-Oh, Frances. -It’s fine.
-本吉怎么样 -本吉觉得我是约会无能的人
-What about Benji? -Benji thinks I’m undateable.
It’s really funny when he does it.
You and I are both undateable.
男人们驾驭不了我们 我们最后都会是独身主义者的
Guys can’t handle us. We’re gonna end up spinsters.
You better break that to Patch.
男生要简单多了 女生都是被动地采取攻击
Boys are easier. Girls are passive-aggressive.
Boys are just like, “Clean up your shit.”
You’re still messy.
I’ve been busy.
不 我没有批评的意思 我觉得这是优点
No, it wasn’t a criticism. I meant it as a nice thing.
你会一直这么乱糟糟的 然后一直特别喜欢照镜子
You will always be messy, and you will always look at yourself too much in the mirror.
When did I look at myself in the mirror?
一直啊 你刚才还在照
Always. You just were doing it.
There are so many mirrors in this apartment.
I don’t want you to change.
我喜欢你把衣服丢得到处都是 还有照镜子 很可爱
I like your clothes everywhere and your mirror thing. It’s sweet.
-你也有缺点啊 -什么
-You have stuff too. -What?
You judge people who aren’t as moderate as you are.
-我没有 -就是有 而且你也不爱看书
-I do not. -You do, and you don’t read.
-嘿 贱♥人♥们 -本吉 你疯啦
-Hey, bitches! -Benji! You’re crazy!
-想看看我的房♥间吗 -当然
-Want to see my room? -Sure.
-嘿你们俩 这是琳赛 -嗨
-Hey, guys, this is Lindsay. -Hi.
I wish we had cookies.
I wish we had Chessmen.
-今晚的表演很棒 -你也是
-Good show tonight. -You too.
-你今晚很漂亮 -谢谢
-You were beautiful tonight. -Thank you.
-嘿 -嗨 抱歉
-Hey. -Hi. Sorry.
我真是太慢了 每次要离开一个地方我都很麻烦
I’m so slow. I have trouble leaving places.
You were great tonight.
弗兰西斯 我想现在就告诉你
Frances, I wanted to tell you…
so you would have some days to process it:
We won’t be able to use you in the Christmas show.
I’m really sorry.
我真的很抱歉 你也知道公♥司♥运营得不好
I’m really sorry. You know what bad shape the company’s in.
I know.
我们可以在二月演出结束之后 讨论下一步的计划
We can talk about next steps when we’re back in February.
-我被解雇了吗 -没有
-Am I fired? -No.
我只是 我挺喜欢你
I just-I like you…
我只想和你讨论讨论你的将来 确保那是你想要的
and I want to talk about the future and make sure it’s what you want.
-我想要继续留在公♥司♥ -我知道
-I want to be in the company. -I know.
Take your time.
我会的 都情不自禁了
I will. I can’t help it.
噢亲爱的 真高兴你来了
Oh, my love! I’m so glad you’re here!
你很棒 真的很棒
You were great. Really great.
-你能看见我吗 -我们坐在二层 能看到最后面的
-Could you see me? -We were in the risers, so we could see to the back.
-还有谁 -对不起 我刚才去厕所了
-Who? -Sorry. Had to take a leak.
-恭喜你 -谢谢
-Congratulations. -Thank you.
Shall we all go out for a quick drink?
A quick drink
-是啊 我们明天要早起 -明天是礼拜六啊
-Yeah, we have to get up early tomorrow. -Tomorrow’s Saturday.
我们要去赶飞机 去克隆群岛见我的父母
We have to catch a flight. We’re meeting my parents in the Galapagos.
我还没收拾行李呢 你知道我的
I haven’t packed yet. You know me.
-拖延症 -死板鬼
-Last-minute Mabel. -Ronald Rule-follower.
I want us to be family, you know?
我可以成为你们家庭的一员 你们觉得呢
I can be part of your family, don’t you think?
帕奇 我很爱你 我想要去爱你
Patch, I love you -I want to love you –
but I need you to get drunk.
-一切都还好吗 -真不错
-How are we doing? -Really good.
We’ll get a bottle of your most expensive vodka for the table…
and then all of the stuff that comes with it.
Very good.
-索菲 -嗯
-Sophie. -Yes?
-跟我来 -去哪 -厕所
-Come with me. -Where? -Bathroom.
真的吗 我们还在玩这个啊
Really? We’re still doing this?
帕奇 交给你啦 款爷
Patch, you got this, money-wise?

我刚才撒谎了 我才不爱帕奇
I was lying. I don’t love Patch.
-可是我爱他 -什么时候开始的事情啊
-I do love him. -Since when? When did this happen?
-现在就进行着啊 -都是狗屁 拜托
-It’s been happening. -That’s fucking bullshit. Come on!
你才是狗屁 你现在让我感觉很不舒服
No, you’re bullshit. And you’re making me feel really bad right now.
如果你爱他 我会去爱他的 但你不爱他
I want to love him if you love him, but you don’t love him.
I do.
索菲 我可是在你哭的时候抱着你的脑袋的人
Sophie, I fucking held your head while you cried.
我给你买♥♥你要的牛奶 我知道你的药片都藏在哪
I bought special milk for you. I know where you hide your pills.
别把我当成那种 一起吃早午餐聊天的”朋友”
Don’t treat me like a three-hour-brunch friend!
I’m not talking to you while you’re like this.
-我们得走了 -我走
-We have to go. -I’m going.
-你想的话我们可以留下啊 -快点 拿上你的东西
-We can stay if you want. -Come on, get your stuff.
我走 你们他妈的给我坐下
I’m going. You fucking sit down!
Enjoy the Galapagos.
我也要去度假了 长假
I’m also going on vacation. A long one.
我会设置好邮箱 它会自动回复我在度假
I’ll set up my e-mail so it sends out a vacation e-mail.
My voice mail will also say I’m on vacation…
所以你们听到的话不必担心 因为我去度假了
so if you get that, don’t worry -I’m on vacation.
我回来之后会试着再联♥系♥你们的 谢了
I’ll try to give you a call when I get back. Thanks, guys.
This was great.
-你在收拾房♥间啊 -我不是房♥间乱 我只是很忙
-You’re cleaning? -I’m not messy. I’m busy.
我从不铺床 一直都是索菲铺床
I don’t make the bed. Sophie always made the bed.
真高兴你回家了 我今晚过得糟透了
I’m so happy you’re home. I had such a shitty night.
噢 别太难过 孩子
Tsk. Oh, sorry, kid.
我今晚过得很不错 剧本写到第二幕了 第68页
I had a great night. I cracked the second act of my script. I’m on page 68.
噢 真不错 是周六夜现场的吗
Oh, that’s exciting. Is it for SNL?
不是 是我给《小精灵3》写的样品剧本
No, this is a sample script I’m writing for the third Gremlins.
-今晚的麻烦是关于男人的 -是索菲的
-Boy trouble tonight? -Sophie trouble.
-真是约会无能族 -而且我
-Undateable. -And I kind of-
I -I-l got temporarily fired.
我被炒了几百万次了 多酷啊
I’ve been fired a million times. Makes you cool.
是啊 但如果我不能参加圣诞演出的话
Yeah, but if I don’t have the Christmas show…
就 付不了房♥租了
I can’t… pay rent.
Do you have any tunes?
Wait right there.
It’s a jammer.
-很不错 -对吧
-It’s great. -I know.
我很喜欢 放到我的混音带里去吧
I love it. Put it on my mix.
Aren’t these headphones tits?
是新买♥♥的 过滤噪音方面非常强
I just got ’em. They’re super-duper noise-canceling…
so I don’t have to hear Lev fuck.
-噢不用了 -好吧
-Oh, no. -All right.
Lev and I were talking about getting a maid to come once a week.
-阿姨 -是啊 其实也不是很贵
-A maid? -Yeah, it’s not that expensive.
It’s like 400 bucks a month.
Do you know I’m actually poor?
You aren’t poor.
外面有很多真正的穷♥人♥ 你才不一样呢
There are poor people. You aren’t one of them.
你的存款如果跟我一样多 就会真正感到贫困了
You’d feel poor if you had as little money as I do.
但你才不穷 这话说得 对真正的穷♥人♥是很不敬的
But you’re not poor. That’s offensive to actual poor people.
是啊 大概如此吧
Yeah, I guess that’s true.
You want –
-听个特搞笑的说法 -说
-You want to hear something hilarious? -Yes.
Lev thinks we’re gonna end up married.
我太高了 没法结婚
I’m too tall to marry.
You are.
太搞笑了 他怎么会这么想
That’s so funny. Why does he think that?
我第一次见到你的时候 的确想跟你上♥床♥的
Well, I did want to sleep with you when I first met you.
但现在呢 -完全约会无能
But now -totally undateable.
我觉得我们也有点像已婚夫妻 聊聊天 不上♥床♥
I guess we are like a married couple in a way. We talk. We don’t have sex.
是啊 我们相处特别融洽
Yeah, we get along super well.
