
n. 争论;打架;磨损处
vt. 使磨损;变得令人紧张、急躁
vi. 被磨损
n. (Fray)人名;(法)弗雷;(德)弗赖;(匈)弗劳伊




1. afraid => affray => fray.
2. shortening of affray (q.v.; see also afraid).
3. friction => fray.
4. contraction and variant of friction.


fray 磨损
来自拉丁语fricare, 磨损,刮擦,词源同friction, dentifrice.

fray 烦燥,恼火,吵架
缩写自affray, 打架滋事,闹事,使恐慌,词源同afraid.


单词 “fray” 的中文意思是 “磨损” 或 “磨破”,通常用来描述织物、线等因摩擦或使用而破损或磨损的情况。以下是包含单词 “fray” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Fabric fray – 织物磨损
  2. Thread fray – 线线磨损
  3. Fray at the edges – 边缘磨损
  4. Fray of a rope – 绳索磨损
  5. Fray of clothing – 服装磨损
  6. Fray along the seam – 沿着缝线的磨损
  7. Fray of carpet fibers – 地毯纤维的磨损
  8. Fray on the sleeves – 袖子上的磨损
  9. Fray on the collar – 领口的磨损
  10. Fray on the hem – 下摆的磨损
  11. Fray due to repeated use – 因反复使用而磨损
  12. Fray caused by friction – 因摩擦引起的磨损
  13. Fray marks on shoes – 鞋子上的磨损痕迹
  14. Fray on the upholstery – 家具布料的磨损
  15. Fray along the seams of jeans – 牛仔裤缝线的磨损
  16. Fray on the edges of a book – 书边的磨损
  17. Fray on the edges of paper – 纸边的磨损
  18. Fray on the edges of a flag – 旗帜边缘的磨损
  19. Fray in the seatbelt – 安全带的磨损
  20. Fray on the curtains – 窗帘的磨损
  21. Fray along the edges of a tablecloth – 桌布边缘的磨损
  22. Fray on the edges of a rug – 地毯边缘的磨损
  23. Fray on the edge of a napkin – 餐巾纸边缘的磨损
  24. Fray in the wiring – 电线的磨损
  25. Fray caused by rough handling – 因粗暴处理而磨损
  26. Fray from exposure to the elements – 因暴露于自然元素而磨损
  27. Fray on the handle of a suitcase – 手提箱把手的磨损
  28. Fray on the edges of a banner – 旗帜边缘的磨损
  29. Fray on the edge of a pillowcase – 枕套边缘的磨损
  30. Fray on the corners of a document – 文件角落的磨损
  31. Fray along the edges of a painting – 画作边缘的磨损
  32. Fray on the edges of a photograph – 照片边缘的磨损
  33. Fray on the edges of a map – 地图边缘的磨损
  34. Fray due to age – 因年代久远而磨损
  35. Fray on the fabric of a chair – 椅子织物的磨损
  36. Fray on the edges of a blanket – 毯子边缘的磨损
  37. Fray on the edges of a flagpole – 旗杆边缘的磨损
  38. Fray on the edges of a banner – 横幅边缘的磨损
  39. Fray on the edges of a banner – 幡旗边缘的磨损
  40. Fray on the edges of a table – 桌子边缘的磨损
  41. Fray on the edges of a tapestry – 挂毯边缘的磨损
  42. Fray on the edges of a flag – 旗帜边缘的磨损
  43. Fray on the edges of a rug – 地毯边缘的磨损
  44. Fray on the edge of a napkin – 餐巾纸边缘的磨损
  45. Fray in the seatbelt – 安全带的磨损
  46. Fray caused by rough handling – 因粗暴处理而磨损
  47. Fray from exposure to the elements – 因暴露于自然元素而磨损
  48. Fray on the handle of a suitcase – 手提箱把手的磨损
  49. Fray on the edges of a banner – 旗帜边缘的磨损
  50. Fray on the edge of a pillowcase – 枕套边缘的磨损

这些短语有助于描述和表达与 “fray” 相关的磨损情况。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
