
[verb] allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of
[动词] 允许自己享受……的乐趣


Indulge 是一个与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)去年推送的 divulge 结尾相同的单词,同时也在小站前不久推送的 译海纵横 | 挖呀挖:种什么样的种子,开什么样的花 中有所提及。

从词源上看,该词逆构自单词 indulgence (纵容;沉溺;嗜好),或者直接源自拉丁语 indulgere (顺从、放纵、屈服;沉溺于),最早于1623年出现在英语中,即用来表示“放纵、听任”或者说“娇惯、迁就”,常用搭配 indulge sth 或 indulge sb with sth ,强调在满足他人愿望或欲望时的软弱或顺从,特别是对那些无权要求或者应予控制的愿望或欲望,比如:

  • 迁就一位病弱者
    indulge an invalid
  • 她的父亲总是对她什么奇怪的愿望都予以满足。
    Her father had always indulged her every whim.

由此 indulge 也可以直接接物表示“满足”欲望、兴趣等,主要指不受限制地满足或屈从于某个欲望或兴趣,比如:

  • 满足愿望
    indulge a longing
  • 沉湎于业余癖好
    indulge one’s hobby
  • 恣意作种种无聊的猜测
    indulge idle conjectures

当欲望可以任意满足时,人往往容易沉迷其中。而 indulge 也可以搭配 indulge in sth 或 indulge oneself with sth 表示“沉湎、沉迷、沉溺(于……中)”或者说“尽情享受……”,也就是纵情享受自己想要的乐趣,尤其是被认为是对自己不利的东西,比如:

  • 一味贪图安逸
    indulge oneself in delights of leisure
  • 我尽情享受了一次长时间的温水浴。
    I indulged myself with a long tepid bath.

在口语中, indulge 可以单独拿出来表示“沉迷饮酒”,比如:

  • 你喜欢纵酒吗?
    Do you indulge?

此外, indulge in sth 这个搭配还可以用来引申指“参加或参与某项活动”,通常是不受欢迎或不被赞成的活动,比如:

  • 我不参与无用的闲聊。
    I don’t indulge in idle gossip.


Then they began to have a few irascible words, when it waxed hotter, both, needless to say, appealing to the listeners who followed the passage of arms with interest so long as they didn’t indulge in recriminations and come to blows.
出自爱尔兰现代主义作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)于1922年出版的长篇小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。


  • Many were unsure what the word meant, but with the company’s value at a near-all-time high of $1.1trn, and its core social-network advertising business humming away on the back of a pandemic boom, investors were willing to indulge the experiment.
  • To buy your own hype or indulge your own propaganda — to treat your image as reality and close yourself to criticism and critique — is to court disaster.


indulge” 是指纵容、满足、放纵的意思。以下是包含单词“indulge”的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. indulge in luxury: 沉溺于奢华
  2. indulge in sweets: 放纵于甜食
  3. indulge in daydreaming: 沉迷于白日梦想
  4. indulge in self-care: 享受自我照顾
  5. indulge in relaxation: 放松享乐
  6. indulge in a spa day: 享受水疗
  7. indulge in guilty pleasures: 纵容于私欲
  8. indulge in rich food: 放纵于油腻食物
  9. indulge in shopping: 放纵购物
  10. indulge in nostalgia: 沉浸在怀旧中
  11. indulge in a glass of wine: 喝杯葡萄酒
  12. indulge in a good book: 沉浸在一本好书中
  13. indulge in creativity: 放纵创造力
  14. indulge in adventure: 放纵冒险
  15. indulge in a hobby: 专注于一项兴趣
  16. indulge in pampering: 放纵于呵护
  17. indulge in fantasy: 沉迷于幻想
  18. indulge in art: 沉浸于艺术
  19. indulge in a spa treatment: 享受水疗护理
  20. indulge in delicious cuisine: 享受美味佳肴
  21. indulge in a hot bath: 沐浴于热水澡
  22. indulge in sweet treats: 沉迷于甜点
  23. indulge in leisure time: 享受闲暇时光
  24. indulge in a movie marathon: 沉迷于电影马拉松
  25. indulge in laughter: 放纵笑声
  26. indulge in a spa retreat: 享受水疗度假
  27. indulge in positive thinking: 沉浸于积极思考
  28. indulge in a dessert buffet: 沉迷于甜点自助餐
  29. indulge in a bubble bath: 沐浴于泡泡浴
  30. indulge in outdoor activities: 放纵户外活动
  31. indulge in deep relaxation: 沉浸在深度放松中
  32. indulge in gourmet dining: 享受美味的餐饮
  33. indulge in a nature walk: 放纵在大自然中漫步
  34. indulge in your favorite music: 沉浸在你喜爱的音乐中
  35. indulge in a spa massage: 享受水疗按摩
  36. indulge in culinary delights: 沉迷于美食美味
  37. indulge in artistic expression: 放纵艺术表达
  38. indulge in a weekend getaway: 享受周末短途旅行
  39. indulge in cultural experiences: 放纵在文化体验中
  40. indulge in a chocolate fondue: 沉迷于巧克力火锅
  41. indulge in outdoor picnics: 放纵于户外野餐
  42. indulge in a spa facial: 享受水疗面部护理
  43. indulge in festive celebrations: 沉迷于节日庆祝
  44. indulge in exotic flavors: 享受异国风味
  45. indulge in luxury travel: 放纵于豪华旅行
  46. indulge in a wellness retreat: 沉迷于健康度假
  47. indulge in art and culture: 沉迷于艺术和文化
  48. indulge in a gourmet meal: 享受美味佳肴
  49. indulge in a spa pedicure: 享受水疗足部护理
  50. indulge in scenic beauty: 沉迷于风景之美


coddle: treat in an indulgent or overprotective way
humour: comply with the wishes of (someone) in order to keep them content, however unreasonable such wishes might be
pamper: indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness; spoil

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
