

[verb] force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place
[动词] 强迫(不受欢迎或不熟悉的事物)被接受或落实


Impose 一词结构比较简单,就是由前缀 im- (使……、加以……、饰以……)+ 词根 pos (放、放置)+ e 构成,14世纪末经古法语 imposer (放置;归咎、指控、控告)进入英语,原指“将罪行、责任、义务等归咎于……”。

等到了16世纪80年代, impose 才开始发展出现在的主要含义指“强制实行、强加、推行”,多用于形容为了秩序、好处或效率等而由最高权力机构施加的法律、法规、征税、惩罚、限制等,强调必须服从、承受或忍受,常用搭配 impose sth on/upon sb/sth ,比如:

  • 医生们支持对香烟征收高额税收的计划。
    Doctors have backed plans to impose very high taxes on cigarettes.

如果是为了整体利益而由权力机构施加的规章制度,个人即使有怨言但大多也还可以接受。相较而言,更让人难以接受的则是某个人将自己的看法、信仰、价值观、生活方式等强加于他人身上,这可以用常用搭配 impose sth on/upon sb 表示“把……强加于”,比如:

  • 我没有把信读完,但我想这封信的大意是说他不希望他们把自己的宗教信仰强加给他的孩子们。
    I didn’t read it all but I think the purport of the letter was that he doesn’t want them to impose their religious beliefs on his children.
  • 除了把看法、信仰等强加于人外,更有甚者还会“勉强”某人做某事,这可以用常用搭配 impose on/upon sb/sth 表达,多指无理地期望别人为自己做一些别人不想做的事情,并从中占取便宜,比如:
  • 你瞧她眼神里的那副得意样子。她总是强人所难——要人帮忙做这做那。
    Watch the gloat in her eye. She’s always imposing on people – asking favours and getting everyone to do things for her.

总的来说,上述这些做法的最终结果都是使他人被迫承受或遭受某种不想要的事物,所以常用搭配 impose sth on/upon sb/sth 也可以泛指“强行使承受、使遭受”或者说“把……硬加给、强塞给”,多指将痛苦、压力、负担等困难的或不快的事物强加于人,比如:

  • 拍摄工作使她承受了额外的压力。但这也是她发展事业的绝好机会。
    The filming imposed an additional strain on her. But it was also an unparalleled opportunity to develop her career.

值得注意的是,字面意思是把自己强加给某人或某事物的常用搭配 impose oneself on/upon sb/sth 实则是指“使打扰、使硬缠”或者说“使强迫接受”,也就是在不受欢迎的情况下,想法设法使对方接受自己的陪伴或出现,比如:

  • 这只是因为他不想打扰自己已婚的朋友。但这并不意味着他会在最需要的时刻抛弃他们。
    This was simply because he didn’t want to impose himself on his married friends. But it doesn’t mean that he will forsake them in their hour of need.


The victory of the new-democratic revolution put an end to China’s history as a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society, to the state of total disunity that existed in old China, and to all the unequal treaties imposed on our country by foreign powers and all the privileges that imperialist powers enjoyed in China. It created the fundamental social conditions for realizing national rejuvenation.



  • President Donald Trump has circumvented the WTO to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports, including those from America’s allies.
  • “This conference must not be viewed by the teeming masses of the world as a universal social charter seeking to impose adultery, abortion, sex education and other such matters on individuals, societies and religions, which have their own social ethos,” she said.



  1. Surfeit of food(过量的食物)
  2. Surfeit of information(信息过载)
  3. Surfeit of options(选择过多)
  4. Surfeit of wealth(财富过剩)
  5. Surfeit of material possessions(物质财富过多)
  6. Surfeit of indulgence(过度放纵)
  7. Surfeit of compliments(赞美过多)
  8. Surfeit of work(工作过多)
  9. Surfeit of activities(活动过多)
  10. Surfeit of entertainment(娱乐过度)
  11. Surfeit of responsibilities(责任过重)
  12. Surfeit of distractions(分心过多)
  13. Surfeit of negativity(消极过多)
  14. Surfeit of sugar(糖分过量)
  15. Surfeit of caffeine(咖啡因过量)
  16. Surfeit of alcohol(酒精过量)
  17. Surfeit of technology(科技过度依赖)
  18. Surfeit of social media(社交媒体过多)
  19. Surfeit of advertisements(广告过多)
  20. Surfeit of noise(噪音过多)
  21. Surfeit of expectations(期望过高)
  22. Surfeit of pressure(压力过大)
  23. Surfeit of opinions(意见过多)
  24. Surfeit of meetings(会议过多)
  25. Surfeit of rules(规定过多)
  26. Surfeit of regulations(法规过多)
  27. Surfeit of bureaucracy(官僚主义过多)
  28. Surfeit of paperwork(文件过多)
  29. Surfeit of negativity(消极情绪过多)
  30. Surfeit of clutter(杂乱过多)


foist: impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on
inflict: impose something unwelcome on
thrust: force (someone) to accept or deal with something
