I mayjust nibble.
谢谢你 海皮 谢谢收看
Thanks. Happy. And thankyou forjoining us.
我是克里斯多佛·米罗 记住
I’m christopher Mello. Remember–
Be happy.
好了 停 非常好
Okay. cut. Good.
We’re clear.
快给我拿苯海拉明 快给我拿苯海拉明
Give me the Benadryl. Give me the Benadryl.
快点 快点
Yeah! Yeah.
快点 快点
Yeah! Yeah.
Damned cat allergies.
Anyword from the networkyet?
嗯 没有 但是他们正在为“开心纽约”寻找一个狗演员
Uh. no. but they’re looking for a dog act on Good Day, New York.
狗演员 我的机会来了
Dog act! Story of my life.
狗还在寻找中 可是我却在和一只猫较劲
Looking for a dog. and I’m stuckwith a cat.
I thought the segment went quite well.
“I thought the segment went quite well.”
当然很不错 你这只癞蛤♥蟆♥
Of course it went well. you toad!
看过这个节目的 50个家庭主妇都喜欢它
The 50 housewives who saw it. Ioved it.
This is WalterJ. chapman reporting live from The Hague.
噢 拜托 真是个
Oh. please. what a know-it-all!
…were met with angry crowds–
And everybody always said I was the handsome one.
我比你聪明 比你先出生
I was the smart one. And I was born first.
但是你在那儿说 “在海牙为您现场报导”
But thereyou are “live from The Hague”..
而我却满腔怨气地在这儿为 本地区早间节目工作
and here I am working with this sack of dander on a dead-end regional morning show.
换你了 丹
Back to you. Dan.
Did you eat all four boxes oflasagna?
不是我的错 它们太好吃了
It’s not my fault. They started it.
What am I gonna do with you?
爱我 饲养我 不要离开我
Love me. Feed me. Never leave me.
来吧 让我们去你喜欢的地方溜溜
come on. Let’s go for a ride to someplaceyou love…
that always leaves you feeling pampered and refreshed.
嗯 哦 我知道 你想带我去乳酷店
Huh? Oh. I know– chuck E. cheese.
不对 那就是温迪屋 去探望凯蒂 还不对
No? Wendy’s? Taco Kitty? No?
那我就不知道了 难道你想去奥利夫花♥园♥
Well. I’m stumped. Maybe Olive Garden foryou?
嗯 乔恩带我离开死巷只为一件事 去看兽医
Hmm. The only time I ever leave my cul-de-sac is when Jon takes me to the vet…
他最近总往那儿跑 但是每次去那儿都不是为了我
which he’s been doing a lot recently. and it appears to have nothing to do with me.
jon must want to go for his own reason.
Well. there’s nothing wrong with Garfield.
He’s just a happy. fat. Iazy cat.
No need for a second opinion.
你知道 我很担心它 -我能理解
Well. I worry about him. – I knowyou do.

你知道吗 你对它的关心 胜过任何一个我认识的其它人
You know. you care about him more than any owner I’ve ever known.
“它”有名字的 这里是一个健保组织
“Him” has a name. Is this an H.M.O.?
我们把加菲留在这儿一会 我有点私事想和你谈谈
Let’s get Garfield in for his dip. I wanna talk toyou in private.
好的 噢 -她真漂亮
Mm. Oh! – She’s so beautiful.
噢 可怜虫先生 你从高中开始 就对她神魂颠倒
Uh. Mr. Pathetic. you’ve had a crush on her since high school.
你能不能把她约出来 好让她直截了当地拒绝你
Would you please ask her out, so she can reject you
and we can get on with mylife?
I have to ask her out.
祝我好运吧 -好的 大胆地上吧
Wish me luck. – Okay. go get ’em. big tiger.
你够男人 你是小伙子 你是老板
You the man. You the fella. You the boss.
你去告诉她 让她知道你的真面目
You preach to her. Show her how the cow eats the cabbage…
you hopeless loser.
贝蒂 今天让我们从瑞典式按♥摩♥开始
Betty, today, why don’tyou start me off with a Swedish massage…
加上修指甲 修修脚 行吗
a manicure and a pedicure. okay?
海藻浴 丝瓜
Seaweed wrap. Ioofah…
胃部按♥摩♥ 啊
belly rub. uh…
给尾巴上点蜡 最后再来个足底按♥摩♥
tail waxing and then crack my toes to finish.
乔恩 我有件很重要的事求你
jon. there’s something important I need to askyou.
一件我无法向到大多数上 这里来的男生启齿的事
Something that I wouldn’t ask most guys who come in here.
不 等一等 我想我知道这意味着什么
Wait. no. I think I know where this is going.
你知道 -是的
You do? – I do.
莉斯 我早就想问你这件事了
Liz. I’ve wanted to askyou the same thing for a very long time.
你确定我们讨论的是同一件事情 -绝对是
Areyou sure that we’re talking about the same thing? – Absolutely.
是的 嗯 我这辈子从来没有这样确定过
Yeah. uh. I’ve never been more sure ofanything in my entire life.
莉斯 我已经准备好接受了
Liz. I am ready to take a chance.
I am ready for–
A dog!
一条狗 我准备好接受一条狗
A dog. I’m readyfora dog.

咳 我想它很喜欢你 -咳 是的
Hey. I think he likes you. – Hi. Yeah.

它很活泼 一个活泼的小伙子 对不对
He’s a frisky– frisky little fella. isn’t he?
它叫欧弟 它肯定不喜欢
His name’s Odie. and he’s not gonna make it…
if he has to live his life in a cage.
He needs to be loved.
好了 谢谢你 丰常感谢 女士们先生们
Well. thankyou. Thankyou very much. Iadies and gentlemen.
不行 我的邻居们会不习惯的
No. maybe not in my neighborhood.
嗨 波曼 我想跑
Hey, Boomer, I reallygotta run.
跳得怎么样 各位 真的 拜托 就在安全围栏后面呆着吧
Gotta fly. everybody. Really. please. stay behind the security fences.
So great ofyou to come out to see me…
但是有人在等我 他非常爱我 离开我就不行
but I’ve got somebody waiting for me. very devoted. almost crippled.
不 拜托 不要哭
No, please, don’t cry.
我知道没人爱的感觉 或者说 你知道
I know what it’s like to be unloved. Well,you do.
我会想办法回来看你们的 如果我来不了 我会给你们写信的
I’ll try to come back and visit. and if I don’t. I’ll try to write.
拜拜 -谁认识这个伙计
Bye-bye. – Does anybody know this guy?
拜拜 各位 加菲要走了
Bye-bye. everybody. Garfield is leaving the building.
乔恩 你知道如果你不愿意 你可以不接受的
jon. you know you don’t have to do this ifyou don’t want to.
不 不 这很好
No. No. it’s okay.
Some part of me always wanted to know what it’d be like…
to have a pet that actually wants to playwith you.
You’re a good friend.
请问 我还是那样可爱吗
One question– Am I still gorgeous?
乔恩 我想我们有点小麻烦了
jon. I thinkwe got a little problem here.
哦 乔恩
I can help the transition go smoothly.
乔恩 它在我的座位上 乔恩
Jon, it’s in myseat.Jon!
我们可以一起出去玩玩 公园 狗展示 -乔恩 嗯 乔恩
We could all go out together. Park. dog shows. – Jon! Uh,Jon?
所有的那些 -嗯 乔恩老兄
stuff like that. – Uh,Jonnyboy?
等 等一下 你 你在约我出去
W-Wait a minute. Are– Are you… asking me out?
噢 乔恩老兄 是时候安个汽车报♥警♥器了
Oh,Jonnyboy, the time has come to get a caralarm.
简直难以置信 一只杂种狗闯入了你的车子
You’re not gonna believe it. A mongrel mutt has broken into your car!
加菲 这是欧弟 它要和我们一起回家
Garfield. this is Odie. He’s coming home with us.
哇哦 你来这儿约人家 却带了一条狗出来
Whoa! You went in there to get a date and came out with a dog?
噢 这对你太不公平了 噢 不要太伤心了
Oh. that’s bad even foryou. Oh. you’re so sad!
噢 不 我们不能带一条狗回家
Oh. no. no. no. We’re not bringing a dog home with us.
嗨 我可不是好惹的
Hey. I ride shotgun!
你看什么 虱子包
What areyou looking at. tick boy?
乔恩 现在还不太晚
Jon, it’s not too late.
快点 在它还不知道我们 住在哪儿之前调头回去
Quickly, turn around– before he finds out where we live!
Please take this trouser sniffer back!
拜托 -来吧 欧弟 我们走
Please. – come on. Odie. Let’s go.
This is your new home.
快点 伙计
come on. buddy.
乔恩 你已经有我这个万人迷了
jon. you had me, a chick magnet…
and now you’ve got a tick magnet.
加菲 乔恩带了只狗回来
Garfield. jon brought a dog home.
我知道 奴奴 -他怎么会做那样的事呢
I am aware. Nermal. – Whywould he do a thing like that?
唉 我也不知道 奴奴
Gee. I don’t know. Nermal.
养了猫的家里 再养一只狗
It just seems like a weird thing to do…
bringing a dog into a house that already has a cat.
我们能不能不提它了 我是说 这不算什么大 问题
can we drop it? I mean. it’s no big… deal.
It’s…just asplatteredbug on the windshieldofmylife.
A bug?
A dim-witted. smelly. goofy–
