Li Bai Poem: Hearing the Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang – 李白《春夜洛城闻笛》

Li Bai (Li Pai; Chinese: 李白; pinyin: Lǐ Bái; Wade–Giles: Li Pai), also known as Li Bo (or Li Po; pinyin: Lǐ Bó; Wade–Giles: Li Po) was a Chinese poet.









[1] 洛城:洛阳城。今河南洛阳市。

[2] 谁家:哪一个。

[3] 折柳:乐府横吹曲《折杨柳》,内容多抒发离别之情。

[4] 故园情:怀念家乡的感情。

Hearing the Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang

Li Bai

From whose house has come the song of jade flute unseen?

It fills the town of Luoyang, spread by wind of spring.

Tonight I hear the farewell song of Willow Green.

To whom the tune will not nostalgic feeling bring?

It was a Chinese custom to break a twig of willow and present it to the parting friend, so the willow song has become a farewell song. On hearing it, the poet thinks of home.



The poem “Hearing the Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang” is a poem written by Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem expresses the poet’s homesickness caused by the sound of the flute when he is living in Luoyang in the dead of night. The first two lines describe the sound of the flute as the spring breeze spreads through the city of Luoyang, and the second two lines describe the homesickness caused by the sound of the flute. The whole poem is based on the word “smell” and expresses the poet’s own feelings about the sound of the flute.
