It’s a terrible story,
但是出奇地 振奋人心
although surprisingly… upbeat.
非常好 安蒂这次要教我们什么
Marvellous. What’s next for “How To With Andie”?
I’ve been working on something different.
-是有关政♥治♥的… -不行
-It’s a political piece… -No.
You work at Composure magazine.
我们写时尚 流行 饮食 化妆品和情♥色♥八卦
We are fashion, trends, diets, cosmetic surgery, salacious gossip.
-我知道 但是… -安蒂 听我说
-OK, but… -Look, Andie…
The column is new for you.
能让读者非读不可 你就有决定权
Turn it into a must-read, then you can write whatever you want.
在那之前 你得听我的
Until then, you can write about whatever I want.
-懂吗 -懂
-Understood? -Yeah.
蜜雪儿 你写了什么
Michelle, what have you got?
-拉娜 很抱歉 我不舒服 -她被甩了
-Sorry, Lana, I wasn’t very well. -She got dumped.
蜜雪儿 我很遗憾
Oh, no, Michelle.
你一定非常难熬 但是你看起来容光焕发
What a hellish ordeal for you. But I must say you look fabulous.
Are we loving the way she looks, all?
你们说得对 她气色很好
You’re so right, she looks great.
-分手后我都没吃东西 -非常好 可以当作题材
-I haven’t eaten since the split. -Good for you. Write about it.
-我不能拿个人生活当题材 -我了解
-I can’t use my personal life for a story. -I understand.
-谁要用她的故事当题材 -我要
-Who’ll use her personal life for a story? -I will.
拉娜 萝丽无权干涉我的生活
No, Lana. With all due respect, Lori has no business in my personal life.
-我来写 -什么
-I’ll do it. -What?
I’ll sort of do it. It’s… You will be my inspiration.
Look at Michelle. She’s a great girl, right?
-是的… -很棒的女人
-Yes… -An amazing woman.
But she has a problem hanging on to relationships
而且不知道自己哪里做错 就像大多数的读者一样
and doesn’t really know what she’s doing wrong, like a lot of our readers.
So, I was thinking,
我先和一个男士交往 然后试着把他逼得落荒而逃
I could start by dating a guy, then drive him away.
但是我只犯下那些女性♥交♥往时 最常犯的经典错误
But only using the classic mistakes most women, like Michelle,
make all the time.
我会写日记 这就有点像…
I’ll keep a diary of it and it will be sort of a…
…a dating “How To” in reverse.
-不该做的事 -没错
-What not to do. -Yeah.
“如何在10天内甩掉男人” 很好 加油
“How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days”. Yes. Go.
巴特 最新的鞋款是什么
Bart, what’s new in the shoe?
等一下 为什么是10天
Wait. I’m sorry. Why ten days?
五天太短了 11天后出版
Five days is too short, we go to press in eleven.
We found men are attracted to purple shoes.
Thank you.
Maybe toss in something spiritual.
Who’s that chic Buddhist Richard Gere knows?
-达♥赖♥喇♥嘛♥ -他很棒 这是我十点的贵宾
-The Dalai Lama. -He’s great. Here’s my ten o’clock.
-欢迎 -幸会
-Welcome. -Hi.
各位 这是华伦广♥告♥的 茱娣·史碧尔和茱娣·葛林
Ladies. Judy Spears and Judy Green from Warren Advertising.
我们将在今年秋季 达到最佳的搭配销♥售♥
We’re going to cook up some fabulous tie-ins for the fall.
Jeannie Ashcroft, fashion and trends.
Michelle Rubin, fitness and health.
Andie Anderson, our resident “How To” girl.
我看过你的专栏 你现在在写什么
I’ve seen your column. What are you working on?
“How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days”.
She’s going to start dating a guy and drive him away in a week and a half.
-听起来好邪恶 -一定很有趣
-Sounds needlessly vicious. -It’s going to be fabulous.
Now she just has to find the lucky guy.
-加油 -很高兴认识你
-Go, go, go. -Nice to meet you.
Find the guy. Find the guy!
You are never going to pull this off.
等着瞧 我今晚一定会让鱼儿上钩
Watch me. Tonight I’ll hook a guy,
明天开始使出招数 十天后他会夹着尾巴逃命
tomorrow I’ll pull the switch. In ten days he’ll be running for his life.
You won’t burn his apartment down or anything, will you?
放心 我只会做一般女孩会犯的错误
No, I’ll limit myself to everything girls do wrong in relationships.
Everything we know guys hate.
-我会粘他 烦他… -敏感易哭
-I’ll be clingy, needy… -Touchy-feely.
Call him at night and tell him what you ate that day.
What’s wrong with that? I’m kidding.
班 你在这里做什么
Hello, Ben. What are you doing here?
-菲尔 我来开会的 -你没有受邀
-Phil, I’m here for the meeting. -You weren’t invited.
但是我应该要来 戴劳尔是我的重要客户
But I should’ve been. DeLauer was my tip.
曾经是 但是我得决定公♥司♥里谁是最适合的人选
Yes, it was. But I have to decide who’s best suited in the company.
就是我 我要接这个案子
Yes, and that’s me. I wanna do this pitch.
You sell Joe Blow better than anyone.
But these girls sell luxury better than anyone else in the business.
我们派出最佳人选 戴劳尔就是我们最大的客户
We put our best foot forward. DeLauer would be our biggest account.
Yes, annual advertising billings of 50 to 60 million dollars.
And I’m the man to bring this home for you.
-为什么选这个地方 -这里很完美
-Why this place? -It’s perfect.
Hi, Ingrid.
Mullins is the apres work watering hole for the upwardly mobile.
The diamond industry has always targeted men.
The message is, a woman needs a man to buy the rock.
别人说”钻石恒久远” 我们说 “人手一颗钻”
They say a diamond is forever. We say, “A diamond is for everyone.”
-我喜欢 -我们不喜欢
-I like that. -We don’t.
“A diamond is for everyone”?
好像钻石到处都有 那么就不稀奇了
It sends the message that diamonds are everywhere. So, they’re not rare.
If they’re not rare, they lose their status.
Status is the reason to buy them,
班杰明不明白这一点 因为他不懂女人
as Benjamin would know if he understood women. But you don’t.
小班 不要太难过 所有的男人都一样
You can’t feel bad about that, Ben. No man does.
-你的饮料 -谢谢你
-There you go. -Thank you.
-你的 -谢谢
-Here you are. -Thanks.
不要给她压力 她正在寻觅
Don’t pressure her, she’s perusing.
Yes, exactly.
Selling a diamond to a woman is like making her fall in love.
要让她感到晕眩 渴望 刺♥激♥和危险
She has to feel giddy, desirous, adventurous and desperate.
环顾四周 大多数的女人 都在寻找这样的感觉
Look around, Phillip. Most of the women here are looking for just that.
所以 要销♥售♥钻石
So, marketing diamonds
demands the same skills as making a woman fall in love.
I don’t mean lust.
有欲望的女人要的是巧克力 恋爱的女人才想要钻石
A woman in lust wants chocolate. A woman in love wants diamonds.
I’m not talking about lust either.
我说的是深情的 意味深长的
I’m talking about deep, meaningful,
神魂颠倒的 长相厮守的
head-over-heels, let’s-grow-old-together
说真的 我爱♥女♥人♥
Look, I love women. I do.
不管她们是4岁 40岁还是我88岁的祖母
Whether they’re 4, 40 or my 88-year-old grandmother,
I respect women.
And I also listen to women.
That’s why I can sell myself to any woman, anywhere, any time.
让女人爱上钻石 还是你
Make a woman fall in love with diamonds, or with you?
-都可以 -小班 你太自负了
-Either one. -That’s cocky, Ben.
这不是自负 是自信
No, not cocky, confident.
-我倒想看你如何证明 -真的吗
-I’d like you to prove that. -You would?
The agency is co-hosting a party for the DeLauers at the Astor Museum.
时间是下星期天 在那之前你能让一个女人爱上你吗
It’s a week Sunday. Can you make a woman fall in love with you by then?
-十天 -随时随地 任何一个女人
-Ten days? -Any woman, anywhere, any time.
任何一个单身的 可以追求的 异性恋女人
Any single, available, straight woman, yes.
小班 我不想耍花样
Yes. I’m not trying to trick you, Ben
In fact, we’ll choose a woman right here.
就是现在 在这个酒吧里 让你来决定
Right now, in this bar. And then you decide.
-谁是这位幸运女孩 -我们来看看
-So, who’s the lucky girl? -OK. Let’s see here.
That blonde babe in the leopard print looks like fun.
-小姐 好心一点 -还是…五号♥战星小姐
-Be nice, ladies. -Or… Miss Babylon Five.
Now, she’s on the prowl.
不要 就她了
No. Her.
-谁 -穿灰色裙 金发甜姐儿
-Her who? -In the grey dress. Blonde, pretty smile.

-成交 -什么
-Done. -What?
-成交 -成交
