquaintances – 随意地与熟人调情
  35. flirt with a touch of mischief – 带有点调皮的调情
  36. flirt and show interest – 调情并显示兴趣
  37. flirt without any ulterior motive – 无任何别有用心地调情
  38. flirt with humor – 以幽默调情
  39. flirt and enjoy the interaction – 调情并享受互动
  40. flirt with the line between flattery and sincerity – 在奉承和真诚之间调情
  41. flirt with grace – 以优雅调情
  42. flirt with a hint of mystery – 带有点神秘感的调情
  43. flirt and spark curiosity – 调情并引起好奇心
  44. flirt with a sense of adventure – 以冒险精神调情
  45. flirt with confidence – 自信地调情
  46. flirt and create connections – 调情并建立联系
  47. flirt with a sense of fun – 带有乐趣的调情
  48. flirt and engage in witty banter – 调情并进行机智的调侃
  49. flirt with authenticity – 以真实性调情
  50. flirt and enjoy the art of conversation – 调情并享受交流的艺术


  • tease: tempt (someone) sexually with no intention of satisfying the desire aroused
  • court: be involved with romantically, typically with the intention of marrying
  • philander: (of a man) readily or frequently enter into casual sexual relationships with women
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
