A sixteen-year-old boy insinuates himself into the house of a fellow student from his literature class and writes about it in essays for his French teacher. Faced with this gifted and unusual pupil, the teacher rediscovers his enthusiasm for his work, but the boy’s intrusion will unleash a series of uncontrollable events.


insinuates暗示,旁敲侧击地指出; 钻营; 活动; 缓慢进入; 慢慢伸入; insinuate的第三人称单数
gifted有天才的; 有天赋的; 天资聪慧的; 具有
pupil学生; 瞳孔; 弟子; 小学生; 门生; 眸子; 瞳人
rediscovers重新发现; 重新找到; rediscover的第三人称单数
unleash发泄; 突然释放; 使爆发
a series of一系列; 许多
uncontrollable无法控制的; 难以防止的; 禁不住的
