你好 阿德雷妮
Hi, Adarene.
-你也该来了 -男孩们呢”宾奇”在哪啊 那老头
– About time you got here. – Where’s Pinky, the old bat?
请接电♥话♥ 是本尼迪特先生 所住的菲兰多套间打来的
Fernando Suite for Mr. Benedict, please.
-这里是美容院 -你们能帮我做个美容吗
– Beauty salon. – Can you take me?
当然 只要你马上下来
Yes, if you can come right along.
谢谢 我马上过来
Ha, ha. Thank goodness. I’ll be right in.
-请问是谁打电♥话♥呢 -本尼迪特太太
– Who’s calling, please? – Mrs. Benedict.
-快来吧 本尼迪特太太 -谢谢
– You come right along, Mrs. Benedict. – Ha, ha. Thank you.
-勃利 -来了
– Bawley. – Yo.
先让大家振奋起来 我们很快出来
Keep everybody freshened up. We’ll be with you quick.
真期待突然见到老鬼杰特 从那件衣服上突然钻出来
We’re anxious to see old Jett come out of that chute.
为什么他们不像其他人的孩子 一样跟我们一起开车来
Why couldn’t they ride with us the way other people’s kids do?
卢斯要坐自己的飞机 乔丹和胡安娜要开车前来
No, Luz had to fly her own plane, and Jordy and Juana had to drive.
Thank you.
Anybody here?
We’re all booked up.
我刚刚打过电♥话♥来的 我是本尼迪特太太
I just called. I’m Mrs. Benedict.
对不起 但我们现在很忙
I’m sorry, but we’re busy.
I wait a little.
他们正在开车赶来了 这需要时间
They’re driving. It takes time.
Oh, I know it takes time, I know it.
I made the trip myself 400 times.
But don’t worry about the children.
他们举止虽异常 但他们的态度还是蛮好的
Their behavior is odd, but their manners are beautiful.
你给我听着 我受够你了
Now, listen here, boy. I’ve taken just about enough of this from you.
I didn’t want to come in the first place.
要不是你被他们威逼利诱 一番就吓坏了 我怎么会来
I wouldn’t be here unless you’d let them bully you into it.
既然来了 就看在上帝份上 好好利用这段时间
Now, for heaven’s sakes, let’s make the best of it.
冷静点 继续刮你的胡子 穿好衣服 我等下就和你一起下去
If you’ll cool down, go on shaving, and finish dressing, I’ll go down with you.
要不然你就给 我自己一个人下去吧
Otherwise, you can go alone.
You know, honey…
你发怒时的样子 真是可爱极了
…you’re awful cute when you get riled.
-你好 本尼迪特 -你好 勃利叔叔
– Hello, Mr. Benedict. – Hello, Uncle Bawley.
嗨 乔丹
Hey, Jordy.
快进去吧 你老爸老妈好像在开仗了
You better hurry on in there. Your ma and pa are sure having a battle. Whew.
-你好 宝贝 -去了哪里
– Hello, honey. – Well, where have you been?
交通堵塞 迟到了一会
We got tied up in traffic in town.
-胡安娜呢 -她去了美容院
– Where’s Juana? – She’s in the beauty parlor.
-你好啊 小宝贝 -卢佩呢
– Here, darling. Hello, sweetheart. – Where’s Lupe?
没事的 他只是没有睡够
He’s all right. He just didn’t get his nap.
How’s my child, Grandpa Benedict?
Is that Judy crying?
-希望我不算太迟 -没有 快进来
– Oh, I hope I’m not too late. – Not too, come right in.

你好啊 胡安娜
Oh, hello, Juana. Yeah, he’s here.
他在 乔丹 找你的
Jordy, it’s for you.
什么事 宝贝
Yes, dear?
在那里等我 我马上下来
Well, you stay right there, honey. I’m coming right down.
你们不用等我 我马上回来
Don’t you folks wait on us. We’ll catch up.
孩子 你来迟了好久
Son, you’re way behind.
各位好 看看谁来了
Howdy, everybody. Look who we found.
Well, there you are.
We were getting worried.
你最好快穿衣服了 杰特
Say, you’d better get dressed, Jett.
额 好的
Oh, yeah.
你还要我跟你 一起过一遍演讲的
You wanted me to go over the speech with you too.
快啊 我们得赶紧了
Come on, we better hurry.
对不起 但这是 杰特·林克先生的吩咐
Well, I’m sorry, but it happens to be Mr. Jett Rink’s orders.
And I’m just working here.
我们对所有人都得遵守这吩咐 全城一视同仁
It’s everybody’s orders. Same all over town.
这位小姐应该去那些 帮他们的同胞做美容的地方
The young lady should’ve gone to a place where they do her people.
Well, if it isn’t the queen herself.
Hi. You having fun?
正在制♥造♥乐趣呢 你好吗
We’re making out. How you doing?
很好 我爸爸妈妈呢
Good. Where are they, Mom and Dad?
别把你的运气 视同儿戏哦[你可真有运哦]
Don’t trifle with your luck.
There you are.
爸爸 要和我说几句吗
Oh, you want to talk to me, Dad?
小姐 如果你能给我几分钟的话 我想跟你谈些问题
Yes, if you can spare me a few moments of your time, I’d like to talk to you.
-现在必须谈吗 爸爸 -是的
– Oh, Dad, must we now? – Yes.
乔丹 我们得赶快到前厅去了
We must hurry if we’re gonna be on time for the grand entrance.
卢斯 亲爱的 你看起来美极了
Oh, Luz, darling, you look just beautiful.
Uncle Bawley, help me round everybody up.
I’m sorry I’m so late.
好了 各位…
All right, people. Hyah, hyah, hyah!
哈 哈 哈
Hyah, hyah, hyah!
哈 哈 哈
Hyah, hyah, hyah!
Get along, there.
There’s a clause here…
Did some of you boys change this?
Lord, man, no. We haven’t changed a single comma.
Changes tend to throw you.
哥伦布发现了 这个国家的外壳
“Columbus discovered only the shell of this country.
-阿加西来了 发现的化石 -是的
– Agassiz came and discovered fossil… ” – Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Members only.
Where’s Rink?
He went that way.
Looks like I just come in for a root beer. Ha-ha-ha.
朋友 德州的
That, my friend, is a Texas rain.
你们在那坐着干吗 下来吧 坐这里
Hey, Bick. What you doing sitting up there? Come on, sit at our table, boy.
“德州人说 “保罗·李维尔”
the Texan said, “Paul Revere?
“噢 对了 不就是那个 策马过来帮忙的家伙吗”
Oh, yeah, ain’t he the fella that had to ride for help?”
In just a few moments…
林克先生本人… 就会在麦克风前
…Mr. Rink himself will be here at the microphone.
快 我们走
Come on, let’s go.
Jordy smashed up the beauty parlor.
-乔丹正在到处找杰特·林克 -什么
– He’s looking for. – What?
Where we have our hair done.
乔丹要狠揍杰特 因为那是他主意
Jordy’s looking for Jett to fight him, says it was his orders.
-为什么 -美容院女孩说 他们不帮”湿背人”美容
– Why? – Juana. The girl said they didn’t take wetbacks.
我们整个国家 谢谢你 贝尔·克林议员
… of our entire country. Thank you, Congressman Bale Clinch.
The eyes of Texas are upon you
You cannot get away
Do not think you can escape them
At night or early in the morn
The eyes of Texas are upon you
Till Gabriel blows his horn
The eyes of Texas are upon you
在这等我 宝贝 我马上回来
Stay here, honey. I’ll be right back.
All the livelong day
The eyes of Texas are upon you
You cannot get away
-就是她 -你邀请我来就为了凌♥辱♥我的妻子
– Is this young Benedict? – You invited me down here to insult my wife.
And you’re gonna answer for it.
你不就是那个娶了 印第安女人做老婆的那个吗
Aren’t you the one who married a squaw?
怎么了 小子 在这不爽
What’s the matter? Ain’t you having a good time?
把拳头举起来 林克 人人都知道你应该受到这样惩罚
Get them up, Rink. Everybody knows you got this coming to you.
-乔丹 不要 -把拳头举起来
– Jordy, no. – Get them up, Rink. Let go of me.
You want it now, in front of everybody…
…or you want to come outside?
I don’t care much…
…whether it’s here or outside…
…so long as I get one punch at that stuck-up face of yours.
Sit down, sit down.
-州长 今晚还好吧 -好的
– Heh, heh. Governor, how are you this evening? – Fine.
现在 我们来介绍 我们的荣誉嘉宾
And now to introduce our guest of honor…
…we hear from a man known from the rocky coast of Maine…
是自缅因州到加利 福尼亚州无人不识的…
…to the Golden Gate in California.
女士们先生们 我们的…
Ladies and gentlemen…
…our own Senator Oliver Whiteside.
Mr. Toastmaster…
…Governor North…
…ladies and gentlemen…
The eyes of the entire nation are on us tonight…
今晚 我们聚在一起纪念那些…
…as we gather here to honor them…
