What is this?
“Stanford’s honors program cordially…”
Oh my gosh.
Oh my goodness!
“You and 29 students are invited for early orientation.”
天啊 天大的消息 你妈妈一定会很自豪
Oh my gosh that’s huge. Your mom must be so proud.
泰勒 只有你一个人知道
Taylor you’re the only one that knows.
你已经接受了 对吧
But you’ve already accepted right?
我要为你办个离别晚会 这太重要了
I’m throwing a going-away party. This is huge!
You can’t get rid of me that easy.
We’ve got a yearbook to do. Remember?
-回去工作 -好的
-Back to work. -OK.
These are Sharpay’s yearbook photos.
没错 谢谢
Of course they are. Thank you.
-最好是好消息 -他们只招30个新生
-This’d better be good. -They select only 30 freshmen
From the entire incoming class.
It’s a special three-week honor program.
How prestigious.
But the program starts in two weeks.
她将错过我们的… 不 是你的表演
She’d miss our sh… your show.
天啊 这该怎么办
Oh my goodness. What to do?
这次演出可耽误不得 不是吗
The show must go on mustn’t it?
-早上好 -早上好
-Morning. -Morning.
♪I got a lot of things I have to do♪
♪All these distractions♪
♪Our future’s coming soon♪
♪We’re being pulled♪
♪A hundred different directions♪
♪But whatever happens♪
♪I know I’ve got you…♪
-太美了 -谢谢
-It’s beautiful. -Thanks.
I mean really.
这次演出 这次舞会 所有的一切
This the prom number everything.
It’s going to be a great show.
说到舞会 你还在这干什么
Speaking of prom what are you doing?
It’s two days before the show.
I’m writing orchestrations and fixing charts.
I still have to write lyrics.
好极了 我8点来接你
Great. I’ll pick you up at 8:00.
♪You’re on my mind you’re in my heart♪
♪It doesn’t matter where we are♪
♪We’ll be all right♪
♪Even if we’re miles apart♪
♪All I wanna do♪
♪Is be with you♪
♪Be with you♪
♪There’s nothing we can’t do♪
♪Just wanna be with you only you♪
♪No matter where life takes us♪
♪-我们永不分离 -这话千真万确♪
♪-Nothing can break us apart -You know it’s true♪
♪I just wanna be with you♪
♪-太棒了 -好极了♪
♪-Great! -Awesome.♪
♪Just be with you♪
♪You know how life can be it changes overnight♪
♪晴天也会转阴 但这都无所谓♪
♪It’s sunny then raining but it’s all right♪
♪-有你这样的朋友 -总能帮我排忧解难♪
♪-A friend like you -Always makes it easy♪
♪-你永远陪伴我 -一直都是♪
♪-I know that you get me -Every time♪
♪Through every up through every down♪
♪you know I’ll always be around♪
♪Through anything you can count on me♪
♪All I wanna do♪
♪Is be with you♪
♪Be with you♪
♪There’s nothing we can’t do♪
♪Just wanna be with you only you♪
♪No matter where life takes us♪
♪Nothing can break us apart♪
♪You know it’s true♪
♪I just wanna be with you♪
♪I just wanna be with you♪
太棒了 彩排很成功
Bravo! Great rehearsal.
Pity the actor that has to follow you.
你是说你自己吧 舞蹈指导
I believe that actor is you Mr. Choreographer.
Oh really?
-好了 休息五分钟 然后再来一遍 -好的
-Ok let’s take five and run it again. -Yes!
-莱恩 -大家听好了 就五分钟
-Ryan! -That’s five everybody.
Did you get a copy of that song from Kelsi?
没有 但我邀请了她去舞会
No. but I’m taking her to prom.
干得好 与朋友保持亲密 同敌人要更亲密
Brilliant. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Now get me that duet.
那个… 夏培 你和加百利不一样
Uh… Sharpay you are not Gabriella.
Don’t be so sure.
-波比 -那两个孩子又来了
-Hey Bobby. -Hey the boys are back.
-你好 鲍勃 -最近好吗
-Hey Bob. -How are you?
-瑞雷先生 -特洛伊
-Mr. Riley. -Troy.
There is nothing like the purr of a well-tuned engine.
That wasn’t it.
Yeah. My fuel pump’s deceased.
You have a radiator cap for me?
-听说过大力胶吗 -我现在用的就是这个
-Heard of duct tape? -That’s what I got on it now.
随你们翻 我保证能找到你们想要的
Dig around over there. I’m sure you’ll find what you want.
I am so excited about
You boys playing at the U of A next year.
我可已经买♥♥了季票了 今天我得早点走
I bought my season tickets. I got to take off early today
So lock up when you’re done.
-没问题 -你们知道钥匙放在哪
-Yeah. -You know where the key is.
-帮我和你们教练问声好 -好的
-Say “hey” to coach. -Will do.
你听到没 他说他买♥♥了季票
Did you hear that? He’s got season tickets.
Time to start practicing.
放松 勒布朗
Take a breather LeBron.
Feel like your future is laid out in front of you?
-你想说什么 -我也不知道
-What is your point? -I don’t know.
I just want my future to be my future.
Do you see what happens when you do a show?
你就像 就像一人分饰五角
You’re like five people.
那又怎样 这不好吗
Yeah but what’s so bad about that?
小时候来这玩的时候 我们能扮演十个人
We used to come here as kids we’d be ten people.
像是间谍 超级英雄 摇滚明星
We’d be spies superheroes rock stars.
Hold this.
We were whatever we wanted to be
Whenever we wanted to be it.
It was us.
没错 那是什么时候来着 8岁吧
Yeah we were like eight years old.
从纪录来看 我扮演的超级英雄比你强多了
For the record I was a better superhero than you were.
♪Take it back to the place when you know it all began♪
♪We could be anything we wanna be♪
♪喧嚣声中 当年的那群孩子又回来了♪
♪We can tell by the noise that the boys are back again♪
♪Together making history♪
♪It’s time to show how♪
♪To be a superhero♪
♪Just like a showdown♪
♪Will smith and Bobby De Niro♪
♪We’re the best no doubt♪
♪Doing it like we used to do♪
♪This is our town yeah♪
♪And I’m telling you♪
♪Oh the boys are back hey the boys are back♪
♪That’s right♪
♪我们又回来了 和以前一样♪
♪The boys are back gonna do it again♪
