“Big stuff is old stuff”?
鲍勃不是想顶你的 爸爸
Daddy, Bob didn’t mean to upset you.
He just wants to be honest, that’s all.
我们只想要一个属于 我们自己的小天地 这就够了
We just want something little that’s our own, that’s all.
只是属于我们的小天地 你明白吗 爸爸
Just ours. You see, Dad?
我懂了 宝贝
Yeah, honey. I see.
再见 爸爸
See you, Daddy.
嗨 安吉儿 听着
Hey, Angel, come on.
我为这片土地花了 自己一辈子时间
Keeping it together all my life for them.
和灌木 尘土 风沙作斗争…
I battled in mesquite, dust, wind…
…keeping it big.
And for who?
最后还不是要 还给本地那些肮脏的土著
I might just as well give it back to the dirt-eating Comanches.
这就是这个 圣诞的精义所在了
That’s the Christmas spirit.
爸爸 把这片土地还给 贫苦的印第安人吧
Give it all back to the poor old Indians.
不用跟我说 我知道
Don’t tell me, I know.
You’re Jett Rink.
-你是茱迪 -不是 我是卢斯
– You’re Judy? – No, I’m Luz.
哦 卢斯 本尼迪特
Oh. Luz Benedict.
是我 进来
Ha, ha. That I am. Come on in.
Dad’s over at the bar.
放松点 今天是圣诞 人人都有礼物的
Feel free, it’s Christmas. Everybody gets one.
I thought that was next week.
Somebody ought to have told me about that.
Christmas greetings from Mr. Jetexas himself.
你好 毕克
Hello, Bick.
Sit down.
我看圣诞节也跟其他 谈生意的时候没什么两样
I guess Christmas is just about as good a day as any to talk a little business.
你先下去 卢斯
Run along, Luz.
We got business to talk about.
Bye, now.
再见 林克先生
Bye, Mr. Rink.
小姐 人人都称呼我杰特的
Everybody calls me Jett, honey.
What’s on your mind?
The country needs petroleum.
毕克 我准备要去华盛顿
I’m going to Washington, Bick.
我要去那的原因和我 来这的原因都是因为石油
The reason I’m going, and the reason I’m here, is oil.
I figured.
Want to talk a little business?
I’m ready.
似乎每次我们做生意的时候 我和你之间的…
Seems like every time we made a deal, me and you…
…it just turned out pretty lucky…
…for somebody.
这附近的石油 也没造成什么不同
You know, all this oil around here hasn’t made a lot of difference.
我们现在住的跟以前我们 住在”利塔”时候也差不多一样
We live pretty much the way we always have here at Reata.
-就跟我们本尼迪特家族 开创这里时一样 -是的
– Mm-hm. Just like we Benedicts found it. – Yeah.
上帝待你真是不赖 直接就在你前院给你 安排了个游泳池
…Lord was good to you, setting that concrete pool right down in your own yard.
Hey, come on in. Ha, ha.
现在不行 卢斯
Oh, not now, Luz.
Well, it’s good for the young folks.
不管有石油没石油 我们在这里已经取得了进步
We’d have made improvements around here, oil or no oil.
但对石油进行27.5%税收豁免 的确是有帮助的 对不对
Now, Bick, that 27.5 percent tax exemption on oil helped out some, didn’t it?
-贝利 我来告诉你 一些老人的愚见吧 -愿闻其详
– Bale, I’ll tell you what old Pinky thinks. – What?
自从烟草之后 石油税收豁免 是对德州冲击最大的事物了
That oil tax exemption is the best thing to hit Texas since we whupped Geronimo.
这是华盛顿 通过的最好的法案之一
One of the finest laws ever passed in Washington.
毕克 我不是开玩笑…
All joking aside, Bick…
这些事情我们有泰半功劳 这点我们不该拒绝接受
…Bale and I are not adverse to accepting a share of the credit for it.
Not at all.
参议员 有些以往的一流人物 如今逐渐老了
How about an exemption for…
你何不也给 他们进行一番税收豁免
…depreciation of first-class brains, senator?
谁 你
Whose? Yours?
My father’s, for instance.
He spent his life saving other people’s lives.
How about some tax exemption there?
莱斯利说话一向一针见血 对吧
Leslie’s always been real sharp-talking, hasn’t she, Bick?
非常正确 但你也一向能言善辩
Fair enough, judge. You’ve always been smooth enough for two.
“无论前路是好 是坏…”
Do you take each other for better or for worse…
“无论是贫 是富…”
…for richer or for poorer…
“无论是疾 是康 你们愿意执子之手 直到老逝吗”
…in sickness and in health, until death?
Jordan Benedict…
…wilt thou take Juana Villalobos, here present…
…for your lawful wife…
…according to the rite of our holy mother, the Church?
I will.
Juana Villalobos…
你愿意接受…” “你身旁的乔丹·本尼迪特…”
…wilt thou take Jordan Benedict, here present…
…for your lawful husband…
…according to the rite of our holy mother, the Church?
I will.
两手紧握 双膝下跪
Join your hands and kneel down.
Turn right back and then go along
The lady in the front and the gent follow along
Now you’re home and now you swing Round and round with a pretty little thing
On the corner with the old left hand
It’s a right to your honey and a right now round
Hurry up Grandpa can’t you see You ain’t as spry as you used to be
Barbed-wire gates and a great big date Promenade round or you’re gonna get sprayed
Now the gals to the center and back to the bar
And the gents to the center with a right-hand star
Now back to the left and not too far
Greet your honey pass her by Pick up the next gal on the sly
Now the gals go in with a full turn round
Like a jaybird walking on the frozen ground
Now the men go in with a full turn round
Like a scared little rabbit chased by a hound
Spread that star way out wide Let’s do-si-do on every side
Do-si-high and do-si-low Just turn around and here we go
Gals to the center and back to the bar
The gents to the center with a right-hand star
Now back to the left and not too far
Greet your honey pass her by Pick up the next gal on the sly
Now the gals go in with a full turn round
Like a jaybird walking on the frozen ground
Now the men go in with a full turn round
Like a scared little rabbit chased by a hound
Spread that star way out wide Let’s do-si-do on every side
What did they say?
Gals to the center and back to the bar And the gents…
朋友们 亲邻们…
Friends and neighbors, uh…
…I want you all to meet my wife.
-乔丹·本尼迪特三世太太 -恭喜
– This is Mrs. Jordan Benedict III. – Well, congratulations.
He was the first Reata baby I ever saw.
他是我第一个 见到在”利塔”诞生的孩子
I remember it as if it were yesterday…
…when I picked him up.
He had a fever.
I didn’t think he was going to live the day out.
On behalf of the United States Army…
给您自豪地献上 我们国家的旗帜…
…I am proud to present to you the flag of our nation…
您儿子在战役中非常光荣 地所要拼力保护的旗帜
…which your son defended so gallantly.
Oh say can you see
By the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilight’s last gleaming
Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Through the perilous fight
O’er the ramparts we watched
Were so gallantly streaming
And the rocket’s red glare
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night
That our flag was still there
Oh say does that star-spangled…
Everyone, just everyone in the world’s gonna be there.
我要飞去达拉斯 到妮梦玛珂丝[著名服装店]去
I’m gonna fly up to Dallas and I’m going to Neiman’s.
I’m gonna buy myself a sort of a starlight-white evening dress.
简单明了 但又漂亮不凡
Very plain and simple, and deadly.
在你作好 这些计划之前… 你该先听听你父亲的意见
Before you get so elaborately simple, you’d better hear what your father has to say.
我们怎样都要去的 我答应杰特了
We’re certainly going. I promised Jett.
杰特 你在说什么
Jett. What are you talking about?
他喜欢我 也喜欢我的家人
He likes me. He likes my family too.
He’s always talking about you.
My dear, darling Luz.
如果你不是还在 没发育成熟的肩上 顶着颗本尼迪特家的头
If I didn’t know you had a Benedict head on those immature shoulders…
…I’d prescribe a good spanking.
Oh, he’s dreamy.
