嗨 李小姐 晚上好 马龙先生
Hi,Miss Lee. Good evening,Mr. Malone.
鸡尾酒都好了 好
I got cocktails all ready. good
Make yourself at home.
Say,you girls know it’s hot in here.
Must be 110.
是有点热 但罗莉拉怕患感冒
Yes,it is a little warm,but Lorelei’s afraid of catching cold.
Got a touch of laryngitis.
你的 马龙先生 是我特别调的 谢谢
Here,Mr. Malone,specialty of the house. Thank you!
That’s quite a cocktail.
很温和的 干杯 知道这首诗吗
It’s very mild. Let’s drink a toast. Do you know this one?
There was an old fellow named Sidney
Who drank till he ruined a kidney
肾脏不断缩小发抖 但他依然喝不停口
It shriveled and shrank But he drank and he drank
他喝得很快乐 对吧
He had fun doing it,didn’t he?
真是让人酒欲大开 我还知道另一首 干杯
It’s appetizing. I know another one. Bottoms up.
He looks like he’s going to explode.
What are you girls made of?
What was that?
只是均份的威士忌 伏特加 白兰地和琴酒
Just equal parts of scotch,vodka,brandy and gin.
来 试试这个
Here,try this.
那不是水 不 是纯伏特加
That wasn’t water! No,it was straight vodka.
Do you want some more?

怎么了 你不舒服吗
What’s the matter? Don’t you feel well?
I’m burning up.
我知道怎么办 脱掉外套吧
I know what. Let’s take off your coat.
对 你会舒服一点 凉快一点
Yes,you’ll feel a lot better. You’ll cool off.
得了 我帮你
Here I’ll help.
你就坐这里 等我们一下
Now,you just sit down there. Excuse me a minute.
有发现吗 还没有
Any luck? Not so far.
Be sure you check the inside pocket.
不在这里 照片不在他的外套内
It’s not in here. It’s not in his coat.
Darn it.
There’s one other place it could be.
哪里 他的裤子
Where? His pants.
我们只要得到裤子就行了 我得一个人去吗
We’ll only have to get those too. Do I have to get it alone?
不 两人的智慧好过一人
No,I think two heads are better than one.
I suppose so.
这有点棘手 我还是看着吧
It’s ticklish business anyway. I’ll look at it.
来吧 我们得合作
C’mon,we’ll stick together.
知道吗 我差点坐着睡着了
Say,you know,I nearly went to sleep,sitting here.
You suppose you could turn that heat down?
知道他需要什么吗 一大杯水
You know what I think he needs,a good glass of water.
你要吗 亲爱的 对 很需要
Don’t you,honey? Yes,indeed.
我想要点水 但这高温…
I’d like water,but it’s this heat
一杯水 好的
Nice glass of water,yes
Look out!
Your pants are soaked!
我们不能让他穿着湿裤子在这 对吗
We can’t leave him here in wet pants,can we?
Of course not
I’ll put them up under the hair dryer.
不 不 没事 我去换一下
No,no,no,like I’m alright,I’ll just go and change.
不…别傻了 我们不能让你那样出去
Don’t be silly. We wouldn’t take many
不 不 不 听着 这不可以
No,oh no,no! Look this is not
我不会着凉的 不可以的
I am not gonna catch a cold! There is not
What kind of a dinner party is this?
Pardonnez moi!
弗朗索瓦 你来得正好 拿件东西给他盖着
Francois,you’re just in time. Get something to put on him.
Mr. Malone doesn’t feel very well.
You know I think you’d better go to you room and lie down.
我感觉要躺一个月 拿去 把这个披上
I feel like lying down for a month. Here,put this on.
Francois’ll help.
让我来吧 先生
Come on,monsieur
这不公平啊 两个对一个
It’s not fair,you know. Two against one
是的 先生 脱人裤子
Oui,monsieur to take a man’s pants
我同意 先生
Je suis d’accord,monsieur
可能不在这里 必须在
I don’t think it’s here. It must be.
我找到了 找到了
I’ve got it! I’ve got it!
好了 2块2 你的底片跟照片
Here. $2.20. Your negatives and positive prints.
请允许我说 用一句老话 “噢啦啦 ”
And may I say,in the immortal words of my countrymen,”Ooh,la,la!”
非常感谢 是我的荣幸 罗莉拉女士
Thank you ever so. Ah,plaisir,mademoiselle Lorelei.
你好 记得我吗
Hi. Remember me?
记得 奥♥运♥选手之一 对吧
Why,yes. You’re one of the Olympic athletes,aren’t you?.
之一 小姐 我是队上唯一的金童(双关 坏人)
One of them? Sister,I’m the only 4 letter man on the team.
I should think you’d be ashamed to admit it.
什么… 不 别说话了
What No,don’t say another word.
天啊 太令人震惊了
My word! By George! I must say
This is the most contemptible bit of impudence I’ve ever encountered.
The idea of photographing innocent people through a porthole!
Why,it’s absolute invasion of privacy.
想象一下 如果报社拿到了
Just imagine,some newspaper getting a hold of it.
Lady Beekman would never believe you were just being a snake.
I think I’d better sit down a moment.
Are you sure,my dear,there’s no more of these things about?
我肯定 佩吉 你觉得好一点了吗
Positive,Piggy. Do you feel better?
你真是个天使 你甚至不会想到
You little angel,you don’t even know that
there is a certain type of girl who would take advantage of a thing like this.
Gee,you’d have to be a terrible girl to be mean
才会对像你这么甜蜜 聪明 慷慨的人下手 佩吉
to a sweet,intelligent,generous man like you,Piggy.
亲爱的 你得让我向你表达谢意
My dear,my dear you must let me do something for you to show my gratitude.
非常感谢 我可以吻你的手吗
Thank you ever so! May I kiss your hand?
我一直说 吻手也许让人感觉不错
I always say,a kiss on the hand might feel very good
but a diamond tiara lasts forever.
钻石后冠 对 贝克曼夫人的钻石后冠 我想要它
A diamond tiara? Yes,Lady Beekman’s. I just love to have it.
Good gracious.
怎么了 没事 没事 没什么 只是
What’s the matter? Oh nothing,nothing,nothing,but .
你难道不要皮草 赛马 或游艇
Wouldn’t you rather have some furs or a race horse? Or a motor board?
不 谢了
No,thank you.
那 我很难向贝克曼夫人解释
Well,it should be very difficult for me to explain to Lady Beekman
that I’d given it away her jewels.
但你很聪明哩 佩吉 只要你想想 一定做得到
You’re so clever,Piggy. You could,if you put your mind to it.
你真的那么想要吗 当然啦
Do you really think so? Of course I do.
而且 我得到她的后冠 那才算是公平
And besides,it’s only fair I should have her tiara.
因为毕竟 她拥有你
Because after all,she has you.
亲爱的 最亲爱的
My dear,my very dear!
我们现在就去吧 你说怎么就怎么 亲爱的
Let’s get it right now. Anything you say,my dear,anything you say.
留意外面 是的 先生
Keep an eye on the door. Oui,monsieur.
好了 皮耶 把这拿回我的房♥间去
All right,Pierre. Take this thing back to my cabin.
我要待在这里 这是麦克风和你的酬劳
I’m gonna stay here. Here’s the microphone and a dividend.
让门开着 皮耶 是 先生
And leave the door open,Pierre. Oui,monsieur.
罗莉拉 他们来… 你怎么进来的
Lorelei,they’re coming How did you get in here?
Came in through that door.
我在等 你还在打探吗
I’ve been waiting Still snooping around,huh?
That’s right.
But it has nothing to do with you.
I’m being paid to watch that blonde bandit
I’d sure hate to have your job.
Maybe you’re right.
Checking up on people is messy work sometimes
but only when those people are doing things that
Doing things like pretending to make love to a girl
while you spy on her friend?
那部分不是真的 我在这等就是要告诉你这个
That part of it is not true. And I waited here to tell you so.
我不会相信任何你说的话 就算你把它刺额头上
I wouldn’t believe anything you said if you had it tattooed on your forehead.
等等 听我解释啊
Now,wait a minute,listen to me
走开 福尔摩斯 你这骗子
Go away,Sherlock,you’re a wrong guy.
我没骗你 听我说
I’m not wrong about you and you’re gonna listen to me
You’re only making things worse.
好吧 那就别听
All right,don’t listen.
但不管你听不听 我都要告诉你
But whether you listen or not,I’m gonna tell you
