imbue 英 [ɪmˈbjuː] 美 [ɪmˈbjuː]



  • Back in 1956, when academic researchers held their first gathering to discuss AI, they were looking for a way to imbue machines with human-like “general” intelligence, including complex reasoning.
  • But while President Trump’s surprising victory has imbued him with an aura of political invincibility, the polls today put him in a far bigger predicament than the one he faced heading into Election Day in 2016.


[verb] inspire or permeate with (a feeling or quality)
[动词] 激发或充满(某种感觉或品质)


Imbue 一词源自拉丁语 imbuere (使湿润、潮湿、浸湿、湿透),15世纪进入英语后作动词表示“使保持湿润”或“使浸泡、浸透”,比如:

  • 诺娃试图用一件浸透血污的女裙来止血
    Nova tried to staunch the blood with a skirt imbued with blood.

不过这个含义发展到今天,更多的是用来引申指“使……充满、向……灌输或激发”某种强烈感情、想法或价值等,强调如浸透那般透彻深入,常用搭配 imbue sth/sb with sth ,比如:

  • 她徐缓从容的声音里充满着一种不寻常的严肃语气。
    Her languid voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness.
  • 那个酷爱读书的人满怀着寻求社会正义的愿望。
    The avid reader was imbued with a desire for social justice.


They took it for granted that she was imbued with their own patriotic fervor and would have been shocked to know how slight an interest in the war she had.

出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。该小说在1937年获得普利策奖,是玛格丽特·米切尔在世时出版的唯一一部作品。不但它成为美国史上最为畅销的小说之一,而且由这部小说所改编的同名电影《乱世佳人》也成为影史上不朽的经典。


imbue” 这个单词的中文解释是 “使充满” 或者 “灌输”。

以下是包含 “imbue” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. imbue with passion – 使充满激情
  2. imbue with confidence – 注入自信
  3. imbue with enthusiasm – 使充满热情
  4. imbue with creativity – 注入创意
  5. imbue with knowledge – 注入知识
  6. imbue with wisdom – 使充满智慧
  7. imbue with courage – 注入勇气
  8. imbue with hope – 注入希望
  9. imbue with positivity – 注入积极性
  10. imbue with optimism – 使充满乐观
  11. imbue with inspiration – 使充满灵感
  12. imbue with determination – 注入决心
  13. imbue with resilience – 注入韧性
  14. imbue with empathy – 使充满同理心
  15. imbue with kindness – 使充满善意
  16. imbue with compassion – 使充满同情心
  17. imbue with understanding – 使充满理解
  18. imbue with love – 注入爱
  19. imbue with patience – 注入耐心
  20. imbue with tolerance – 使充满宽容
  21. imbue with respect – 使充满尊重
  22. imbue with humility – 注入谦逊
  23. imbue with discipline – 注入纪律
  24. imbue with integrity – 使充满正直
  25. imbue with values – 注入价值观
  26. imbue with culture – 使充满文化
  27. imbue with tradition – 使充满传统
  28. imbue with purpose – 使充满目标
  29. imbue with meaning – 注入意义
  30. imbue with significance – 使充满重要性
  31. imbue with a sense of belonging – 使充满归属感
  32. imbue with a sense of purpose – 使充满使命感
  33. imbue with a sense of direction – 使充满方向感
  34. imbue with a sense of responsibility – 使充满责任感
  35. imbue with a sense of community – 使充满社区感
  36. imbue with a sense of identity – 使充满身份感
  37. imbue with a sense of unity – 使充满团结感
  38. imbue with a sense of adventure – 使充满冒险精神
  39. imbue with a sense of wonder – 使充满惊奇
  40. imbue with a sense of exploration – 使充满探索精神
  41. imbue with a sense of innovation – 使充满创新精神
  42. imbue with a sense of curiosity – 使充满好奇心
  43. imbue with a sense of excellence – 使充满卓越精神
  44. imbue with a sense of leadership – 使充满领导力
  45. imbue with a sense of teamwork – 使充满团队合作精神
  46. imbue with a sense of integrity – 使充满诚信
  47. imbue with a sense of gratitude – 使充满感激
  48. imbue with a sense of resilience – 使充满韧性
  49. imbue with a sense of optimism – 使充满乐观
  50. imbue with a sense of purpose – 使充满使命感


  • permeate: spread throughout (something); pervade
  • saturate: fill (something or someone) with something until no more can be held or absorbed
  • suffuse: gradually spread through or over
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
