♪我要挣脱束缚 无拘无束♪
♪Now I gotta cut loose, footloose♪
歌♥曲: Footloose
歌♥手: Kenny Loggins
♪Kick off your Sunday shoes♪
♪拜托 露易♪
♪Please, Louise♪
♪Pull me off of my knees♪
♪杰克 回来♪
♪Jack, get back♪
♪C’mon before we crack♪
♪Lose your blues♪
♪Everybody cut footloose♪
♪You’re playin’ so cool♪
♪Obeying every rule♪
♪Dig way down in your heart♪
♪炙热难耐 渴望挣脱♪
♪You’re burning, yearning for some♪
♪Somebody to tell you♪
♪That life ain’t passing you by♪
♪I’m trying to tell you♪
♪若你不努力尝试 它就会悄然流逝♪
♪It will if you don’t even try♪
♪挣脱束缚才能飞向远方 自♥由♥自在♪
♪You can fly if you’d only cut loose, footloose♪
♪Kick off your Sunday shoes♪
♪噢喂 玛丽♪
♪Oowhee, Marie♪
♪Shake it, shake it for me♪
♪哇哦 麦洛♪
♪Whoa, Milo♪
♪C’mon, c’mon let go♪
♪Lose your blues♪
♪Everybody cut footloose♪
♪You got to turn it around♪
♪And put your feet on the ground♪
♪Now take ahold of your soul♪
♪我要奔向自♥由♥ 无拘无束♪
♪I’m turning it loose, footloose♪
And he is testing us.
每一天 主都在考验我们
Every, every day, our Lord is testing us.
If he wasn’t testing us…
牧师 肖·摩尔
how would you account…
我们的社会现状 是如此糟糕败坏
for the sorry state of our society…
for the crimes…
that plague the big cities of this country…
而祂完全可以轻轻一挥 就能扫走
when he could sweep this pestilence from the face of the earth…
with one mighty gesture of his hand?
If our Lord wasn’t testing us,
那你如何解释 如今涌现出的
how would you account for the proliferation these days…
of this obscene rock and roll music…
with its gospel of easy sexuality…
and relaxed morality?
If our Lord wasn’t testing us,
why, he could take all these pornographic books and albums…
and turn them into one big fiery cinder like that!
But how would that make us stronger for him?
总有一天 主会来到我身边
One of these days, my Lord is going to come to me…
and ask me for an explanation…
for the lives of each and every one of you.
等到那天 我又该如何向祂解释
What am I going to tell him on that day?
说我分身乏术 疲于应对吗
That I was busy? That I was tired?
That I was bored?
不 我绝不会松懈
No! I can never let up!
I welcome his test.
I welcome this challenge from my Lord…
这样总有一天 我就能把你们交到祂手中
so that one day I can deliver all of you unto his hands.
And when that day dawns…
I don’t want to have to do any explaining!
我不想缺席 你们的人生
I don’t want to be missing… from your lives!
全体颂唱 赞美主
Praise the Lord in singing…
hymn number 397…
“What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”
♪What a friend we have in Jesus♪
♪All our sins and griefs to bear♪
-我会的 祝你们一周愉快 -再见
– I will. I will You have a good week now. – We’ll see.
拜拜 埃洛利
Bye-bye, Elroy.
Mrs. McCormack,
你妹妹说你要来 我们满心激动
your sister has us so excited about you coming.
-谢谢 -你见过我妻子了吗 她叫小维
– Thank you. – Did you meet my wife, Vi?
-没有 你好 -很高兴认识你
– No. How do you do? – How nice to meet you.
这是我儿子 伦
This is my son, Ren.
-你好 伦 -你好
– Hello, Ren. – Hi.
-爸 -失陪一下
– Dad! – Would you excuse me?
阿丽尔 来认识一下麦克考马科母子
Oh, Ariel, will you come and meet the McCormacks?
The stunning new gentleman.
这是麦克考马科太太和他的儿子 是叫伦吧
This is Mrs. McCormack and her son. Is it Ren?

Ren’s going to be new at the high school tomorrow.
-你好 -你好
– Hi. – Hi.
爸爸 埃德娜 温迪·乔 拉斯蒂和我
Daddy, Me, Edna, Wendy Jo, and Rusty
打算去嗨点餐厅喝杯饮料 可以吗
are going down for a soda at the Hi-Spot. Okay?
-再见 -阿丽尔 别忘了你明天还要上学
– See you. – Ariel, remember you have school tomorrow.
I’ll be home for supper.
天呐 他可真帅
God, is he excellent!
什么 新来的那个吗 他也就还好吧
What, the new kid? He’s all right.
你瞎了吗 他帅呆了
What are you, blind? He is gorgeous!
话说 你去新学校看过了吗
So, have you seen the new high school?
没 还没有
No, I haven’t.
我的天 我差点忘了说
Oh my god, I almost forgot.
Cindy Addis had her baby.
-什么 -等等 等等 你刚说什么
– What? – Wait, wait, wait. What was it?
-谁告诉你的 -谁告诉你的
– Who told you? – Who told you?
Yesterday my mother spoke to her mother.
Is she coming back for graduation?
I don’t feel a bit sorry for her.
邮寄服务是买♥♥不到避孕子♥宫♥帽的 我说真的
You can’t buy a diaphragm through the mail. I’m serious.
Well, did she decide who the father was?
这还用问 当然是杜维恩·卡普斯
There’s no question. It was Duane Capps.
等等 我一直在和杜维恩·卡普斯交往
Wait a minute! I’ve been going with Duane Capps.
He’d never have the time.
那也用不了多久吧 温迪·乔
How long does it take, Wendy Jo?
女士们先生们 在我们后方的
Ladies and gentlemen, moving up behind us…
是那辆颠簸到会让人作呕的车 该死的
you’ll notice the incredible Barf-mobile. Crap!
Come on!
嗨 姑娘们 跟我走吗
Hi, girls. Goin’ my way?
You lonely tonight?
你想比谁开得快 放马过来
You want a race, you got a race!
什么 就凭你这破车
What, that piece of junk?
-加速 -我在加速了
– Step on it! – I am steppin’ on it!
来啊 来啊 没那个胆子是吧
Come on! Come on, no guts, huh?
-你可在我们后头呢 老兄 -拿好 拉斯蒂
– In the back of us, buddy! – Take this, Rusty.
-快点 -胆小鬼
– Come on! – You chicken!
-接住 -来啊 我一个人对付你们全部
– Hey, catch! – Come on, I’ll take you all on, girls.
过来 过来点 查克
Come on! Come on, Chuck!
-阿丽尔 你在干什么 -过来
– Ariel, what are you doing? – Come on!
埃德娜 慢点 拜托了
Edna, slow down, okay? Please.
-扔过来 亲爱的 扔 -准备好了吗
– Throw it, honey. Throw it. – Are you ready?
阿丽尔 别闹了
Ariel, stop it!
来 我开近一点
Come on. I’ll get closer.
来吧 你可以的 亲爱的 再加把劲
Come on, you can do it, honey! Keep coming!
阿丽尔 你能别这样了吗
Ariel, will you stop it? Now!
别逞能耐了 这不好笑 你会害死自己的
Stop showing off! It’s not funny! You’re gonna kill yourself!
查克 请小心一点
Chuck, please be careful!
祂在考验我们 祂在考验我们
He’s testing us! He’s testing us!
阿丽尔 当心 来了辆卡车
