不是客厅里那个 那个没电了
Not the one in the living room. The battery is dead.
-回学校感觉奇怪吗 -挺好的
-Is it strange to be back? -It’s nice.
It’s so empty in summer.
好怪啊 就好像我回大学了
It’s weird. It’s like I went back to college,
但大家都是跳舞的 没人再是符号♥学专业的了
but everyone was a dancer and not a semiotics major.
That must be fun for you, though.
And now I’m one of the adults.
-我一直在想自己会碰到索菲 -嗨 亲爱的
-I keep thinking I’m gonna run into Sophie. -Hi, honey.
I got a picture of Sophie
and Patch in the largest dog park in Japan.
-我挺喜欢的 -我收到他们在情♥色♥商场的照片
-I think I’d like that. -I got a picture of them at a porn mall.
-你的钱够吗 -够 其实
-Do you have enough money? -Yeah. I mean…
我还欠着那次去巴黎的钱 我真是太蠢了
I’m still in debt from Paris. That was just stupid.
-抱歉这次我们不能帮忙了 -你帮了我很多了
-I’m sorry we can’t help you out. -You help out so much.
我会没事的 我在会场工作他们付更多工资
I’ll be okay. They pay me extra to work the events.
噢 可是你可不是个好侍者
Oh, you aren’t a good waitress.
我可不是服务生 只是给捐款方倒酒
It’s not waitressing. It’s like pouring for donors.
-你还在做编舞吗 -汤姆 这个我们谈过了
-Are you choreographing? -Tom, we went over this.
At least you can’t spend money in nature.
-你现在在哪呢 -大自然里
-Where are you right now? -Nature.
We don’t have to, like, guide them personally, do we?
我们只需要保证 他们不随便上♥床♥或者猝死吧
We just have to make sure they don’t fuck or die.
啊那就好 我现在感觉就像身处瓦尔登湖
Ah, good, because I’m having a Walden’s Pond moment.
You have a pond?
I found something out about Walden’s Pond:
It was five minutes from his mom’s house.
He used to go over there and get supplies.
-那你在哪拿 -这里
-So where are you? -Here.
-不 我是问你在哪上大学 -我没有 我不是
-No, where do you go to college? -I don’t. I’m not
我已经毕业了 但我年轻的时候是在这里上的大学
I’m done with college. But I went here when I was younger.
奇怪 我一直以为 你必须是学生才能做校内工作
Weird. For some reason, I thought you had to be in college to do this.
不是 我只是想离开城市一阵子
Nope. I just wanted to get out of the city…
并且我认识这边夏季学期的系主任 她帮忙联♥系♥的
and I knew the director of the summer program, so she hooked it up.
他们有房♥间和床位 我还在会场帮忙 可以更多钱
They had room and board. I’m working the events to make more money.
-你真是个负责任的人 -也不是啦
-You’re super responsible. -No, I’m not.
我在这里读书其实也不是太久以前的事 我才27岁
It wasn’t that long ago that I went here. I’m only 27.
-你是我们班的吗 -是 我是助理
-Are you with the program? -Yes, I’m assisting.
-好 那你也是老师了 -不 我不是
-Great. So you’re a teacher. -No, I’m not.
-我是宿舍助理 但我也跳舞的 -那对不起了
-I’m an RA, but I’m also a dancer. -I’m so sorry.
-怎么 -宿舍助理是不能参与上课的
-For what? -Resident assistants can’t take class.
但我 不仅仅是宿舍助理
But I’m -I’m not just an RA.
抱歉 规矩不是我定的
I’m so sorry. I don’t make the rules.
我也是跳舞的 还是校友
I’m a dancer, and I went here.
对不起 我们要开始上课了
Sorry. I have to start class.
You’re a really good waitress.
我不是服务生 我只是帮倒酒
I’m not a waitress. I just pour.
-你十分钟前就该来换班了 -对不起 我
-You were supposed to be on duty ten minutes ago. Shh! -I’m sorry. I –
Are you okay?

I’m just gonna sit here, okay?
You don’t have to do that.
I’m just going to, though.
Are you gonna study abroad there?
噢不是 我不是学生
Oh, no. I’m not a student.
There’s no more abroad.
I’m half Japanese
My best friend kind of lives there now.
Are you done?
女士 你不能在这里吸烟
Ma’am, you can’t smoke here.
-噢对不起 -不要乱扔
-Oh, sorry. -No, don’t throw it!
Goddamn it!
Famous, how?
她是参议员 国会议员之类的
She’s a senator or a congress woman or something.
-是重要人物 -我该多看看新闻的
-She’s important. -I should read the news more.
Your job tonight is to follow her.
保证她被服务周到 她给学校捐了好大一笔钱
Just make sure she’s taken care of. She just gave a ton of money to the school.
所以她走了你才能走 懂了吗
So you don’t leave until she leaves. Got it?
我上学的时候 这里都是女生
When I went here, it was all girls.
要想见到男生 我们得搭火车去霍博肯[新泽西州]
To meet a boy, we had to take the fuck truck to Hoboken.
你以前在这里上学 抱歉 你以前在这里上学吗
You went here? Excuse me. You went to here?
-是的 -噢天哪 难怪呢
-Yes. -Oh, my God. That makes so much sense.
我就说你这么眼熟呢 你在我们的小册子上
I knew you looked familiar. You were on the freakin’ brochure.
我叫弗兰西斯 也是校友
I’m Frances. I went here.
很高兴见到你 弗兰西斯
Nice to meet you, Frances.
你也是 对不起 我其实不该跟你说话的
You too. Sorry, sorry. I’m not supposed to talk to you.
-我是负责倒酒的 -啊 请
-I’m pouring. -Ah, yes.
You’re very inspiring.
Actually, the endowment has grown.
噢 你看上去很寂寞啊 我们回头聊吧 凯伦
Oh, you look so lonely. I’ll see you later, Karen.
你看上去就像一幅画 《寂♥寞♥男♥孩》
You look like a painting: The Lonely Boy.
I’m actually a painter.
-没开玩笑吧 -没
-You’re kidding. -No.
What kind of painter are you?
You don’t care.
-你是恨我吧 -我不恨你 我爱你啊
-You hate me! -I don’t hate you. I love you.
那你买♥♥了最便宜的拍卖♥♥品 最便宜的
You bought the cheapest auction thing. The cheapest!
I didn’t even go here!
You gave a great speech.
我真没法相信你是独♥立♥党的 因为那尽是胡扯
I seriously can’t believe you’re an independent, because that’s bullshit.
抱歉 索菲 我们走吧
Sorry. Sophie, let’s go.
我也是校友 我觉得你很棒 我让他捐钱了
I went here. I thought you were great. I made him give money.
挺好 很高兴见到你们
Good. Nice to meet you.
我们住在日本 能回来这里真是疯狂啊
We live in Japan, so it’s, like, crazy we’re here.
That’s wonderful you came all the way back for the auction.
I wish. No,
但其实我们回纽约是参加葬礼的 他祖父
we’re in New York for a funeral. His grandpa.
-是我想来的 虽然他开车 但这是我的主意 -哦
-I wanted to come here. He drove, but it was my idea. -Ah.
-请节哀顺变 -没事
-I’m sorry for your loss. -It’s okay.
-他的祖父在德国有一家精神病 -索菲 我们走
-His grandpa had a psycho family in Germany. -Sophie, let’s go.
见到你真好 荣幸啊
I loved meeting you. A real honor.
This douche is my affianced.
-哦 -我们订婚了
-Ah. -We’re engaged.
You’re engaged?
It’s not… engagedengaged.
好吧 什么
Right. What?
我们回来参加葬礼 我本想打给你
We’re back for a funeral. I would’ve called,
but you were touring with the company.
是啊 之前是 但我需要放个假
Yeah, right, I was, but I needed a break…
and I thought it would be so funny…
to come back to the college for the summer.
的确很好玩 我是夸奖
It is funny. In a great way.
是啊 然后来这里帮忙 还能挣点外快
And, yeah, just making extra money doing this kind of gig.
What a slut!
-你还好吧 要吃的吗 -我吃这个就好
-Are you okay? Do you need some food? -I’ll just eat this.
-我真没想到会见到你 -我也是
-I really didn’t expect to see you. -Ditto.
我甚至都高兴不起来 因为真是完全没有预料到
It’s almost hard to be happy about it, because I didn’t have time to anticipate it.
Want to get out of here?
I can’t.
I have to shadow this woman.
She’s my ward.
-我要开车 -不行 你这一塌糊涂的样子
-I want to drive. -No, you’re too fucked up.
-你才一塌糊涂 -我没有 我喝的都他妈的是水
-You’re fucked up. -No, I’m not. I drank fucking Perrier.
我不要回纽约去 我不想参加明天的葬礼了
I’m not going beck to New York. I don’t want to go to the funeral tomorrow.
-你必须去 -我要跟弗兰西斯出去玩 去逛商场
-You have to go! -I’m hanging outwith Frances. We’re going to the mall.
-那可不行 -那我要带弗兰西斯去葬礼
-No, we’re not. -I’m bringing Frances to the funeral.
I don’t want to go.
你根本不认识你祖父 从没跟他在一起过
You didn’t even know your grandpa. You didn’t hang out.
可这是葬礼 别废话 快上车
It’s a funeral. It doesn’t matter. Get in the car!
如果你真那么心碎 那我们怎么还来参加拍卖♥♥会了
If you’re so broken up, why did we go to the auction?
