

[noun] a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded
[名词] (通常是秘密的或小心保护的)金钱或贵重物品的储备或储存


Hoard 是一个在小站(微信公众号:田间小站)上周推送的 好书推荐 | 从 A 到 Z 的英语单词避错指南 中出现过的单词,提到它容易与 horde 相混淆。

该词在古英语时期拼作 hord ,最早出现于12世纪前,本义作名词表示“聚藏、贮藏、囤积”,常用搭配 hoard of sth ,通常指秘密的或小心保护的金钱、食物、贵重物品等的储备或储存,包括古代钱币、有价值的文物以及留作将来使用的有用信息或事实的累积储存,比如:

  • 输掉了这场决定性的战役后,我们在地下室发现了一大批储藏的罐头食品。
    After losing this decisive battle, we found a huge hoard of tinned food in the basement.

用作动词时, hoard 除了相应尤指秘密地“聚藏、贮藏、囤积”外,也可以进一步引申指将自己的想法、意图、感情等隐藏在心里,比如:

  • 那位老工人把自己的意图隐藏起来。
    The veteran worker hoarded his intention.


The young bucks at the shikara moorings were convinced he had a pile of money hidden away somewhere — a hoard, perhaps, of priceless golden teeth, rattling in a sack like walnuts.

出自印裔英国作家萨尔曼·鲁西迪(Salman Rushdie,又译萨尔曼·拉什迪)在1981年出版的长篇小说《午夜之子》(Midnight’s Children)。


  • Mr Abe wants that hoard to boost capital expenditure or wages, or to be returned to investors, who could put it to better use.
  • You may no longer see the wild-eyed cave dweller in camouflage fatigues, hoarding canned goods. You may even see one in the mirror.


以下是关于 “hoard” 的短语:

  1. Hoard money: 囤积金钱
  2. Hoard resources: 囤积资源
  3. Hoard supplies: 囤积物资
  4. Hoard food: 囤积食物
  5. Hoard valuables: 囤积贵重物品
  6. Hoard treasures: 囤积珍宝
  7. Hoard possessions: 囤积财物
  8. Hoard information: 囤积信息
  9. Hoard knowledge: 囤积知识
  10. Hoard documents: 囤积文件
  11. Hoard books: 囤积书籍
  12. Hoard art: 囤积艺术品
  13. Hoard collectibles: 囤积收藏品
  14. Hoard memories: 囤积回忆
  15. Hoard emotions: 囤积情感
  16. Hoard experiences: 囤积经历
  17. Hoard time: 囤积时间
  18. Hoard energy: 囤积能量
  19. Hoard knowledge: 囤积知识
  20. Hoard possessions: 囤积财产
  21. Hoard goods: 囤积商品
  22. Hoard clothes: 囤积衣物
  23. Hoard toys: 囤积玩具
  24. Hoard gadgets: 囤积小工具
  25. Hoard weapons: 囤积武器
  26. Hoard supplies: 囤积供应品
  27. Hoard medicines: 囤积药物
  28. Hoard ammunition: 囤积弹药
  29. Hoard data: 囤积数据
  30. Hoard files: 囤积文件
  31. Hoard treasures: 囤积珍宝
  32. Hoard jewelry: 囤积珠宝
  33. Hoard antiques: 囤积古董
  34. Hoard currencies: 囤积货币
  35. Hoard supplies: 囤积供应品
  36. Hoard assets: 囤积资产
  37. Hoard possessions: 囤积财物
  38. Hoard secrets: 囤积秘密
  39. Hoard ideas: 囤积想法
  40. Hoard dreams: 囤积梦想


amass: gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of valuable material or things) over a period of time.
accumulate: gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of
stockpile: accumulate a large stock of (goods or materials)
