20世纪福克斯公♥司♥ 恩斯特·刘别谦出品
As Hevry Van Cleve’s soul passed over the Great Divide
He realized that it was extremely unlikely that his next stop could be Heaven
他意识到 自己的下一站极不可能是天堂
And so philosophically he presented himself where innumerable peaple had so often told him to go
因此 他很哲学地 将自己奉献到无数人经常叫他去的地方
How do you do Mr Van Cleve Good afternoon Your Excellency
你好吗 范·克里夫先生 下午好 阁下
Very kind of you to receive me Not at all
真是麻烦你接待我了 小事一桩
Oh please Sit down
哦 请坐
Thank you
I hope you’ll forgive me but we’re so busy down here
希望你原谅 我们这里太忙了
Really sometimes it looks as if the whole world is coming to hell
真的 有时就像是整个世界都来到地狱啦
Frankly I haven’t had an opportunity to familiarize myself with your case
坦白讲 我还没来得及熟悉你的案子
When did it happen Mr Van Cleve
是什么时候的事 范·克里夫先生
Tuesday To be exact I died at 9:36 in the evening
星期二 确切来说 我是晚上9:36分死去的
I trust you didn’t suffer much
Oh no no
哦 没有没有
Not in the least I had finished my dinner
一点儿也没有 我当时吃完晚餐了
A good one I hope Oh excellent excellent
挺好的一餐吧 我希望是 哦 非常好 非常好
I ate everything the doctor forbade and then
我吃了所有医生禁止吃的东西 然后就…
well to make a long story short
嗯 长话短说吧…
shall we say I fell asleep without realizing it
我们可以说 我睡着了 都没感觉到
And when I awakened there were all my relatives speaking in low tones
等我醒来 四周全是亲戚们低声说话
and saying nothing but the kindest things about me
别的没有 尽是些关于我的好话
Then I knew I was dead
I presume your funeral was satisfactory
Well there was a lot of crying so
哦 好多人哭 所以…
I believe everybody had a good time
It would have been an ideal funeral
if Mrs Cooper Cooper a friend of the family
要不是库珀库珀夫人 一位家庭友人…
hadn’t volunteered to sing “The End of a Perfect Day ”
You see all my life I had succeeded in avoiding Mrs Cooper Cooper’s coloratura
你看 我一生都成功避开了库珀库珀夫人的花腔女高音
and this undoubtedly was her revenge
Mr Van Cleve I can see that you have a sensitive cultivated ear
范·克里夫先生 看得出你有一双敏感、有教养的耳朵
Oh thank you
哦 谢谢
Then let me warn you
The music down here is anything but pleasant
Beethoven Bach Mozart
you hear them only
你要听他们 只能…
Yes I know
对 我知道
It won’t be easy not to hear the old masters again
And there are several people up there I would love to see
而且上边还有几个人 是我很想见的
Particularly one
A very dear one
But I haven’t a chance Have you tried
但我没有机会 你试过了吗
No Your Excellency I have no illusions
没 阁下 我不抱幻想
I know the life I lived I know where I belong
我知道我过的这一辈子 我知道我属于哪里
I would like to get it over as quickly as possible
Very well
If you meet our requirements we’ll be only too glad to accommodate you
如果你符合我们的要求 我们将很乐意接纳你
Would you be good enough to mention for instance
some outstanding crime you’ve committed
Crime Crime
罪行 罪行
I’m afraid I can’t think of any
But I can safely say my whole life was one continuous misdemeanor
不过我可以保守地说 我的一生就是持续不断的行为不检
My dear Mr Van Cleve a passport to hell is not issued on generalities
我亲爱的范·克里夫先生 去地狱的护照可不是泛泛一说就能发的
No I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until I have time to study your record
不 恐怕你得等我有时间研究你的记录再说了
Now look here I have to see His Excellency
瞧好了 我必须见阁下…
and no office boy’s going to stop me
I beg your pardon Your Excellency Just a moment
请你原谅 阁下 稍等一下
I’m Edna Craig
Oh yes I have your record here You’ll be taken care of in just a moment
哦 对 我这里有你的记录 稍后你将被接待
Really I don’t want to seem rude but I don’t think I belong here
讲真 我不想表现无礼 但我认为我不属于这里
In just a moment Please don’t misunderstand me
就一会儿 请别误会
I think it is a charming place Isn’t it
我认为这里是个迷人的地方 对吧
Henry Van Cleve
You know Edna Craig
I’m sorry madam I seem to be at a loss
抱歉 夫人 我好像迷糊了
Oh Henry Think back many many years
哦 亨利 回想一下 很多很多年了
The little brownstone house around the corner from the old Waldorf

Marmaduke Harrison’s party
We were all dressed as children
And you came as uh Little Lord Fauntleroy
And they wheeled you in in a baby carriage
Little Constantinople
Oh Henry
噢 亨利
No girl in New York walked on two more beautiful legs than you
没有哪个女孩走在纽约 双腿能比你美丽
Little Constantinople
Well Henry I still walk and on the same two legs
哎哟 亨利 我还在走 还是那一双腿
And I’m sure they’re still as beautiful
Well Henry I’ll let you be the judge of that
哟 亨利 我就让你自己评判啦
Those things are better left to memory
But I must admit you’re beginning to interest me Mr Van Cleve
但我必须承认你开始让我有兴趣了 范·克里夫先生
I think I can spare the time to listen to your story
Thank you Your Excellency Please sit down
谢谢 阁下 请坐下
Perhaps the best way to tell you the story of my life
is to tell you about the women in my life
Well let’s start with the first woman
嗯 我们从第一个女人说起
My mother
A lovely lady but prejudiced
一位可爱的女士 但却有偏见
She thought I was wonderful
She was the first woman I ever fooled
Then there was my grandmother
She was just as prejudiced as my mother
How is the little darling Let me hold him
小宝贝怎么样了 我来抱抱他
No Please Mother Van Cleve Let the baby rest
不 拜托 范·克里夫妈妈 让孩子休息
You’re just jealous Bertha I can’t stand this any longer
你就是在嫉妒 伯莎 我再也忍♥受不了啦
I’m going to speak to Randolph about this Yes Randolph
我要把这事告诉兰道夫 好啊 兰道夫
First you take my son away and now you want to alienate my grandchild
你先是夺走我的儿子 现在你又要离间我的孙子
My diapers needed changing and already women were fighting for me
我还在换尿布呢 女人们已经开始为我争斗了
What a way to start a man on the road of life
I was not even two and I already got involved in a triangle
我还没到两岁 已经陷入三角恋了
At home in the presence of my family I was the only man in my nurse’s life
在家里 在我家人面前 我是我保姆唯一的男人
I was her honeybunch her “oogi woogi woo ”
我是她的亲亲宝贝 她的“喔喔叽叽”
But the minute we got to the park
Hello Bedelia
你好 贝蒂莉亚
Well if it isn’t Patrick himself
哎哟 这不是帕特里克吗
Ah shut up you nasty little brat
喂 闭嘴 你这小淘气
No wonder I became a cynic
My next lesson came from little Mary
Hello Mary Don’t speak to me Henry Van Cleve
你好 玛丽 别跟我说话 亨利·范·克里夫
You’re a bad boy and my mother says I shouldn’t talk to bad boys
你是坏男孩 我妈妈说不应该跟坏男孩说话
I bet you don’t know what I’ve got in this box
And I’m not interested Henry Van Cleve
我没有兴趣 亨利·范·克里夫
Then I won’t tell you it’s a beetle
A beetle
Do you like it Oh who doesn’t like beetles
你喜欢吗 哦 谁不喜欢甲虫呢
It’s yours Thank you
是你的了 谢谢
Oh thank you Henry
哦 谢谢你 亨利
I wonder if I should take it If you don’t want it
我在想应不应该接受 你不想要它吗
Oh I didn’t mean it that way I was just wondering
哦 我不是这个意思 我只是想不好
Don’t worry I’ve got another one
别担心 我还有一只
Another beetle
Oh it’s beautiful It looks rather lonely though
哦 好漂亮 不过它看起来很孤单
You know what I think I think it wants to be together with mine
知道我怎么想吗 我认为它想跟我的虫在一起
You mean you want this one too
Henry Van Cleve
Do you think I’m the kind of girl that would take a boy’s last beetle
你以为我是那种女孩 会拿走男孩最后一只甲虫吗
Aw that’s all right You can have it
噢 没关系的 你可以拿走
Thank you Henry
谢谢 亨利
