噢 下次我再见到乡村俱乐部的公主
Oh, next time l see Country Club Princess,
l’m gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.
我会给你腾出路来 兄弟
l’ll build the ramp, buddy.
告诉过你们了 这儿是厨房♥ 不是桑拿房♥
Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.
You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.
波顿 你有5分钟时间换装 然后跟我走
Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.
ln case you’re not familiar with this particular item,
it goes around your neck,
like a dog collar.
-然后她用脚挡住了球 -我没有
-And she stepped on the ball. -l did not.
-是的 你有 -我相信那是真的
-Yes, you did. -MAN: l can believe that.
嘿! 大明星来了 特洛伊 波顿 这是彼得
Hey! Here’s our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.
-彼得 很高兴见到你们 -你好吗?
-Peter. Good to meet you. -How are you?
-这是克莱尔 -你好
-This is Claire. -Hello.
-还有这个家庭 -你好
-And you know the family. -Hello.
This kid’s pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.
Bet you worked up yourself an appetite
还有点胃口 是吗?
lugging those bags all over the place, huh?
是的 是的 还有一点
Yeah, yeah. A little bit.
你觉得我们边吃东西 边谈谈你的未来怎么样
What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.
-我的未来? -是的 请坐
-My future? -Yeah, sit down.
PETER: Have a seat.
Daddy’s on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.
那 特洛伊 我看了你的总决赛
So, Troy, l saw your championship game.
我是说 哇!
l mean, wow!
那个压哨球真是投的 相当漂亮
That last-second shot at the buzzer Outstanding.
事实上 这是我的队友 是他的抢断
Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,
otherwise l wouldn’t have had a chance
噢 你太谦虚了 特洛伊
Oh, you’re much too modest, Troy.
You were voted MVP for the entire season.
This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.
-谢谢 -让我来弄好吧
-Thank you. -Let me get that for you.
你知道 在阿尔伯克基大学里我们 有举办篮球联赛
You know, we’ve got a heck of a basketball program over at U of A,
and an excellent scholarship program as well.
是的 你知道 我们俩在这儿
Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,
我们 我们在那学校举足轻重
we We pull a little weight over at the school.
好吧 时间过的真快
Well, time flies when you’re having fun,
but Mr. Fulton will probably want me clocking out.
来吧 不要管
Come on. Don’t be silly.
你连甜品都没有尝一下 我们还没有谈高尔夫呢
You haven’t had any dessert, and we haven’t talked about golf, yet.
哦 篮球和高尔夫特洛伊都很在行 爸爸
Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.
Have you heard him sing?
哦 三项魅力
Oh, triple threat.
噢 多好呀 特洛伊就能参加夏季才艺秀了
Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.
哦 来吧 特洛伊 给他们唱唱 凯丝!
Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi !
凯丝 别 事实上我的嗓子
Kelsi. No, actually my voice is
今天晚上感到有点不适 你知道 一直在说话
ls feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.
不过还是谢谢晚餐和高尔夫邀请 和其他所有的事
But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.
lt was amazing.
你会在其他时候陪我一起唱 对吧? 答应我
But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?
-我保证 -很好
-Promise. -Perfect.
对不起我迟到了! 再多给我两分钟
Sorry l’m late! Give me two more minutes.
漂亮的领带 你的鞋子真不搭配 开个玩笑
Nice tie. Your shoes don’t match though. Kidding.
亲爱的 迟到2分钟不算什么
Honey, two minutes is being late,
but an hour is approaching a felony.
Just because Troy’s a nice guy,
doesn’t mean he’s immune to boy disease.
Boy disease?
是的 忘记了他不该忘记的
Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn’t forget.
噢 你是个男孩专家?
Oh, so now you’re a boy expert?
My older sister has 1 0 rules about boy behavior,
and nine of them involve boys forgetting things
他们不应该忘记 例如晚餐的约会
they should never forget, like dinner dates.
好吧 这也不算是什么正式的约会
Well, it wasn’t an official date type of thing.
第3条准则 所有的约会都是正式的
Rule number three, all dates are official,
whether the boy knows it or not.
-你还没做完呢 -但我今天已经干完活了 先生
-You’re not done. -But l’m done for the day, sir.
事实上 我有个约会
And actually, l have a date.
波顿先生 你给我留下了很爱犯错的印象
Mr. Bolton, you’re under the mistaken impression
我很感兴趣你又有什么可说的 跟我来吧
l’m interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.
-但是我 -别再说了
-But l -No more speaking.
-嘿 我们去哪儿? -请吧 波顿先生
-Hey, where are we going? -Please, Mr. Bolton.
-这要花多久时间? -注意脚下 要小心点
-How long is this gonna take? -Watch your step. lnsurance issues.
l’m supposed to have a date tonight.
夜晚来日方长 你也是
But the evening is young and so are you.
好吧 我们在哪?
Well, where are we?
Hold your applause until the very end.
这到底? 富尔顿先生?
What the heck? Mr. Fulton?
很久以前 在一个遥远的地方
A long time ago ln a land far away
生活着一个菠萝公主 蒂克
Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki
She was sweet as a peach ln a pineapple way
But so sad that she hardly speaky
但若你仔细倾听 你还是能听见她的小愿望
Still, if you listen well You’ll hear her secret wish
你们好 我的名字是蒂克
Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.
我渴望自♥由♥ 做一条漂亮的美人鱼
l long to free A truly remarkable fish
My sweet prince
瑞安 烟雾!
Ryan, the fog !
RYAN: She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell
That has left him all wet and scaly
l sing from my heart Of the power of love
Just a girl with a ukulele
-跟着我 -跟着她
-Come to me -Come to her
-我可爱的你 留在那 -留在那
-My sweet one, and be still -Be still
我会抓住你的小尾巴 然后抚摸你每个温柔的女友
l’ll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill
My sweet prince
Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.
乌云来了 天空哭泣了
The clouds turned gray And the big sky cried
And the ocean had a fit
瑞安! 我的大海呢?
Ryan ! Where’s my ocean?
Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked
And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit
蒂克 蒂克 要说话 说话 说话
Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky
With the mighty spirit Fufu
蒂克 蒂克 要说话 说话 说话
Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky
-我不会停下来 -语言!
-The words l will not mince -Word!
Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince
这可是鱼在说话哦 绝对真实
This is real fish talk. No lie.
然后她变成了漂亮的公主 你唱
And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings
i’m Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua’a
不 不行
No. No way.
With me.
One minute.
We’ll talk about this later.
那么 你喜欢它吗?
So, you love it?
瞧 你没有试过只是唱歌♥吗?
Look, you ever tried just singing?
我是说 没有这么多灯光和人为背景?
l mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?
好 那样的话就很难赢得欢呼了
Well, it’d be much harder to get applause that way.
l’m not talking about applause.
l’m talking about hanging out with friends.
你知道 什么也别做 只是唱歌♥
You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.
等一下 什么也别做
Wait a minute. Not doing anything.
也许能行 一个漆黑的舞台 一个唯一的光亮
That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.
我们冲出黑暗 奔向光明
We break out of darkness into the circle of light.
-等等 我们 ? -还没定呢 别骄傲
-Wait, “we”? -No set, no frills.
-噢 你 -很简单
-Oh, man. -Simple.
戏剧性的 就只有你和我
