
英 [hə'ræŋ]美 [hə'ræŋ]



n. 长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说
vt. 向…滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥
vi. 高谈阔论;慷慨陈词




2. 长篇指责性演说,象“海浪”一样,滔滔不绝。
3. 谐音“好long”—–讲了好长时间的话。
4. har- “crowd, army” + ring => harang- + -ue => harangue (literally, “a large group of people crowded round”).
5. ring => *hring => *haring- => *harang- + -ue => harangue.
6. with the idea of ‘addressing’ them only developing later.
7. harbour, harbinger, harness <====> harangue.


harangue 长篇演说,呵斥,大声谴责


  1. Deliver a harangue: 发表激昂演讲
  2. Political harangue: 政治演讲
  3. Long-winded harangue: 冗长的演讲
  4. Fiery harangue: 激情四溢的演讲
  5. Public harangue: 公开演讲
  6. Rant and harangue: 大声抱怨和演讲
  7. Spirited harangue: 精神奕奕的演讲
  8. Passionate harangue: 充满激情的演讲
  9. Emotional harangue: 情绪激动的演讲
  10. Harangue against injustice: 抗议不公正的演讲
  11. Provocative harangue: 挑衅性的演讲
  12. Harangue the audience: 向观众发表演讲
  13. Harangue about social issues: 就社会问题发表演讲
  14. Harangue against corruption: 抨击腐败的演讲
  15. Harangue against inequality: 批评不平等的演讲
  16. Harangue the government: 对政府发表演讲
  17. Harangue with passion: 充满激情地演讲
  18. Harangue the crowd: 向人群发表演讲
  19. Harangue about human rights: 就人权问题发表演讲
  20. Harangue against discrimination: 抗议歧视的演讲
  21. Harangue about environmental issues: 就环境问题发表演讲
  22. Harangue against war: 反对战争的演讲
  23. Harangue with conviction: 坚定地演讲
  24. Harangue against oppression: 抗议压迫的演讲
  25. Harangue against racism: 批评种族主义的演讲
  26. Harangue the authorities: 对当局发表演讲
  27. Harangue about freedom of speech: 就言论自由问题发表演讲
  28. Harangue against social injustice: 批判社会不公的演讲
  29. Harangue in the public square: 在公共广场发表演讲
  30. Harangue against government policies: 批评政府政策的演讲
  31. Harangue with eloquence: 雄辩地演讲
  32. Harangue against corporate greed: 抨击企业贪婪的演讲
  33. Harangue about educational reform: 就教育改革问题发表演讲
  34. Harangue against social inequality: 抗议社会不平等的演讲
  35. Harangue against religious intolerance: 批评宗教不容忍的演讲
  36. Harangue against government corruption: 抨击政府腐败的演讲
  37. Harangue against economic inequality: 批评经济不平等的演讲
  38. Harangue about gender equality: 就性别平等问题发表演讲
  39. Harangue against police brutality: 批评警察暴行的演讲
  40. Harangue against environmental destruction: 批评环境破坏的演讲
  41. Harangue against political oppression: 抗议政治压迫的演讲
  42. Harangue about cultural preservation: 就文化保护问题发表演讲
  43. Harangue against social injustice: 批判社会不公的演讲
  44. Harangue against government censorship: 抨击政府审查的演讲
  45. Harangue about economic reform: 就经济改革问题发表演讲
  46. Harangue against racial discrimination: 批评种族歧视的演讲
  47. Harangue against political corruption: 抨击政治腐败的演讲
  48. Harangue about human rights violations: 就人权侵犯问题发表演讲
  49. Harangue against social inequality: 批评社会不平等的演讲
  50. Harangue with fervor: 热情洋溢地演讲


harangue (ha RANG) Although the Old French, Old Italian, and Middle English roots of this noun simply mean “a speech to an assembly,” the word now means a long, pompous, public speech with a particular point of view. It can also be used as a verb.

•Though Willis intended to deliver a calm and focused speech, he quickly lost control of his emotions and harangued his colleagues about the dangers of grade inflation.

•Ralph has always longed to be a dictator, but his awkward mannerisms caused assemblies to laugh at his brutal, fascist harangues rather than be frightened by them.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


harangue(ha RANG)虽然这个名词的古法语、古意大利语和中古英语词根简单地意味着“向大会发表演讲”,但这个词现在意味着一个有着特定观点的冗长、浮夸的公开演讲。它也可以用作动词。
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
