我说立正就是立正 是 长官
– When I say “Attention”, I mean “Attention”! – Yes, sir!
你在引诱我吗 先生 没有 长官
– You eyeballin’ me, mister? – No, sir!
下次我再见到你的丑脸 我要给你刮个干净 挺起你的胸膛
The next time I see that ugly face of yours, I want it clean-shaven! Suck in that chest!
你在看什么 小子
– What you lookin’ at, boy? – Nothin’, sir!
我是个下流人 不够格跟你说话
Oh, I’m some lowlife that’s not good enough for you to talk to?
你那是什么态度 这个下流人可不是好欺负的
Well, that attitude is short on collateral! I’m God as far as you’re concerned!
嘿… 别那么凶嘛
Hey, hey. Lighten up.
Cut the kid some slack.
你到底在跟谁说话 小子
Who the hell are you talkin’ to, son?
你自我膨胀的太大 你的身体撑不下
Your ego’s writin’ checks your body can’t cash.
Now you got five minutes to stow your gear.
Get movin’!
Yeah, I’m sure deep down he means well.
I hope you were paying attention.
我们没见过面吧 肯特葛雷哥莱
– I don’t think we’ve met. – Kent Gregory.
抱歉 我不跟某个大人物握手
Excuse me if I don’t shake your hand.
他父亲害死我心中很特别的一个人 多明尼克佛恩邮差
Your father killed someone very special to me: Dominic “Mailman” Farnham.
你是说… 对
– You mean… – Yes.
多明尼克是我父亲 我是他挚爱的儿子
Dominic Farnham was my father. I was his love child.
那是狩猎的意外 受意外是聪明的借口
– It was a hunting accident. – Accident, my deep-blue eyes.
发行者该负责 你知道的
It was reckless, irresponsible flying, and you know it.
Are you OK?
This is an incredible coincidence,
but the hunter who mistakenly killed your father…
是亨利哈夫巴克 我父亲
was Henry Pfaffenbach, my father.
I feel terrible.
Isn’t this Henry AIva Pfaffenbach?
My mother was a Pfaffenbach.
Not… Doreen Pfaffenbach?
你是明尼苏达州人 是啊
– From Minnesota? – Yeah.
那我们是表亲 我们在尼哥河共度过夏天
Then we’re cousins. We used to spend our summers in Eagle River.
Eagle River?
I hope you can forgive me for this.
我一直带着追悼 这是唯一一张
If it helps, I didn’t have seconds.
没关系 不是你的错 谁都可能犯那种错
That’s all right. It’s not your fault. Anyone could have made that mistake.
但他…他是那种武装之后 谁都可杀的那种人
But him, he’s the type that could end up killing every man in this outfit.
你为什么生我的气 杀令尊的人是他
Wait a minute. Why are you mad at me? He’s the one who ate your father.
有其父必有其子 你已经有他的样子了
Like father, like son. You’ve already been tossed out once.
Hold it, hold it.
我们不能自相攻击 我们是同个队上的人
We can’t fight among ourselves. We’re all on the same team here.
I want the two of you to shake hands.
There, now. Isn’t that better?
– Yeah. – Sure.
There. We’re friends again.
来 吃一口我的 幸运口香糖吧
Here. Have some of my lucky gum.
听着 死尸 我们一块飞 睡得彼此相邻 如此而已
Look, Dead Meat. We fly together, we sleep next to each other, but that’s all.
别太亲密 我自己的事我自己处理
Don’t get too close. Let me handle my own affairs.
He’s so complex.
Every aerial photo and recon report indicate a defensive arsenal
in the D, and perhaps -C, categories.
There’s also some antiaircraft squadrons.
他们肯派出AK战斗机 飞行高度足可作有效的攻击
They can send up an ack-ack umbrella high enough to make any attack ineffective.
我没有线索 你却说了一大堆线索
I don’t have a clue what you’re talkin’ about, Phil.
不用说那么多 浪费精力
I have a shell the size of a fist in my head. Pork Chop Hill.
知道我为什么能得到 这个官位吗
The only way I can make this toup stay on
因为我全身上下充满魅力 使他们不作第二人想
is by magnetizing the upper left quadrant of my skull.
你想该怎么做就怎么做 你有汤吗
You just go ahead and do what you do. Do you have any soup?
当然有 长官 我要他们送些过来
Of course, sir. I’ll have the mess bring something right up.
我想要喝点汤 我想我要喝点汤
I love soup. I mean, I think I love soup.
我该补点汤或鸭子 哪一种你看适合
Son-of-a-bitchin’ shell. It’s either soup or duck. Which one do you shoot?
鸭子 长官
Duck, sir.
你还好吧 长官 我当然好
– Are you all right, sir? – Of course I’m all right.
怎么了 你听到什么了
Why? What have you heard?
没听到什么 长官
Nothing, sir.
Send some soup up for the admiral, on the double.
Let’s go over this Slippery Weevil one more time.
这些滑头的战术 我要熟悉一下 我会尽所能记下 给我 班
I wanna familiarize myself with it as much as I possibly can. So, give it to me, Ben.
一字不漏 详述所有细节
Every word. Every detail.
Dot every comma.
Those are some long legs.
我使它们变长 它们长的不错
I just had them lengthened. Now they go all the way up.
很高兴又碰面了 你驾驭那匹种马 令我印象深刻
It’s nice to see you again. I was really impressed, the way you handled that stallion.
我看你很科学地登上山坡 在雨中 勇往的精神
When I saw you dig your heels into his sides, tighten the reins and break his spirit,
I never wanted to be a horse so much in my life.
等我跟精神治疗师谈过 我们可以再去一下
After I finish off this shrink, we can take a quick canter in the meadow.
上尉 我就是精神治疗师
Lieutenant, I am the shrink.
你是精神科医师 文凭上是那样说的
– You’re the psychiatrist? – That’s what the diploma says.
我从没看过精神医生 请温柔点
I’ve never been to a psychiatrist before. You will be gentle?
哈里上尉 我奉命审阅你的记录
I’ve been ordered to review your records.
你18个月前由于任性 不服从而遭解职
You were discharged from the service 18 months ago for willful insubordination.
你不服从上级命令 而在战斗时损失1千3百万美金
You disobeyed a direct order and lost a $13m fighter in the process.
没错 我一周付十块赔偿金
Yes, I did. But I’m payin’ it off at ten bucks a week.
若我得到下一次冲突的 保险金就不必那样
I should have gotten that extra collision coverage.
你父亲是不是也碰上 类似的事件
Wasn’t your father involved in a similar incident?
你指的是什么 利伦巴斯哈里
– What do you mean? – Leland “Buzz” Harley.
三次红心勋章 总统嘉奖
Three Purple Hearts, presidential commendation.
Then this incident – the Dominic Farnham death.
1971年 他受癌症折磨
1971, his Visa card was canceled.
1975年一个受尽折磨的人 在值夜班的岗哨上 窒息而死
1975, a broken man, suffocated while working the night shift in a Fotomat booth.
告诉我这件事 对你有何影响
Tell me how these events affected you.
我… 我不常想这件事
Well, I don’t think about it much.
那是好久以前的事 失陪一下 我有几门炮要检查
That was a long time ago. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some guns to grease.
我想你该考虑 定期去看精神医师
have you thought about seeing a psychiatrist on a regular basis?
I thought you’d never ask.
I mean professionally.
谢谢 大夫
Thanks, Doctor.
Thanks for the advice.
当心 外面 上尉 放心 我会照顾自己
– Be careful out there. – I can take care of myself.
不 你不能 会受伤的 我不需要你的帮助 我不需要任何人帮助
– No. You’re going to get hurt. – I don’t need your help, or anybody’s.
I’ll be just fine.
Are you OK?
Yeah. I’m fine.
Attention on deck.
稍息 各位
At ease, men.
Be seated.
也许你们在奇怪 我的裤子是怎么回事 并不是布料不够 而是故意做到膝盖
Many of you are wondering about my pants. Well, they ran short of material at the knees.
So don’t give me any shit.
我看着窗外的你们 我对自己说
Now, I look out there at all of you guys and I say to myself:
what I wouldn’t give to be 20 years younger,
and a woman.
我亲自出194号♥任务 我会把大伙都射下
You know, I’ve flown over 194 missions, and I was shot down on every one.
各位想想 我这辈子没搭过飞机
Come to think of it, I’ve never landed a plane in my life. Now,
各位是飞行员中的主干 美国的骄傲
you men’II be piloting the backbone of our proud American arsenal:
亚克斯EW 5894战斗轰炸机
the Oscar EW 5894 Phallus tactical fighter bomber.
机身轻盈 如风扫过
Its Iightweight sweptwing design makes it extremely maneuverable and agile.
是21世纪最新的混合物 是高度先进的精密战斗武器
Beneath its 21st-century skin is a highly advanced avionics and weapons package.
Designed for speed and combat acrobatics,
是最新的赫柏系列 3800雷达设计
it features the Iatest Mrs Halver series 3800 radar-jamming Framus.
上将 诺丝
– Admiral. – Nurse.
各位 睡臭鼠任务的成功 关键取决于雷达操作的能力
SIeepy Weasel’s success depends on our ability to maneuver below enemy radar.
我要看各位示范低空飞行 托普 肯特 你们先来
I wanna see a major display of low-level flying. Topper, Kent, you’re up first.
听到了 我飞了
– Show me what you can do. – Copy that, Purple Fluffer Nutter.
知道了 我开始了
Roger that, Milli Vanilli Chilly Willy.
下降 两位 我要看你们掠过山艾树 我们看谁最棒
Bring ’em down, boys. I want your bellies to scrape the sagebrush. Let’s see who’s best.
1940先来了 长官
I’m heading for the canyon floor.
我报告 我在120呎高 我铁赢
– For your information, I’m at 150 feet. – I’m at 3rd and Main.
很漂亮 但不够熟 哈里
Very pretty, but enough hotdogging, Harley.
