hasten 英 [ˈheɪsn] 美 [ˈheɪsn]



    • Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, is hastening the process—in the name, he claims, of development.
    • We doctors rarely inform them of this option, and even when we do, patients (and their families) are often reluctant to make a choice that may hasten death.


[verb] cause (something) to happen sooner than it otherwise would
[动词] 使某事更快地发生


相对于动词 hasten 而言,名词 haste (急速、匆忙、仓促)是一个更为熟悉的单词,比如常见成语“欲速则不达”在英语中常用“haste makes waste”或“more haste, less speed”表达。


  • Marry in haste and repent at leisure.

而 hasten 则是由 haste + en(使、使成为、变得)延伸而来,其基本含义即“急忙、赶快、赶紧(做某事)”或“匆忙赶往(某地)”,比如:

  • 看到他皱起眉头,她赶紧解释。
    She saw his frown and hastened to explain.
  • 急忙回家
    hasten home

一旦忙了起来,事情发展的速度也就加快了,所以 hasten 又被引申用于表示“加速、加快、加紧(尤指某种不愉快的事)”,比如:

  • 近期糟糕的业绩加速了经理的离职。
    These recent poor results have hastened the manager’s departure.


People hasten to judge in order not to be judged themselves.

出自法国小说家、哲学家、戏剧家、评论家阿尔贝·加缪(Albert Camus,1913年11月7日-1960年1月4日)。他于1957年获得诺贝尔文学奖,主要作品有《局外人》(The Stranger)、《鼠疫》(The Plague)等。


hasten” 意为加速、促进、或使提早发生。

以下是包含单词 “hasten” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. hasten the process – 加速进程
  2. hasten the decision – 促使决策
  3. hasten the development – 促进发展
  4. hasten the arrival – 加快到达
  5. hasten the completion – 加速完成
  6. hasten the implementation – 加快实施
  7. hasten the resolution – 促成解决
  8. hasten the improvement – 加速改善
  9. hasten the transition – 促使过渡
  10. hasten the delivery – 加快交付
  11. hasten the preparation – 加速准备
  12. hasten the production – 加速生产
  13. hasten the deployment – 加快部署
  14. hasten the release – 加快发布
  15. hasten the adoption – 促进采纳
  16. hasten the response – 加快响应
  17. hasten the recovery – 加快恢复
  18. hasten the distribution – 加速分发
  19. hasten the action – 加快行动
  20. hasten the realization – 加速实现
  21. hasten the achievement – 加速实现
  22. hasten the progress – 加速进展
  23. hasten the change – 加速变革
  24. hasten the transformation – 加快转变
  25. hasten the growth – 促进增长
  26. hasten the innovation – 促进创新
  27. hasten the adaptation – 加速适应
  28. hasten the expansion – 加速扩展
  29. hasten the advancement – 加速前进
  30. hasten the communication – 加快沟通
  31. hasten the decision-making – 加速决策
  32. hasten the collaboration – 加速合作
  33. hasten the negotiation – 加快谈判
  34. hasten the upgrade – 加快升级
  35. hasten the preparation – 加速准备
  36. hasten the response time – 加快响应时间
  37. hasten the progress – 加速进展
  38. hasten the delivery process – 加快交付过程
  39. hasten the solution – 促成解决
  40. hasten the recovery process – 加快恢复过程
  41. hasten the project timeline – 加速项目进度表
  42. hasten the decision-making process – 加速决策过程
  43. hasten the communication channels – 加快沟通渠道
  44. hasten the implementation plan – 加快实施计划
  45. hasten the production schedule – 加速生产计划
  46. hasten the response time – 加快响应时间
  47. hasten the delivery process – 加快交付过程
  48. hasten the solution – 促成解决
  49. hasten the recovery process – 加快恢复过程
  50. hasten the project timeline – 加速项目进度表


  • accelerate: (of a vehicle or other physical object) begin to move more quickly
  • precipitate: cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely
  • expedite: make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly
