grapple 英 [ˈɡræpl] 美 [ˈɡræpl]



  • Airbnb has also grappled with the problem of some hosts being racist towards guests.
  • In essence, he was raising an issue that economists have long grappled with: How can a society assess the trade-off between economic well-being and health?


[verb] engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle
[动词] 在没有武器的情况下进行近距离的搏斗或斗争,同 wrestle


Grapple 一词源自古法语 grapil (钩),13世纪末进入英语时表示“(抓住敌船用的)抓钩、多爪锚”,这个含义后来常用 grappling hook/iron 表达,比如下面的名人名言中就有出现。

抓钩的作用是将某物紧紧的钩住或抓住,所以 grapple 引申用作动词时,即表示“抓牢、握紧、系紧”,比如:

  • 他用双臂抓住我,把我拉过去搂着。
    He grappled me to him with both arms and hugged me.

不过要小心的是,被人用双臂抓住的时候,除了浪漫搂着以外,往往更为常见的是“搏斗、扭打”, grapple 的这个含义在 热词速递 | 张伟丽卫冕 UFC 世界冠军 一文中就有提到,既可以作动词也可以作名词使用,比如:

  • 与一个大个子流氓拼命搏斗
    grapple wildly with a big tough
  • 与基督教会暴政的最后决战
    a final grapple with ecclesiastical tyranny

值得注意的是, grapple with sth 除了表示“与某物扭打”外,还常指“努力设法解决某事”,比如:

  • 今天,仍有许多美国人还没有克服种族歧视的观念。
    Today, many Americans are still grappling with the issue of race.

由于抓钩除了钩住船只以外,还可以用来在水里捞东西,因此 grapple 也引申指“摸索、探寻”,比如:

  • 用抓钩在深水里探寻失落的保险箱
    grapple in deep water for the missing safe
  • 想找个别的话题
    grapple for something else to talk about


Monuments are the grappling-irons that bind one generation to another.

出自法国文人儒贝尔(Joseph Joubert,1754年5月7日─1824年5月4日)。他以身后出版的《随思录》(Pensées)而闻名。钱钟书在《谈艺录》中多次引用儒贝尔。


grapple” 意为努力应对、摆脱、或理解复杂的问题或困境。

以下是包含单词 “grapple” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. grapple with the issue – 努力解决问题
  2. grapple with challenges – 应对挑战
  3. grapple with uncertainty – 应对不确定性
  4. grapple for control – 争夺控制权
  5. grapple for solutions – 寻求解决方案
  6. grapple for understanding – 努力理解
  7. grapple with complexity – 应对复杂性
  8. grapple with emotions – 对抗情绪
  9. grapple with consequences – 应对后果
  10. grapple with change – 应对变革
  11. grapple with a problem – 解决一个问题
  12. grapple with fear – 对抗恐惧
  13. grapple with the truth – 理解真相
  14. grapple with technology – 应对技术
  15. grapple with ethics – 探讨伦理
  16. grapple with a decision – 下决心
  17. grapple for power – 争夺权力
  18. grapple with morality – 探讨道德
  19. grapple with identity – 探索身份
  20. grapple for justice – 争取正义
  21. grapple with consequences – 承担后果
  22. grapple with doubt – 对抗怀疑
  23. grapple for solutions – 寻找解决方案
  24. grapple with complexity – 理解复杂性
  25. grapple with ambiguity – 应对模糊性
  26. grapple with loss – 对抗损失
  27. grapple with addiction – 应对成瘾
  28. grapple with reality – 对抗现实
  29. grapple with morality – 探讨道德
  30. grapple for knowledge – 探求知识
  31. grapple with mental health – 关心心理健康
  32. grapple with expectations – 应对期望
  33. grapple for resources – 争夺资源
  34. grapple with the past – 应对过去
  35. grapple for control – 争夺控制权
  36. grapple with self-doubt – 对抗自我怀疑
  37. grapple for influence – 争夺影响力
  38. grapple with insecurity – 应对不安全感
  39. grapple with a concept – 理解概念
  40. grapple with the unknown – 探索未知
  41. grapple for answers – 寻求答案
  42. grapple with isolation – 应对孤独
  43. grapple for meaning – 探求意义
  44. grapple with failure – 应对失败
  45. grapple with the future – 关注未来
  46. grapple for survival – 为生存而战
  47. grapple with communication – 应对沟通问题
  48. grapple for balance – 追求平衡
  49. grapple with the system – 探讨体制
  50. grapple with complexity – 理解复杂性


  • wrestle: take part in a fight, either as sport or in earnest, that involves grappling with one’s opponent and trying to throw or force them to the ground
  • tussle: engage in a vigorous struggle or scuffle
  • brawl: fight or quarrel in a rough or noisy way
