I guess. What does it do?
It’s a special sense organ our species possesses.
It engorges in the presence of…
Lucky you.
All I have is a gland that gives off foul odors when I’m bored.
嗨 瞧 一个保险箱!
Hey, look, a safe!
那是我的保险箱 你们别碰
That’s my safe. I call keep-offsies.
少废话! 打开!
No callsies! Open it!
简直是个金矿 税单 社保卡
It’s a gold mine. Tax forms, Social Security cards.
头发 血液和排泄物的混合样品
Combination hair, blood and stool samples.
真搞不懂 你怎么会认为拉尔斯比我成熟?
I don’t get it. How can you say Lars is more mature than me?
首先 他没在支票簿上画画
Well, for one thing, his checkbook doesn’t have the Hulk on it.
你是谁? 菲利普 J·弗莱
Who are you? Philip J. Fry.
社保帐号♥是03280810? 排泄物类型 P阴性?
Social Security Number 03280810? Stool type, P-negative?
That’s right.
I’ve never detected so much information before.
I think it may be a Level 87 code.
87级? 可能吗?
Level 87? Can it be?
我也以为那只是传说 可嗅觉器官不会骗人
I thought it was only a legend, but the sprunjer never lies.
在他裤裆里! 你们到底在说什么?
It’s in his pants! What the hell are you talking about?
快 快!
Faster, faster!
I’m science-ing as fast as I can.
怎么样 伙计们? 火爆吧?
What do you say, folks? Hot or not?
我看不到任何信息 继续放大!
I’m not seeing any information. Do more things!
你这堆破铜烂铁 快读密♥码♥ 否则我杀了这人
You, boogerbot, read the code or I’ll shoot this guy.
他是谁? 我是史高飞 看门人
Who the hell is he? I’m Scruffy, the janitor.
坚持住 史高飞!
Hang on, Scruffy!
“0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
“Zero, zero, one, one, zero, zero, zero, one, zero, zero, one, zero,
“0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
“zero, one, one, one, one, zero, one, zero, zero, zero, zero,
“1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1”
“one, one, zero, one, one, zero, one, one, one, zero, zero, one, one.”
A time sphere.
裸身的弟兄们 我们嗅到的是
Naked brothers, we have sprunjed
upon the universal machine language time code.
The key to time travel.
What’s the secret of time travel doing on Fry’s ass?
It was bound to be somewhere.
Beyond this shimmering portal lie all the glories of history.
And we can steal them!
We just go to the past and take stuff with our superior weapons!
住手 你们这些傻瓜
Stop, you fools.
怎么回事? 怎么了?
What’s going on? What is happening?
尼卜乐 你… 你会说话?
Nibbler, you… You can talk?
我不止会说话 还会发号♥施令
I can do more than talk. I can pontificate.
You must not use the code of codes.
每一次使用 整个宇宙都有被撕裂的危险
With each and every use, you risk tearing the universe asunder.
哦 他真可爱
Oh, he’s so adorable.
The poodle-monkey may be right.
传说警告代码威力无边 充满危险
The legend warns that the code is powerful and dangerous.
My God.
我们最好只用三四次 最多六次
We’d better use it only three or four times. Six, max.
But even a single use could shatter the universe.
好 就两三次
Got it. Two or three times.
I see I have no choice.
小尼卜乐们 攻击!
Nibblonians, attack!
嗨! 有点痒
Hey! That tickles.
And the pitch!
呼救 呼救!
Mayday, mayday!
嗨! 嗨! 嗨!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
唉 我们的小型攻击飞船不是超级椅子的对手
Alas, our kitten-class attack ships were no match for their mighty chairs.
The universe is doomed. Doomed!
Can I pull up my pants now?
往后退 你们这些魍魉
Stand back, you wing wangs.
我这就回到昨天 来试试这个时间球
I’m gonna try out this time sphere with a quick test drive to yesterday.
住口! 你到过去捣乱会产生悖论的
Bushwa! You can’t go mucking about in the past without creating paradoxes.
恐怕没问题 这是一套自我解决悖论的时间代码
I’m afraid he can. It’s a paradox-correcting time code.
除了会导致宇宙被撕裂 这套代码非常可靠
It all works perfectly. Except when it rips open the universe!
别这么做 求你了
Don’t do it. I beg you.
回到昨天 给我快点!
Yesterday, please. And make it snappy!
你们好! 你们好!
Hello! Howdy!
我说 怎么会… 奇怪了
Say, what the… That’s weird.
本来就一个 现在变成两个了
There was one, but now there’s two.
没什么能逃过你的眼睛 鹰眼先生
Nothing gets past you, eagle eye.
我回到了昨晚 和那时的”我”喝了一杯
I went back to last night and met the “me” of that time for a drink.
我们发展的很快 最后在我那里过了夜
One thing led to another, and we ended up at my place.
Or should I say our place?
哦 的了 你们这些假正经的!
Oh, come on, you bunch of prudes!
真让人恶心 这是无法克服的
This isn’t merely revolting, it’s impossible to boot.
I know a paradox when I see one.
悖论解决了 哪位去拿个拖把!
Paradox resolved. Someone get a mop!
你看上去不错 爸爸
You’re looking well, Pops.
How can you look me in the eye-and-eye and say that?
我就是个脑袋 一个没用的肮脏的脑袋
I’m nothing but a brain. A useless filthy brain!
You forgot lice-infested.
我没忘 我只是不想…
I didn’t forget, I just chose not to…
Barbados Slim?
What are you doing here?
Is there something going on between you two?
哦 没有 没有 没有 没有
Oh, no. No, no, no.
We just happened to run into each other shortly after your accident.
And every night since then.
You’re so crazy.
我的女人 不!
Woman, no!
哦 我在骗谁呢? 没有身体 我一无是处
Oh, who am I kidding? Without my body, I’m a nobody.
我很抱歉 赫米斯 不过瞧瞧巴巴多斯 他的胸肌可没得商量
I’m sorry, Hermes. But look at Barbados. You can’t argue with those luscious pecs.
是啊 的确不行
No, I can’t.
But I can ask him to stop wiggling them in my face.
我没有晃 是它们自己动的
I’m not wiggling them. They do that by themselves.
我想回到过去 在独♥立♥钟毁掉前把它偷来
I think I’ll go back in time and steal the Liberty Bell before it cracked.
还是偷残骸更值钱? 我不知道 你这个裸体的骗子!
Or is the crack the valuable part? I don’t know, you naked crook!
我们遇到麻烦了 裸儿 这是套单向的时间代码
We have a problem, Nudar. It’s a one-way time code.
我们可以回到过去 但不能回来
It can take us to the past, but it can’t bring us back to the present!
主人们 我可以吗? 让我去偷
Masters, if I might? Let me do the stealing.
让我回到过去 把触手可及的所有东西都偷来
I’ll go to the past and snatch everything I can get my greasy mitts on.
而且 作为一个机器人 我可以在这座建筑底下的
Then, as a robot, I can just wait it out for a few centuries
in the limestone cavern beneath this building.
Oh, it’ll be ever so much fun!
嗨 说的棒极了
Hey, that’s perfect.
让这个傻瓜去偷好了 我们只管在一边休息
We sit back and let dumb-dumb here do the stealing.
dumb-dumb is away!
0 0 1 1 0 0…
Zero, zero, one, one, zero, zero…
The Mona Lisa!
抱歉 还没有完成
Sorry, it’s not quite finished.
Da Vinci give you any trouble?
Let’s just say he may not make it to The Last Supper.
简直是荒谬! 时间旅行是不可能的
Preposterous twaddlecock! Time travel is impossible.
可是教授 您曾成功过
But, Professor, you time-traveled yourself.
记得吗 那次我们回罗斯威尔?
Remember, when we went back to Roswell?
That proves nothing.
再说了 你认为我会记得那样的事?
And, furthermore, you’d think I’d remember a thing like that.
还有 你到底是哪一边的?
Plus, who are you, anyway?
这可真有趣!我要再来一次 哦 不 你不能!
Man, this is fun on a bun! Here I go again! Oh, no, you don’t!
0 0 1 1…
Zero, zero, one, one…
埃及 公元前1351年
我要宝石 交出来 你们这些鸟人
Scarab, forearm, bird, bird, bird.
是我 班德
No, it’s just me, Bender.
我必须告诉你 奉行快乐主义蛆虫
I must tell you, Hedonismbot,
I hate to sell my doomsday devices to a private collector.
