
英 ['hɒbnɒb]美 ['hɑbnɑb]



vi. 交谈;共饮;过从甚密;亲切交谈
n. 交谈;共饮


1. “have, not have”.
2. have => hobnob.
3. 谐音“好吧闹吧”


hobnob 亲近,巴结
缩写自短语hob and nob,敬酒,你一杯我一杯,来自古英语habban,nabban,对应have,not have.引申词义亲近,巴结。比较willy-nilly.



hobnob with someone指与某人和睦相处。如:

There he goes again, hobnobbing with royalty!




hobnob” 是一个动词,常用来形容亲近、交往或社交的行为。它通常表示在非正式或轻松的场合与他人交往。

以下是与 “hobnob” 相关的50个短语:

  1. hobnob with celebrities: 与名人交往
  2. hobnob with the rich and famous: 与富人和名人交往
  3. hobnob at social events: 在社交活动中交往
  4. hobnob with influential people: 与有影响力的人交往
  5. hobnob with high society: 与上流社会交往
  6. hobnob with politicians: 与政治家交往
  7. hobnob with business leaders: 与商界领袖交往
  8. hobnob with diplomats: 与外交官交往
  9. hobnob with colleagues: 与同事交往
  10. hobnob with neighbors: 与邻居交往
  11. hobnob with old friends: 与老朋友交往
  12. hobnob with like-minded individuals: 与志同道合的人交往
  13. hobnob with locals: 与当地人交往
  14. hobnob with artists: 与艺术家交往
  15. hobnob with intellectuals: 与知识分子交往
  16. hobnob with fellow students: 与同学交往
  17. hobnob with sports stars: 与体育明星交往
  18. hobnob with the fashion industry: 与时尚界交往
  19. hobnob with the music industry: 与音乐界交往
  20. hobnob with the entertainment industry: 与娱乐界交往
  21. hobnob with the media: 与媒体交往
  22. hobnob with the elite: 与精英交往
  23. hobnob with the upper class: 与上层阶级交往
  24. hobnob at parties: 在聚会中交往
  25. hobnob at receptions: 在招待会上交往
  26. hobnob at galas: 在盛会中交往
  27. hobnob at charity events: 在慈善活动中交往
  28. hobnob at networking events: 在社交活动中交往
  29. hobnob over drinks: 边喝酒边交往
  30. hobnob during lunch meetings: 在午餐会议期间交往
  31. hobnob at industry conferences: 在行业会议中交往
  32. hobnob with the in-crowd: 与时髦人群交往
  33. hobnob in exclusive circles: 在独特的圈子中交往
  34. hobnob with the jet set: 与飞行族交往
  35. hobnob with the glitterati: 与名流交往
  36. hobnob with the socialites: 与社交名媛交往
  37. hobnob at fancy restaurants: 在高档餐厅中交往
  38. hobnob at art galleries: 在艺术画廊中交往
  39. hobnob at VIP events: 在贵宾活动中交往
  40. hobnob at film premieres: 在电影首映式上交往
  41. hobnob with the well-connected: 与关系广泛的人交往
  42. hobnob at exclusive clubs: 在高级俱乐部中交往
  43. hobnob at industry parties: 在行业派对中交往
  44. hobnob at awards ceremonies: 在颁奖典礼上交往
  45. hobnob with the power players: 与权势人物交往
  46. hobnob at diplomatic receptions: 在外交招待会上交往
  47. hobnob with fashion designers: 与时尚设计师交往
  48. hobnob at red carpet events: 在红毯活动中交往
  49. hobnob with the cultural elite: 与文化精英交往
  50. hobnob with influential bloggers: 与有影响力的博主交往

希望以上短语能帮助你更好地理解和运用 “hobnob” 这个词。
