haggle 英 [ˈhæɡl] 美 [ˈhæɡl]



  • Casper won over many shoppers by getting rid of the worst bits of the bed-buying process, including choosing among dozens of similar products and haggling with pushy salesmen.
  • Actually, I haggled my way to getting both the palm reading and a Tarot card reading for $30.
    ——《纽约时报》(注:此句中的看手相表达曾在 熟词僻义 | Reader是一个什么职位? 一文中提过)


[verb] dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of something
[动词] (尤指就某物的成本)持续地争论或讨价还价


Haggle 一词与 hack (延伸阅读:熟词僻义 | hack除了非法入侵,还指什么?)同源,最初表示“乱砍、乱劈”,比如:

  • 乱砍树枝
    haggle at branches
  • 把树枝胡乱砍去
    haggle branches off

从砍掉这个含义出发,到了17世纪, haggle 逐渐开始引申表达“砍价”这个概念,具体指“(对价格或条件)讨价还价”或“在价格、条件等方面争论不休”,比如:

  • 他一准还会杀价。
    Of course he’ll still haggle over the price.
  • 同警方就谁该受责备的问题争论近一个小时
    haggle with the police for almost an hour over who is to blame

另外,haggle 也可以作名词表示“争论、论价、讨价还价”,比如:

  • 她又大笑起来,享受着砍价的乐趣。
    She laughed again, enjoying the haggle.


It is far more important to be able to hit the target than it is to haggle over who makes a weapon or who pulls a trigger.

出自美国政治家、军事家德怀特·大卫·艾森豪威尔(Dwight David Eisenhower,1890年10月14日-1969年3月28日)。他曾在1953至1961年间任美国第34任总统,亦是美国历史上的九位五星上将之一。


haggle” 意为讨价还价、争论、或争取更好的交易条件。

以下是包含单词 “haggle” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. haggle over the price – 就价格讨价还价
  2. haggle with the seller – 与卖家讨价还价
  3. haggle for a discount – 为折扣讨价还价
  4. haggle on the terms – 就条款争论
  5. haggle about the deal – 就交易争论
  6. haggle for a better offer – 为更好的报价争取
  7. haggle with the vendor – 与供应商讨价还价
  8. haggle for the best price – 为最佳价格争取
  9. haggle on the contract – 就合同争论
  10. haggle with the customer – 与客户讨价还价
  11. haggle over the details – 就细节争论
  12. haggle for a lower rate – 为更低的费率讨价还价
  13. haggle on the cost – 就成本争论
  14. haggle with the manufacturer – 与制造商讨价还价
  15. haggle for a higher salary – 为更高的薪水争取
  16. haggle on the delivery date – 就交付日期争论
  17. haggle with the supplier – 与供应商讨价还价
  18. haggle for better terms – 为更好的条件争取
  19. haggle over the price tag – 就价格标签争论
  20. haggle for a better package – 为更好的套餐争取
  21. haggle on the terms of the agreement – 就协议条款争论
  22. haggle with the landlord – 与房东讨价还价
  23. haggle for a reduced rate – 为降低的费率讨价还价
  24. haggle on the contract terms – 就合同条款争论
  25. haggle with the customer for a deal – 与客户就交易讨价还价
  26. haggle for a better offer – 为更好的报价争取
  27. haggle on the shipping cost – 就运费争论
  28. haggle with the dealership – 与经销商讨价还价
  29. haggle for better conditions – 为更好的条件争取
  30. haggle over the terms of sale – 就销售条款讨价还价
  31. haggle with the buyer – 与买家讨价还价
  32. haggle for a better deal – 为更好的交易争取
  33. haggle on the rent – 就租金争论
  34. haggle with the real estate agent – 与房地产经纪人讨价还价
  35. haggle for a favorable outcome – 为有利的结果争取
  36. haggle over the purchase – 就购买争论
  37. haggle with the supplier for a discount – 与供应商讨价还价要折扣
  38. haggle for a lower price – 为更低的价格争取
  39. haggle on the car price – 就汽车价格争论
  40. haggle with the shopkeeper – 与店主讨价还价
  41. haggle for a better rate – 为更好的费率争取
  42. haggle on the terms of the loan – 就贷款条款争论
  43. haggle with the contractor – 与承包商讨价还价
  44. haggle for a better contract – 为更好的合同争取
  45. haggle on the service fee – 就服务费争论
  46. haggle with the client – 与客户讨价还价
  47. haggle for a better arrangement – 为更好的安排争取
  48. haggle on the project budget – 就项目预算争论
  49. haggle with the artist – 与艺术家讨价还价
  50. haggle for a competitive price – 为有竞争力的价格争取


  • bargain: negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction
  • quibble: to argue or complain about a small matter or an unimportant detail
  • dicker: engage in petty argument or bargaining
