But now I’m thinking I’m the guy who gets killed by some monster
不出5分钟 我们就会被某个怪物杀掉
five minutes after we land on the planet!
你不会死的 伙计
You’re not gonna die on the planet, Guy.
我不会 我姓什么
I’m not? Then what’s my last name?
It’s… I don’t know.
没人知道 你知道为什么吗
Nobody knows! Do you know why?
因为我只是个跑龙套的 根本不重要
Because my character isn’t important enough for a last name.
因为我只有5分钟的戏 就会被安排死掉
Because I’m gonna die five minutes in.
伙计 你有名字的
Guy, you have a last name.
-我有吗 -是的
-Do I? Do I? -Yes!
For all you know, I’m just crewman number six.
妈妈 妈妈
Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
Are we there yet?
-妈妈 -汤米
-Mommy! -Tommy!
-当心 -噢 不 停下来
-Look out! -Oh, no! Pull out!
Oh, yeah!
来这 宝贝
Come on. Oh, boy! Come on.
别开门 这是个外星球
Hey! Don’t open that! It’s an alien planet!
外面有空气吗 你根本不知道
Is there air? You don’t know!
Seems okay.
Here we go.
哪边 亚历山大
Which way, Alexander?
This way!
等等 不
Wait. No.
That way.
-你拿倒转了 -闭嘴
-You were holding it upside down. -Shut up.
You know, with all that makeup and stuff,
我实际上觉得你很聪明 当然只有1秒种
I actually thought you were smart for a second.
你认为 你会做的更好吗 拉雷多
You think you could do better, Laredo?
-拉雷多没什么问题 -真是糟透了 糟透了
-All right with that Laredo stuff. -We’re screwed. We’re so screwed.
好了 好了 我们必须能够自♥制♥
Come on, come on, come on. If we want to finish this mission,
we have to use some self-control.
自♥制♥ 从一个在戏里和女奴
Self-control? That’s funny coming from a guy
以及月亮公主鬼混的家伙嘴里说出来 很可笑
who slept with every Terrakian slave girl and moon princess on the show.
你究竟怎么了 如果你不是那么多怪话
Did it ever occur to you, had you been more supportive
we might have been able…
哇喔 也许是些采矿设备
Wow. Must be some sort of mining facility.
Where are the miners?
-肯定发生了什么事 -放松一点好吗
-Something bad happened here. -Will you relax?
铍金球在那里 我们走
There they are. Beryllium spheres. Let’s go.
看那边 看那边好吗
Look at that. Would you look at that?
They look like little children.
Could they be the miners?
一定是 他们看上去只有3岁
Sure, they’re like, three years old.
矿工 不是未成年人
Miners, not minors!
-你没明白我 -我不喜欢这样
-You lost me. -I don’t like this.
-我一点也不喜欢这样 -他们太可爱了
-I don’t like this at all. -They are so cute.
是的 他们现在很可爱 很快他们就会不客气了
Sure, they’re cute now, but in a second, they’re gonna get mean.
They’re gonna get ugly somehow,
then there’s gonna be a million more of them.
看 那个小家伙受伤了
Look. There’s a little hurt one.
嗨 嗨 那
Hi. Hi there.
Did you guys ever watch the show?
看过吗 他们会帮助那受伤的小家伙的
See? They’re gonna help the little hurt one.
我说得没错 但我感到很恶心
I’m so sick of being right.
在他们开始杀人之前 我们赶快走吧
Let’s get out of here before one of those things kills Guy.
等等 没拿到铍金球 我们哪儿也不去
Wait a minute! We’re not going anywhere without a beryllium sphere.
我们得有计划 佛莱德 我需要掩护
We need a plan. Fred, I need a diversion
to clear the compound of those things.
Then, Alex and Gwen and I will go get a sphere.
汤米 到那山脊上去
Tommy, get up on that ridge.
看到他们回来 就给我个信♥号♥♥ 可以
If you see them come back give me a signal, all right?
Why does this sound so familiar?
“Assault on Voltareck III, ” episode 81.
-我们在演第81集 -全息图的一集
-We’re doing episode 81? -Whatever. The one with the hologram.
-那个有火墙 -那佛莱德又怎么
-The wall of fire. -Well, how the hell is Fred
supposed to project a hologram?
-我们在81集怎么做的 -这只是个大概的方案
-Are we doing episode 81? -It’s just a rough plan, Guy.
What difference does it make if it’s episode 81 or not?
有 我在那集死掉了
‘Cause I died in episode 81.
-那就51集 可以了吧 -51集
-Episode 51, right? -51. 51.
真荒唐 你们为什么要听他的
This is ludicrous. Why are you listening to this fellow?
我提醒你们 他穿的是戏服 不是制♥服♥
May I remind you he’s wearing a costume, not a uniform.
他并不比这家伙更配领导我们 没有冒犯的意思
He’s no more equipped to lead us than this fellow. No offense.
看 他们走了
Look, they’re gone.
-他们去哪里 回去里面了 -我不知道
-Where’d they go? Back inside? -I don’t know.
Nobody was watching?
好了 好了 听着我们的计划
All right, all right. Listen up. Here’s the plan.
格温 佛莱德 亚历和我去拿铍金球
Gwen, Fred, Alex and I will go down and get a sphere.
弗里曼 你建个临时工事 汤米 你放哨
Fleegman, you set up a perimeter and Tommy, you’re lookout.
不管见到什么 给我们个信♥号♥♥ 行不
You see anything at all, you give us a signal, all right?
What kind of a signal?
-随便 -好的 我把手弄成这样
-Any kind of signal. -Okay, I’ll do my hands like this.
你是婴儿吗 看好 这样来
What are you, an infant? Look, we have these.
That. Sorry.
好了 我们走
Let’s go.
-翻跟头有帮助吗 -啊哈 是的
-Does the rolling help actually? -It helps.
-你的枪呢 -它也有用 开枪
-Where’s your gun? -It helps.
永不放弃 永不妥协
Never give up. Never surrender.
-闭嘴 -闭嘴
-Oh, shut up. -Oh, shut up.
贾森 他们来了 成千上万的来了
Jason! They’re coming! There’s thousands of them, Jason!
快跑啊 快快 他们无处不在 贾森
Run, Jason! Run! They’re coming! They’re everywhere!
-到处都是那玩意儿 -贾森 到处都是
-They’re everywhere! -Jason, they’re everywhere!
-到处都是 -来吧 快走
-They’re everywhere! -Come on, let’s go!
-他们来了 -快
-They’re coming! -Hurry!
-到处都是那玩意儿 -噢 天啊
-They’re everywhere! Come on! -Oh, God! Oh, God!
别回头 别回头
Don’t look back. Do not look back!
-天啊 -我们不会成功的
-Oh, God. -We’re not gonna make it!
Oh, God!
我就说 我会送命的
I knew it, I knew it! I knew this was gonna kill me!
快跑啊 使全力 汤米 走吧
Go, go, go! Come on! Push it harder! Let’s go, Tommy!
我知道 还要几秒钟
I got it but it’s gonna take a few seconds.
我知道了 我知道
I got it, I got it!
-好了 -向前跑
-Oh, yeah! -Go ahead.
来不及了 进去 进去
There’s no time. Get in! Get in!
当然 我忘记了 你一直是扮英雄的 是吗
Come on. I’ve forgotten you’ve got to be the hero, haven’t you?
但愿别人不会成为主角 噢 不 贾森·耐斯密斯
Heaven forbid anybody else gets the spotlight! Oh, no! Jason Nesmith…
噢 贾森 快啊
Jason! Jason, come on! Hurry!
-我来搞定 -快 汤米 快点
-I’m on it! -Tommy, go! Go! I’m in!
不 不 贾森 求你了
No, no, no! Jason, please!
汤米 停下太空舱 停下
Tommy, stop the pod! He’s not in!
我停不了 这是自动驾驶的
But I can’t stop it, it’s on autopilot!
-走 别管他 -不
-Go! Leave him! -No!
噢 好
Oh, right!
当然 总是你 是吗
Of course, it’s always about you, isn’t it?
-怪物 怪物 -怪物 怪物
-Gorignak! Gorignak! -Gorignak! Gorignak!
贾森 能听见我吗
Jason? Jason, can you hear me?
是 格温 听见了
Yeah, Gwen, you got me.
-感谢上帝 你还好吗 -是的
-Thank God. Are you okay? -Yeah.
As a matter of fact, I have Gorignak staring me in the face right now.
你知道吗 我想我们能干掉它
But you know what? I think I can take him.
贾森 我们准备用数字传送器把你弄出来
Jason, we’re gonna use the digital conveyor to get you out of there.
-数字传送器 -是的
-The digital conveyor? -Yes.
You mean I’m gonna be diced into cubes
and sent up there in a million pieces?
-是的 -那好 你知道吗
-Right. -Well, you know what?
I think I’ll take my chance with Gorignak.
我们会把你弄出来的 很安全的 是不是 泰博
We’re getting you out right now. It’s perfectly safe, isn’t it, Teb?
It has never been successfully tested.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
