You’re getting on that copter with Dexter.
为什么 我以为你还爱我
I thought you loved me.
拉玛达 我是很爱你 我试过要忘记你
Ramada, I do love you. I’ve tried to forget you
但不论我怎么做 你的脸总是浮现我心头
but your face is always on the tip of my tongue.
Then let me stay.
拉玛达 我想和你在一起 我想拥抱你
I want to be with you.
我想见你的父母 和摸你的狗狗
I want to meet your parents and pet your dog.
我父母双亡 我的狗吃了他们
My parents are dead. My dog ate them.
对不起 我们都知道 你属于戴斯特
We both know you belong with Dexter.
你是他作品的一部份 是使他继续创作的原动力
You’re part of his work…The thing that keeps him going.
我没有那么优秀 不过你可曾想过
I’m no good at being noble
假如你和我一起留在这 会发生什么事
but do you know what would happen if you stayed?
当然 我知道
Of course I do.
性♥爱♥ 狂野而自♥由♥ 热情无拘束的爱
Sex. Wild, free, passionate, unbridled sex.
I’d fondle you in ways you can’t imagine.
我会取悦你 无论何时何地 任何方法
I would pleasure you anytime, anyplace, in any way
for as long as you could possibly desire.
你最好快走 不然会错过起航
You better get going. You’ll miss your takeoff.
再见 塔波 愿上帝保佑你
Goodbye, Topper. God bless you.
等一下 让我们帮你们拍张纪念照
Wait a second. Let me get a shot of you two.
这将是脱口秀最棒的剧照 咱们把它裱框吧
It’ll be a great visual for the talk shows.
近一点来吧 别害羞
Closer together. Come on. Don’t be shy.
Put your arm around her.
就要照了 这景太棒了
I’ve almost got it. This is a great shot.
我的天 你们一定爱这张
My God, you’re going to love this.
你们知道吗 若有机会 你们真是天生的一对
You know, under other circumstances, you’d make a great couple.
Oh, well. Say chees…
你们动作太多了 别摇晃
You’re moving too much. Quit spinning.
This’ll make me rich and f…
– 这下他真成了肉干了 – 别让我发作
He really was a wiener. Don’t get me started.
别走 别动
Hold it there! Hold it!
This buggy going to America?
总统先生 我正担心可能失去你
Mr. President, I was afraid we’d lost you.
失去我 门都没有
Not a chance.
挤过去一点 小伙子 我要靠窗的位子
Shove over. I got dibs on the window.
筝一下 这是个人恩怨.
They’re in my sights. Just a second. This is personal
我们太重了 我们必须减轻重量
We’re too heavy. We need to lose some weight.
One can have a dream baby
Two can make that dream so real
One can talk about being in love
Two can say how it really feels
It takes two baby
It takes two baby
Make a dream come true
. Just take two
One can have a broken heart
Living in misery
Two can really ease the pain
Like a perfect remedy
One can be alone in a crowd
Like an island he’s all alone
Two can make it just anyplace
Seems just like being home
It takes two baby
It takes two baby
Me and you
. Just take two
Ooh ooh ooh- ooh- ooh
Whoo- oo- oo- oo- ooh
Ooh- ooh- ooh ooh- ooh ooh
Ooh- oo- ooh
. Just take two
. Just take two
Ooh one can go out to a movie
Looking for a special treat
Two can make that single room
Something really kinda sweet
Yeah one can take a walk in the moonlight
Thinkin’that it’s really nice
But two walkin’ hand in hand
Is like addin’ just a pinch of spice
Yeah it takes two baby
It takes two baby
Me and you
. Just take two
It takes two baby
It takes two baby
To make a dream come true
Hot Shots Part Deux was filmed in Hollywood
in front of a live studio audience.
