Don’t do your laundry at midnight.
去它的! 我想什么时候洗 就什么时候洗
Fuck that! I wanna do my laundry whenever the fuck I want to.
你可以带其它的东西 不一定要枪 比如胡椒喷雾器
There are other things you can carry other than a gun. Pepper spray.
如果哪个混♥蛋♥想要强♥奸♥我 我可不会只让他长皮肤疹
Uh, motherfucker trying to rape me, I don’t want to give him a skin rash.
I wanna shut that nigga down!
How about a knife, at least?
你知道那些带刀的人 会有什么下场吗?
Yeah, you know what happens to motherfuckers carry knives?
They get shot!
如果我能成为有名的女演员 那我就不再带枪
If I ever become a famous actress, I won’t carry a gun.
我会雇个保镖 他会带枪的
I will hire me a do-dirt nigga and he will carry the gun,
在出状况的时候 我会一边休息一边拍手叫好
and when shit goes down, I will sit back and laugh,
但在那之前 我还是得狠一点
but until that day, it’s Wild West.
佐伊 你想好下一步要做什么没有?
So Zoe, you thought about what you want to do first?
It just so happens I know exactly what I want to do.
真的? 是什么呢?
Oh, really? And what would that be?
除非能驾驶底特律大马力跑车 要不然我来美国就毫无意义了
To me, there’s no point in being in America unless you can drive a Detroit muscle car.
我想要驾驶一辆道奇挑战者 它能让我爽到极点
I wanna drive a Dodge Challenger… fuck me swinging, balls out.
Well, I guess we could talk to Transpo,
but does it have to be a Dodge Challenger?
不仅如此 必须是1970年 440匹引擎的道奇挑战者
Not just that. It has to be a 1970 Dodge Challenger with a 440 engine.
How in the fuck do you expect to do that?
别担心 伙伴
No worries, mate.
I have got it all worked out.
When I knew I was coming here,
我就上网查到了 田纳西州的一份本地报纸
I went on-line and found out that the local paper here in Tennessee
is the Lebanon News Sentinel.
-所以在家的时候 -对不起 你家在哪里? 澳大利亚?
-So back home… -I’m sorry, where’s home? Australia?
你什么意思 伙伴?
What do you mean by that, mate?
佐伊来自纽西兰 你绝对不能…
Zoe’s from New Zealand, and you never…
我强调一下 绝对不能… 把纽西兰人称为澳大利亚人
I repeat, never… call a Kiwi an Aussie.
That is, unless you want your ass kicked.
真对不起 我绝对不会…
I’m so sorry. I will nev…
Oh, it’s okay.
我们只是想吓唬你 伙伴
We are just taking the piss out of you, mate.
Auckland, to answer your question.
不管怎样 我订购了一个月前的本地报纸
Anyway, I subscribed to the local paper a month ago.
你在纽西兰 干嘛订这种保守的本地报纸?
Why the fuck you want a local redneck newspaper in New Zealand?
别啰唆 我会告诉你的
Pipe down and I will tell you.
I have been getting the paper
就查阅分类广♥告♥ 看有没有汽车销♥售♥讯息
and checking the classifieds, looking at cars for sale,
就在昨天 就在这个小镇
as of yesterday, for sale in this town,
有个家伙要卖♥♥他库存的 1970年道奇挑战者
some dude is selling a stock 1970 Dodge Challenger
440匹引擎 并且被喷漆成白色的
with a 440 engine and a white paint job.
And you wanna buy it?
金 我也许笨 但我还没笨到那种程度
Kim, I may be stupid, but I’m not bloody stupid.
我会跟他说我要买♥♥ 那么他就会让我试车
I wanna say I wanna buy it so he will let me test-drive it.
A 1970 Dodge Challenger with a white paint job?
Oh, uh, Kowalski!
《消失点》里的科瓦斯奇 太经典了!
Kowalski from ‘Vanishing Point’. Mate, it’s a fucking classic!
如果我能说服这家伙… 让我单独试车的话
If I can get this guy to let me drive it without him,
I will blow the doors off that bitch.
What’s ‘Vanishing Point’?
What’s ‘Vanishing Point’?
艾碧 你怎么也变这么无知了
Abs, I’m supposed to be the illiterate one.
It’s just one of the best American movies ever made.
事实上 佐伊 大多数女孩子都不知道《消失点》
Actually, Zoe, most girls wouldn’t know ‘Vanishing Point’.
对不起 大多数女孩子? 那么你们两个是什么?
Excuse me. Most girls? What the fuck are you two?
我们是汽车爱好者 我们当然会看过
Yeah, well, we are gearheads. Of course we watched it.
Y’all grew up watching that ‘Pretty in Pink’ shit.
Oh, I liked ‘Pretty in Pink’.
What, so you didn’t watch John Hughes movies?
我当然看了 我是女孩子 但我也看一些飞车类的电影
Of course I did. I’m a girl. But I also watched car shit, too…
《消失点》 《冲刺大黎明》
‘Vanishing Point’. ‘Dirty Mary Crazy Larry’.
‘Gone in 60 Seconds’…
正宗的 不是那部安洁莉娜·裘莉的烂片
The real one, not that Angelina Jolie bullshit.
奥克兰有家户外电影院 放映过《消失点》
We have an outdoor theater in Auckland that plays ‘Vanishing Point’.
《伟大的星期三》 都是经典电影
‘Big Wednesday’. all the classics.
美女们 想要什么?
What do you horny gals want?
Yeah, you got a 1970 Dodge Challenger for sale?
就在这边 女士们
Right up here, ladies.
This shit is off the fucking hook!
真传奇啊 伙伴
Fucking legendary, mate.
帅哥 麻烦你等一下 我想和我的伙伴谈几句
Sweet ass. Well, if you will excuse me, I would like to have a word with my associate.
You ladies take your time.
你还在等什么? 叫他让你一个人试车啊
What are you waiting for? Ask him to let you drive it by yourself.
我会的 但我必须先要求你一件事
I intend to, but first I need to ask you something.
如果他答应让我们单独试车 我想要玩”轮船桅杆”
If he lets us take it out on our own, I wanna play Ship’s Mast.
-天哪 不! -小声点!
-Oh, hell, no! -Keep it down!
Ain’t no way I’m doing Ship’s Mast.
-看在上帝… -不要亵渎上帝
-For Chrissakes… -Don’t blaspheme.
那么 你上次玩过之后说了什么?
Now, what did you say after the last time?
-我知道我说了什么 -你说过什么?
-Look, I know what I said. -What did you say?
-I know I said we shouldn’t… -No.
不 你不是说我们不应该 你说过我们绝不会再玩这个了
You didn’t say we shouldn’t. You said we ain’t ever gonna do that again.
-但是… -但是个屁!
-But… -But, my ass!
你不只说 我们绝不会再玩”轮船桅杆”
You said not only are we never gonna play Ship’s Mast again,
你还说过 如果你像现在这样还想要再玩
but you also said if you ever do what you trying to do now, to not only refuse,
我不只可以拒绝你 我还能在必要时阻止你
but that I had permission to physically restrain your ass if necessary.
Now, did you or did you not say that?
不 不 不 回答问题 该死的
No, no, no. Answer the question, motherfucker.
Did you or did you not say that?
是的 我说过 不过…
Yes, I said that. However…
Whatever with your “however.”
听着 我知道我说过 我当时也是认真的…
Look, I know I said it, and I know I meant it…
Damn skippy you meant it!
但我当时那么说 并不是指在美国
But when I said it, I didn’t mean in America!
-拜托 -真的 我说真的
-Oh, nigga, please. -For real. Really.
我的意思是 绝不会在纽西兰或澳大利亚玩”轮船桅杆”
I meant we should never play Ship’s Mast again in New Zealand or Australia.
You are such a liar!
我知道我说过什么 但我说的时候 我不知道我会来美国
I know what I said, but when I said it I didn’t know I would ever come to America,
and if I had of known I was gonna come to America,
had the opportunity to play Ship’s Mast on the ‘Vanishing Point’ Challenger…
I would have added a “however. ”
好吧 说来奇怪 但我确实能够理解
Okay, oddly enough, I actually understood that.
不过 虽然你用蠢话说服了自己
However, just because you talked yourself into some stupid shit
doesn’t mean I have lost my goddamn mind.
玩”轮船桅杆”需要两个人 我才不要玩
You need two people to play Ship’s Mast, and I ain’t playing.
I will be your best friend.
我不需要 住在地球另一边的好朋友
I don’t need me no best friend lives on the other side of Planet Earth.
I will crack your back.
You will crack it anyway.
Well, of course I will crack it anyway.
但是现在 我在这里的时候 我会做你的捶背奴隶
But now, while I’m here, I will be your back-cracking slave.
你什么时候想要 我就帮你捶 你甚至不用要求
Whenever you want it, you have got it. You don’t even have to ask.
你只要命令我就行了 就像”贱♥人♥ 过来伺候我”
You just order me to do it, just be like, “Bitch, get over here and get busy.”
我们去问这家伙 会不会让我们单独试车
We are gonna see if this guy will let us take the car out without him.
如果他愿意 你和李在这里等 我们很快就回来
If he does, you wait here with Lee and we will be back in a moment.
-我说我们去问这家伙… -我听到你刚说什么了
-I said we are gonna see if this guy will let… -I heard what you said.
I just can’t believe what you said.
You two got some fucking balls.
Don’t play dumbass with me.
我整晚都没睡觉 现在还有点醉 我在宿醉
I have been up all night, I’m still a little drunk, and I have a hangover.
