Get them up.
You had this coming to you for a long time.
Texas has been kind to Jett Rink…
…and is ever ready…
你怎么揍我孩子 我就怎么揍回你
You’re gonna get what you gave my boy.
举起拳头 举起拳头
Get them up. Get them up!
…骄傲 友好…
proud, friendly…
热心 成功
…warm-hearted, successful.
没错 我相信必定成功…
Yes, successful, I am sure…
…beyond his wildest dreams.
But Jett Rink has never lost the common touch.
You ain’t even worth hitting.
Jett, you want to know something true?
You’re all through.
…所有了解他 爱过他的老朋友
… all old friends who have known him and loved him…
…since boyhood.
Dear friends…
今晚 我们大家来…
…I’m going to ask you to come with me tonight…
一起回顾 一些美好的回忆
…as I turn back the pages in my book of happy memories…
我记得首次见到 年轻的杰特·林克的情形
…and I recall the first time I saw young Jett Rink.
-那孩子呢 -胡安娜扶他上楼了
– Where’s the boy? – He went upstairs.
Come on, let’s get out of here.
-我去叫卢斯 -快点
– I’ll go get Luz. – Hurry up.
moves the sand of glorious…
来 卢斯 我们走
Luz, we’re leaving.
-他的脸上闪耀着光芒 -能让一下吗
– in his face shone that light… – Would you excuse me, please?
that destiny always uses…
光阴似箭… 这是光阴的习惯
The years pass quickly, as the years have a way of doing.
And now I see Jett Rink as a young man…
是一个既不害怕别人反对 也不惧怕辛劳工作的 杰特·林克…
… afraid of neither opposition nor hard work…
他目光远大… 在工作中 计划中 奋斗中…
…his eyes set on a far distant goal towards which he’s ever working…
…learning, striving.
现在我们的 杰特·林克进来了
And now we come to Jett Rink, the man.
德州是给了 杰特·林克许多机遇的地方
Texas has been kind to Jett Rink.
杰特也从来没有忘记 过德州给他的机遇…
And Jett, never forgetting this kindness…
他随时愿意 捐献出自己的资源…
…is ever ready to devote his resources…
…to the greater glory of the state which reared him…
这片土地也回报 以他今晚的荣耀
…and which, in turn, does honor to him tonight…
…in this great gathering here present.
现在 在这里的朋友们…
And now, my friends, here…
全国收听着 广播的千万人♥民♥们…
…and to the many thousands of you listening across the nation…
…I have the privilege…
…yes, I have the great honor…
…to introduce a legend in his own time…
…a great Texan…
…an outstanding American…
没错 朋友们 就是他
…yes, my friends, a man.
I give to you Jett Rink.
All the livelong day
The eyes of Texas are upon you
You cannot get away
Do not think you can escape them
At night or early in the morn
The eyes of Texas are upon you
Well, you can count on me.
好吧 再见
All right, then. Goodbye.
How bad?
“文塞塔”受到了 很严重的袭击
It hit pretty hard in Vientecito.
吉埃拉医生开设了 临时辅助性的医院
Dr. Guerra set up an auxiliary hospital.
他需要帮忙 我得马上过去
He needs help. I better get down there.
等到明早做第一班机吧 那会让你时间充裕些
You’ll make better time if you wait till first light and fly.
我讨厌睡在 杰特的屋檐底下
I don’t relish the idea of spending the night under Jett’s roof.
Me too.
如果不是有约定 我们早就逃开了
If it weren’t for transporting this circus, we’d all hightail it out of here.
I hope she don’t let this upset her too much…
…this business tonight.
It’s just one of those things.
Best thing to do is forget about it.
对 忘掉它
Yeah. Well, go ahead. You forget it.
Me, I’m gonna remember it.
听着 乔丹
Now, look, Jordy.
Take it easy.
我们才住一晚受的 刺♥激♥就差不多够了
We’ve had just about enough excitement around here for one night.
-我猜是吧 -是的
– Yeah, I guess so. – Sure.
你一向都很有自己的主见 并且会充分实现自己的主见
You’ve always had a mind of your own, and you’ve always used it.
Done things pretty near your own way.
你那样结婚的时候你应该 已经知晓自己在干什么
You knew what you was doing when you married in that direction.
你那天早上给我说 那消息时我就告诉过你 记得吗
I told you myself the morning after you broke the news. Remember?
我告诉过你我知道胡安娜 是一个很好的女孩…
I told you then that I knew Juana was a mighty-fine little gal…
但是娶她的话就意味着 自找麻烦 你记得吗
…but when you and she got married, you was asking for trouble. Remember?
I told you that.
这里的许多人对 这种事都太神经质了
Lots of folks in this part of the country are pretty jumpy about that sort of thing.
-杰特只是其中之一 -我知道有这种人
– Jett’s only one of them. – I know those people.
我们以前也碰过这种事 但我们都处理得很好
Just leave them to heaven. We’re doing fine.
我只担心怎么去对付 那些本来应该更了解我的人
Look, Papa, if I’m concerned, it has to do with the people that ought to know better.
Like my own father.
-唔 -很简单 就是你
– Hmm? – Just the simple truth, that’s you.
That’s the way you think.
Oh, good Lord, I don’t care about Jett Rink.
但是你 爸爸 那不同
But you, Papa, that’s different.
你给我听着 乔丹
Now, you look here, Jordy.
You can’t talk to me like that.
Why, Lord, no man can.
我一向是个公正的人 一辈子正直无私 对所有人都是
I’m a fair man, and I’ve been fair all my life, with everybody.
你 我的孩子 你不能跟我 这么说我不是个公正的人
And you, my own son, can’t sit there and tell me that I’m not a fair man.
听着 乔丹…
Look, Jordy…
生活有种种方式 做事有种种方式…
…there’s ways of living and there’s ways of doing things that folks abide by…
有人就喜欢和 自己的同胞一起… 觉得这样过得开心幸福
…when they want to live right and happily in comfort with their own people.
我一直都说胡安娜 是个好女孩 只是…
And I always say Juana’s a mighty-fine little gal, but…
别干坐在那里证明我说的话 我不想听到你这么说
Don’t sit there and prove what I say! I don’t like to hear you do it.
Dang it, boy, you’re not being fair.
在那骚嚷时 是谁去跟林克挑战了
When that ruckus started down there tonight, who went after Rink?
Your old man.
-谁为你出头 是你♥爸♥爸
Who took him to count? Your old man.
-那为什么 -为什么要帮我出头呢
– And why? – Why? Because I…
-因为我妻子 -是的
– Because of my wife? – Yes.
不是 那是因为你儿子
No. No, because your son…
乔丹·本尼迪特…”利塔”漫长而又 令你自豪的血统后代
…Jordan Benedict, descendant of the long, proud line of Reata…
因为他被当着整个德州狠狠 地被人羞辱了 这才是原因
…got knocked right flat on his back in front of all Texas. That’s why.
听着 爸爸
Now, look, Papa.
算了吧 别担心了
Just forget it. Don’t worry yourself about it.
妈妈 当你跟我们这些 好吵闹的德州人闹在了一起
Look, Mama, I guess you made a big mistake…
…when you got yourself mixed up with us rowdy Texans.
你真让我吃惊 你们所有人都太让我吃惊了
Well, I’m shocked at you, and I’m shocked at all of us.
I’m just so ashamed.
I’ll never be able to forget the sight of
…my brother barging into the grand ballroom…
在我们朋友的面前 让我们丢脸 那样我的父亲丢的脸就更大
…disgracing us. Then my father had to make it a bigger brawl.
I don’t know when I’ll be able to face people.
你继续去见杰特的话 就不用再见我了
Keep seeing Jett, you won’t have to face me.
这样怎样 妈妈
Well, how about that, anyway, Mama?
I haven’t been asked.
我们一家好像不能 容忍♥他的成功似的
It seems that my family just can’t tolerate his success.
-亲爱的 卢斯 -今晚对杰特意味非凡
– My darling Luz. – Well, tonight meant a lot to Jett.
Really, I know.
真不知该怎么去跟他道歉 如果我知道的话我早去了
If I only knew how to apologize to him, I’d go to him now.
I can’t face all those people.
派对早结束了 宾客们都回家了
The party’s over. They’ve all gone home.

He passed out like a light in front of the whole crowd.
不 卢斯 这是我们听到的消息
Oh, no. That’s what we heard, Luz.
Well, he must have been ill.
