罗杰·佩恩博士[美国生物学家以及环境保护论者 于1967年通过研究座头鲸 并发现鲸鸣]
讲述者 伊万·迈克格雷戈
苏格兰男演员 歌♥手与冒险家
南极洲 新西兰 澳大利亚 南太平洋 南加勒多尼亚 斐济[太平洋西南部的岛国] 汤加王国[位于太平洋西南部由172个大小不等的岛屿组成岛屿国家] 西萨摩亚[南太平洋岛国 约位于夏威夷与新西兰的中间 美属萨摩亚的西方]
太平洋 夏威夷 加拿大 日本 美国 阿♥拉♥斯加
加拿大 美国 夏威夷 阿♥拉♥斯加 汤加王国 澳大利亚 中国 非洲 欧洲 南美洲
欢迎访问 OneWorldOneOcean.com/Humpbaks
鲸脑油的成分是十六酸鲸蜡醇酯 是绝佳的润滑剂 灯油和蜡烛原料
1947-1991 英美为首的资本主义联手对抗苏联为首的社♥会♥主♥义♥
罗杰·佩恩 美国生物学家及环境保护者
䲟鱼的头顶上有一个吸盘 用来吸附在其它大鱼身上以移♥动♥位置
楠塔基特岛 位于美国马萨诸塞州东南沿海的岛屿
♪ Best Day Of My Life – American Authors ♪
♪ Best Day Of My Life – American Authors ♪
♪ Best Day Of My Life – American Authors ♪
♪ 我有一个非常伟大的梦想 ♪
I had a dream so big and loud
♪ 我飞跃起来 直至云端 ♪
I jumped so high I touched the clouds
♪ 我伸出双手 触碰天空 ♪
I stretched my hands out to the sky
♪ 我们与怪兽 整夜起舞 ♪
We danced with monsters through the night
♪ 我永不会回头 ♪
I’m never gonna look back
♪ 永远不会放弃 ♪
Woah, never gonna give it up
♪ 不要 请不要现在叫醒我 ♪
No, please don’t wake me now
♪ 这是我生命中 最美好的一天 ♪
This is gonna be the best day of my life
♪ 最美好的一天 ♪
My li-i-i-i-i-ife
♪ 我和朋友 朝月嚎叫 ♪
I howled at the moon with friends
♪ 然后艳阳 突然闯入 ♪
And then the sun came crashing in
♪ 但所有的可能性 ♪
But all the possibilities
♪ 毫无限制 快速显灵 ♪
No limits just epiphanies
♪ 我永不会回头 ♪
I’m never gonna look back
♪ 永远不会放弃 ♪
Woah, never gonna give it up
♪ 不要 请不要现在叫醒我 ♪
No, please don’t wake me now
♪ 这是我生命中 最美好的一天 ♪
This is gonna be the best day of my life
♪ 最美好的一天 ♪
My li-i-i-i-i-ife
♪ 这是我生命中 最美好的一天 ♪
This is gonna be the best day of my life
♪ 最美好的一天 ♪
My li-i-i-i-i-ife
♪ 我有一个非常伟大的梦想 ♪
I had a dream so big and loud
♪ 我飞跃起来 直至云端 ♪
I jumped so high I touched the clouds
♪ 我伸出双手 触碰天空 ♪
I stretched my hands out to the sky
♪ 我们与怪兽 整夜起舞 ♪
We danced with monsters through the night
♪ 我永不会回头 ♪
I’m never gonna look back
♪ 永远不会放弃 ♪
Woah, never gonna give it up
♪ 不要 请不要现在叫醒我 ♪
No, please don’t wake me now
♪ 二 三 四 ♪
Two, three, four
♪ 这是我生命中 最美好的一天 ♪
This is gonna be the best day of my life
♪ 最美好的一天 ♪
My li-i-i-i-i-ife
♪ 这是我生命中 最美好的一天 ♪
This is gonna be the best day of my life
♪ 最美好的一天 ♪
My li-i-i-i-i-ife
我在差不多五十年前 开始研究座头鲸
When I began studying humpback whales almost 50 years ago,
当时对于此类研究的发现 非常鲜少
there was very little funding for such research.
I’d like to thank the pacific
life foundation for their unparalleled generosity
in supporting the conservation of humpback whales
and other marine mammals.
“太平洋生命”帮助建立了 更好的未来
Enabling a better future is what pacific life does,
他们对保护海洋的支持 给大家带来了利处
and their support of a healthy ocean benefits all of us,
于鲸 也于人
whales as well as people.
我们的星球中 有很多平行宇宙
Our planet holds a kind of parallel universe.
其一 便是巨兽能够 自♥由♥漫步的非凡之地
A place of wonder where giants roam free.
For thousands of years,
我们只能想象 座头鲸的世界
we could only wonder about humpback whales.
现在 通过探索它们的世界
Now, by exploring their world,
我们能够惊奇地瞥见 它们的生活了
we’re getting surprising glimpses into their lives.
对于海洋来说 四十吨♥的成年鲸
A 40-ton adult appears weightless
in its ocean home.
Though longer than a school bus,
但这些十五米的巨兽 行动却异常灵敏
these 50-foot giants are nimble.
它们的翼幅 比里尔喷射机还要宽
With a wingspan greater than most Learjets,
座头鲸犹如一位 伟大的杂技演员
humpbacks are magnificent acrobats.
它们常生存于 浅海水域中
Often seen in shallow waters,
这些哺乳动物偶尔 也会潜入
these mammals occasionally dive
to a depth of 1,000 feet.
Each bump on their heads
contains a single stiff hair,
这能帮助它们 感知周围的环境
which may help them sense their environment.
今时今日 我们歌♥颂它们…
Today, we celebrate them…
But it wasn’t always so.
Whales were hunted for hundreds
它们被炼成灯油 照亮整个城市
of years and rendered into oil to light our cities.
When whalers developed exploding harpoons,
these giants had no chance.
那时 座头鲸几乎快要灭绝了
We nearly wiped humpback whales off the face of the planet.
接着 在冷战期间 一位美国海军观察员
Then, during the cold war, a U.S. Navy observer,
recording the hum of Soviet submarines,
heard something mysterious.
这超自然的呼唤 来自座头鲸
The otherworldly calls of humpback whales.
Humpbacks string their songs together
in a continuous river of sound.
The music of the deep.
1970年 科学家罗杰·佩恩 和斯科特·麦克维恩
In the 1970s, when these recordings were studied
by scientists Roger Payne and Scott Mcvay,
他们发现 这些听起来 毫无规则的杂音
they recognized that the seemingly random noises
其实有着精确的节奏 就像一首”鸣歌♥”
were actually precise rhythmic patterns of sound, or “Songs.”
When record albums were released,
座头鲸的”鸣歌♥” 触动了成千上万颗心
the humpbacks’ songs changed millions of hearts.
People from many nations joined together
to support a ban on killing whales.
The song of the humpback
终于让我们 得以了解这种生物
helped us to begin to understand, finally,
that whales are magnificent, complex beings
它们值得被保护 值得拥有生命
worthy of protection, worthy of life.
This was our turning point.
The South pacific.
当时座头鲸的数量 深受捕鲸业的打击
The humpback population here was hard-hit by whaling.
在汤加王国 当时只剩下了大约
In Tonga, there were only about 50
mature females left.
1978年 汤加王国颁布了捕鲸禁令
In 1978, when the king of Tonga banned the killing of whales,
座头鲸的数量 慢慢开始恢复正常
the humpbacks here slowly began to recover, one calf at a time.
今日的汤加王国 拥有两千头座头鲸
Today in Tonga, there are about 2,000 humpbacks,
只是昔日的冰山一角 但这仅是个开始
a fraction of what once was, but it’s a start.
The humpback resurgence
在这里掀起了 赏鲸的热潮
has now sparked a whale-watching boom here.
The increased tourism
has raised the standard of living
也得到了提升 比如阿里·塔可
for the local people, like Ali takau.
My grandfather was a whaler.
他靠猎杀鲸类 来养活整个家
He hunted humpbacks to feed our family.
Instead of killing humpbacks,
他呼吁所有人 拯救它们
Ali works hard to save them.
座头鲸的未来 就靠这些孩子们了
The future of our humpbacks depends on these children.
我给孩子们 讲述了猎鲸的历史
I tell the kids about the whaling days,
这样以后 此事再也不会发生
so we never have that kind of killing again.
我的工作 就是带领游客和科学家
My job is taking tourists and scientists
out to see the humpbacks.
Now these magnificent whales
have begun to recover.
每一头幼鲸 都成为关键
Each calf is critical to Tonga’s fragile resurgence.
After a full year of pregnancy,
母鲸生下了一头 四米长的鲸宝宝
mothers give birth to a single 14-foot baby.
新生幼鲸的世界 是什么样的呢
What’s it like to be a newborn humpback,
它们漂流在 广阔的蓝海之中
floating in a vast blue world,
唯一的地标 只有犹如大山般的母亲
where your only landmark is a Mountain of mother?
Humpbacks share these idyllic waters
共同分享着 这个迷人的水域
with a whole community of marine life.
