Well, kid, we’ve gotta run.
-很高兴见到你 -噢 你也是 你真漂亮
-Nice meeting you. -Oh, you too. You’re very pretty.
-谢谢你 -回头见了 小怪胎
-Thank you. -See you around, weirdo.
嘿 艾比 是我 弗兰西斯 我刚到呢
Hey, Abby, it’s Frances. I just got in.
Uh, I’m going to this…
free apartment of this dude.
Right now I’m gonna get some sleep…
uh, but call me.
我明天全天都在的 很想见见你和保罗
I’ll be around all tomorrow. I’d love to see you and Paul.
噢 该死
Oh, shit.
嘿 艾比 又是我 弗兰西斯
Hey, Abby, ifs Frances again.
你们俩想见个面 吃晚餐吗 去哪都行
Do you guys want to meet for dinner? I can meet you anywhere.
I’ll be the girl with the acne holding more acne.
Are you open?
-不开 -好吧
-No. -Ok.
-喂 -弗兰西斯
-Hello? -Frances ?
索菲 噢天哪 嗨
Sophie! Oh, my God! Hi! Hi!
-嗨 -嗨
-Hi. -Hi.
我打电♥话♥来是想告诉你 我要和帕奇搬去日本了
I called you to tell you I’m moving to Japan with Patch.
是好事情吗 你开心吗
Is that good? Are you excited?
我知道我俩之间是怪怪的 但
I know things are weird between us, but…
we’re having a kind of going-away party tonight…
and I wanted to say you’re invited.

I’m –
-我去不了 -你没必要撒谎的
-I can’t. -You don’t have to lie.
我没撒谎 真没有
I’m not lying. I’m really not.
-能去日本真好啊 -真疯狂
-That’s awesome about Japan. -It’s crazy.
Last week Patch’s boss called Patch into his office…
对他说”去日本吧 贱♥人♥”
and was like, Japan, bitch?
I wish. I could come tonight
Me too.
We could get dinner next week.
为什么现在才说 我很想一起的
Why now? No, I want to…
but Patch’s grandfather is real sick…
我们都要去芝加哥 给他做特殊疗程
and we’re all going to Chicago for these special treatments.
Being sick when you’re rich is totally awesome.
They replace all his cells or something.
我们会经常回纽约的 只是常驻东京
We’ll be back to New York a lot. We’ll just be based in Tokyo.
You’ll learn Japanese.
我们可以视频聊天啊 21世纪了嘛
We can videochat. Twenty-first century. What up?
-我电脑没摄像头 -换个地方对人有好处
-My computer doesn’t have that. -New places are good for you.
-是啊 -你也该去旅旅游 弗兰
-Yeah. -You should travel, Fran.
正在呢 我会的
I am. I will.
I’m going to.
我真的为你高兴 我只是
I’m really happy for you. I just –
没什么 你知道吗 我真的为你高兴
No, you know What? I’m just really happy for you.
-我们会开个博客 -一起吗
-We’re gonna have a blog. -Together?
是啊 腻歪吧
Yeah. Barf.
会上传图片 写点日志什么的
We’ll upload pictures and stories and stuff.
I’m so sorry I missed your Christmas show.
-我当时大概还在生气 -我没
-I guess I was mad. -I didn’t –
I wasn’t so good anyway.
How’s all that going?
好 好极了
Good. Great.
我礼拜一要去见科琳 谈点事情
I’m meeting on Monday with Colleen to talk about stuff.
你终于要正式加入公♥司♥啦 真的
You’ll finally be in the company? For real?
是啊 不过大概以后要去巡演
Yeah. I’ll probably be touring, though.
真是太棒了 弗兰
That’s so great, Fran.
Yeah, it is.
Where are you living?
I heard you’re not with the boys anymore.
嘿 我们去日本的以后 你想来我们的公♥寓♥住吗
Hey, do you want to live in our apartment while we’re in Japan ?
不 我 不用
No, I-No.
I’m gonna have my own place real soon.
Maybe one day I’ll stay with you.
我该挂了 谢谢你打来
I should go. Thanks for calling.
我 我也该说对不起
I’m -I’m sor-I’m sorry too.
-接受你的道歉 -你也别太得意啊 -我没有
-Apology accepted. -Don’t be a dick about it. -I wasn’t.
-这个电♥话♥打得我可贵了 -为什么
-This phone call’s costing me a fortune. -Why?
开玩笑的 没有
Just kidding. It’s not.
嘿 艾比现在是不是在巴黎 你知道吗
Hey, Is Abby in Paris night now, do you know?
-应该吧 -好
-I think so. -Okay.
-你听上去真的很不错 弗兰西斯 -我的确是
-You sound really good, Frances. -I am.
I am really good.
谢谢你打来 我现在得说几句话
Thank you for calling. I’m going to say something now…
但我不想让你有回话的压力 所以我说完就挂咯
but I don’t want you to feel obligated to say anything back, so I’m gonna hang up right away.
我爱你 索菲 拜拜
I love you, Sophie. Bye.
你好 《穿靴子的猫》几点开始
Hello. When did Puss in Boots start?
嗨 弗兰西斯 亲爱的 我们才收到你的留言
Hi, Frances. Honey, we just got your messages.
I don’t know why they didn’t come through before.
我们在巴黎呢 很想见你
We’re here. We’d love to see you.
This is so wild.
你还记得杰拉德吗 尼古拉斯的哥哥
You remember Gerard, Nicolas’ brother?
The one who looks like Jean-Pierre L??aud?
他现在离婚了 正跟我们在一起呢
Well, he’s divorced now, and hes staying with us.
我真觉得你肯定会喜欢他的 今晚一起吃晚饭吧
I think you’d really like him. Come to dinner tonight.
他也会来 然后还有一个哲学家
He’ll be there, as well as a philosopher
and a painter couple who are really great.
噢 今次真是机会太好了
Oh! This is such good timing.
嘿 你来了 进来吧
Hey, you. Come on in.
-瑞秋说你去巴黎了 -是的
-Rachel said you were in Paris. -I was.
-这么快就回来了 -我们不是要见面吗
-Back so soon? -Well, we had this meeting.
我们可以改时间的 我是说 我自己差一点
We could’ve moved it. I mean, I almost canceled it…
myself this morning.
I woke up with this tickle in my throat.
那么 你愿意接替南希的职位吗
Listen, do you want to take over Nancy’s position?
-南希 办公室里的那个吗 -她怀孕了
-Nancy, who works in the office? -She 3 pregnant.
噢 不 我不想 是谁告诉你的
Oh. No, I don’t. Who told you that?
不 是我要问你的
No, I’m asking you.
I assumed you’re not keeping on with the company.
-你不会想一辈子做学徒的 -的确
-You don’t want to be an apprentice for life. -Nope.
你应该好好考虑 理清一下自己的事业
You should think about putting your own stuff together.
-怎么理清 -比如 你自己的作品
-Like how? -Like, your own work.
噢不用了 我大学毕业后就不再做了
Oh, no. I kind of gave that up after college.
而且 那也只是
Plus, that was basically like…
cheerleaders doing my choreography.
我一直很喜欢你做的东西 包括给孩子们的
I always liked the stuff you did, even for the kids.
You really should think about taking Nancy’s position.
虽然工资不高 但足够生活
It’s not a lot of money, but it’s enough to keep you going.
-我♥干♥嘛要做这个 -这是份不错的白天工
-Why would I do that? -It’s just a good day job…
while you figure out whether you want to choreograph.
-你说的倒轻而易举 -不 的确不容易
-You say it like it’s easy. -No, it’s not easy.
但如果你在这里上班 就可以用里面的排练厅
But if you work here, you can use the studio space.
我会另找工作的 我真的已经快要找到了
I’ll get something else. I’m really close to getting something.
A job?
是啊 跳舞的 我还是会继续跳舞 只是不在这了
Yeah. Dancing. I’m still gonna be a dancer. Just not here.
哇 那很好啊 真不错
Wow! Well, good for you. That’s great.
I know.
那就祝你好运了 弗兰西斯
Well, good luck to you, Frances.
嗯 也祝你好运
Yeah. Good luck to you too.
纽约州波基普西市 邮政信箱59968
-嗨 妈妈 -嗨亲爱的
-Hi Mom. -Hi honey.
-嗨妈妈 -汤姆 从另一边接起来
-H1i Mom. -Tom, pick up the other phone.
-学校怎样 -挺好
-How is it up there? -Good. Good.
I I’m dancing, kind of
我住到一幢以前没住过的宿舍 挺有意思的
I get to live in a dorm I didn’t live in, which is fun.
All the RAs live in dorms.
