他把你单独扔在这儿 -我知道 奴奴
and he’s leavi ng you behi nd. – I know. Nermal.
他们出去游玩 而你却只能留在这儿
They’re off on an adventure andyou’re still here.
And your point is?
好吧 我觉得有点不对劲
Well. that’s gotta feel bad…
being left byJon while he takes Odie out.
It’s like you’re not his favorite anymore.
嗨 你说什么呢 我们玩“脑外科游戏”怎么样
Hey. what do you say we play brain surgeon?
Would you go get my power tools?
This is so sad.
jon has completely lost his mind.
Doesn’t realize how important I am to him.
I need to be so very understanding ofhim…
at this difficult time.
嗨 等一等 等等我 你把我落下了
Hey. wait up! Wait up for me! You forgot me!
慢点儿 请慢点儿 我就跟在后面
Slow down! Please slow down! I’m right back here!
哇 噢 我想我扯到腿筋了
Waa– oh! I think I pulled a hamstring.
好了 没事了 我上来了 我赶上了 放松点
All right. It’s okay. I’m on. I’m on. Relax.
噢 我可怜的鼻子
Oh. my poor nose.
所以 如果您是玛丽的主人 请过来认领
So, ifyou own Marie, please come andclaim her.
Thankyou very much.
现在 在展示开始前 请注意到南边草坪的小吃部
Now, before the show starts, go over to the snack section on the south lawn…
and get those goodies.
我们在那儿发放 我们保证
We have things there that we ‘re sure–
好了 我得赶在前面 嗯
Yeah. go on ahead. U h–
我会追上你们的 这也许只是一点轻微的脑震荡
I ‘l I catch up with ya. I t’s probably just a mild concussion…
或者 或者是头骨骨折
or– or a skull fracture.
Maybe I’ll get a cA T scan.
A cat scan!
I’d like to ask thejudges now…
ifthey wouldplease take theirpositions for the viewings.
噢 注意你的脚步
Oh, watch your step there.
女士们先生们 欢迎来到宠物狗展示
Ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the dog show.
好吧 如果我作点让步如何
Well. what if I compromise a little?
How ’bout I do the rolling around with theyarn ball thing?
我可以咕噜咕噜叫 就像法拉利车一样 或者是美洲虎
And I’ll purr. I’ll purr like a Ferrari. Or make that a Jaguar.
不过我不会摆拱形姿势 就像一些笨狗一样
I won’t climb drapes though. That’s more than you get from some dumb dog.
呀 狗 嗯
Oops. Dogs. Uh-oh.
噢 什么 你们想自己亲自解决 -别动 宝贝 坐下
Oh. what? You’re all gonna take it personally? – Down. boy. Sit.
别动 -完了 我死定了
Stay! -Now, I’m gonna die.
噢 我真的死定了
Oh, now I really am gonna die!
对不起 我可以从这儿穿过去吗
Excuse me. can I get through here?
防水布下没有人 啊 踩着我的耳朵了
No one under this tarp. Ah! That’s my ear!
Owners, maintain control ofyour dogs.
伙计们 控制住你们的宠物
People, control those animals now!
音乐 音乐 你这个白♥痴♥
Music! Music. you idiot!
这就对了 放音乐
Yeah, play the music.
别踩我的膝盖 好吧
That’s my bad knee. Stop it. All right!
Feets, don’t fail me now!
我对此感到失望 我要求对此作出道歉
I apologize for this. Please excuse this outburst.
这太没有规矩了 -欧弟 欧弟
This is highly irregular. – Odie! Odie!
欧弟 欧弟 快点 快点 伙计 快回来
Odie! Odie, come on. come on, buddy. come on back.
欧弟 欧弟 你想要表演 嗯 伙计
Odie! Odie, you want a treat? Huh? Buddy?
好吧 很好 看来我需要搭个便车
Okay. Al I right. I need a ride.
女士 我是只有麻烦的猫 我需要借你的长裙一用
I ‘m a cat in trouble. I ‘m hitching a ride in your muumuu.
噢 -快点 我们走
Ooh! – come on! Let’s move!
走 快走 驾 驾
Go! Let’s move! Dig! Dig! Hyah! Hyah!
快点 粉红女郎 快跑 -噢 对不起 对不起
come on, Pinkie. Move it out! Oh!Sorry. Sorry.
快 快 快 粉红女郎 快 粉红女郎 快
Move! Move! Move, Pinkie! Move, Pinkie! Move!
We certainly have a new star in the arena.
女士们先生们 这太令人惊讶了
Ladies and gentlemen, this is amazing!
有才能的小伙子 嗯
T alented I ittle fel la. huh?
驾 粉红女郎 驾 它们追上来了
Hyah. Pinkie! Hyah! They’re gaining on us. Pinkie!
一只猫的生命在你的手上 哇喔
A cat’s life is at stake. Whoa!
Thanks for the ride.
借光 女士 请拨♥打♥911
Excuse me. ma’am. Please call 91 1.
This is exactly what I deserve anyway.
我发誓如果我这次能幸免 我再也不和狗斗气了
I promise if I survive. I’ll never compete with a dog again.
好吧 你们抓住我了
Okay! You got me!
但是在我说再见之前 噢 这是不是最大的讽刺
But before I say good-bye– Oh. isn’t this the final irony?
看看谁在这儿目击这一切 邮差
Lookwho’s here to witness this. The mailman!
You’re so stupid.
哇哦 耶
Whoo! Yeah!
哇哦 哇呼
Whoo. Whoo-hoo.
欧弟 来这儿 好样的 噢 嗨
Odie, come here. That’s a goodboy. Oh, hi.
女士们先生们 欢迎海皮·查普曼
Ladies and gentlemen, Happy chapman.
That is one talented dog!
你知道吗 这是一只真正能够
You know. this is exactly the kind of dog…
that could have a future in television.
噢 谢谢您 查普曼先生 但是欧弟是我的宠物
Oh. thankyou. Mr. chapman. but Odie’s just my pet.
而且 我也只想让它做我的宠物
And that’s– that’s all I reallywant him to be.
您在开玩笑 -没有
You’re kidding. – No.
好吧 那么 这是给您的
Okay. Well. this is foryou.
还有 嗯
And. uh…
这是给您的 如果您改变了主意
this is foryou ifyou happen to changeyour mind.
您可以随时给我打电♥话♥并且说“喂 喂”
You just ring me up. You give– “Hello? Hello?
我改变主意了 我想成为明星
I changed my mind. I wanna be a star.”
好吧 -好吧
Okay. – Okay!
好吧 -让我们为欧弟鼓掌
Okay. – Let’s hear it for Odie!
What a sensational ending to a ratherunconventionalshow!
笑一下 -我们今天的冠军
Smile. – Our winner today…
a fabulous dancing puppy called Odie!
死巷 决不离开死巷 决不离开死巷
… the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-sac.
决 不离开死巷 决不离开死巷
N-Never leave the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-sac.
决不离开死巷 决不离开死
Never leave the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de–
我到家 家了
I’m h-home.
今天我很开心 谢谢你 -是的 我也一样
I hadfun today. Thankyou. – Yeah, me too.
Would you like to come in?
嗯 今天不了 -我知道
Uh. not today. – I knew that.
我很报歉 -乔恩 我会过来的 只是今天不行
I’m sorry. -Jon. I wanna come over. just not today.
I have to cover for anothervet.
噢 真的
Oh! Really?
How’s Sunday?
礼拜天 礼拜天太很好 礼拜天很好 礼拜天
Sunday is– Sunday’s great. S-Sunday’s good. Sunday.
那好 我
So. I’ll–
咱们礼拜天再见 -礼拜天
I’ll see you Sunday. – Sunday.
为什么 为什么会这样
Why? Why has this happened?
我曾经是唯一的 这都是我的
I was the one. It was all about me.
和那只愚蠢的 流鼻涕的 发臭的
Not about some stupid. sniveling. smelly
high-maintenance disco dog.

噢 不
Oh. no.
哼 噢
Huh? Oh–
你不能这样做 乔恩 它在挑拨我们 你没发现吗
Youjust can’t do this,Jon. He’s trying to tearus apart. Don’tyou see that?
你知道的 我才懒得去破坏你的房♥子
You know me. I’m too lazy to try to destroyyour house.
我被挑拨 被攻击 我都快疯了
I was provoked. pushed. prodded. driven mad.
你不能象对待其它动物一样 把我踢出我自己的房♥子
You can’t kick me out of my own house like I’m some kind of animal!
噢 开开门 乔恩 乔恩
Oh. come on.Jon.Jon!
You know I’m scared ofthe dark.
对 这才是好孩子 谁是好孩子
Yeah. that’s a good boy. Who’s a good boy?
Used to haveJon to myself
日日夜夜 没有人来分享
Day or night There was no one else
从黎明到黄昏 我饭来张口
From dawn to dusk my meals would come
I’dlounge about in myhome
但是现在 我在寒冷的黑夜被赶了出来
But now I’m out in the cold ofnight
All alone till the dawn’s first light
I’m in a new dog state of mind
