

[adjective] very complicated or detailed
[形容词] 非常复杂或精细的


Intricate 是一个与 extricate (使脱离、使摆脱)既形似又容易混淆的单词。该词源自拉丁语 intricare (使缠住、使困惑、使尴尬)的过去分词 intricatus (被缠住的),15世纪初进入英语后即用来表示“错综复杂的、盘根错节的、复杂精细的”,多指事物的各部分交织在一起,令人困惑,几乎不可能单独理解或掌握,比如:

  • 他们精心策划了一个错综复杂的阴谋来推翻总统。
    They contrived an intricate plot to topple the President.
  • 警官们揭开了一整套错综复杂的骗局。她的合伙人都是些骗子,已卷款逃之夭夭了。
    Police officers uncovered an intricate web of deceit. Her partners were crooks and absconded with the funds.


The Central Committee has brought together the entire Party, the military, and the Chinese people and led them in effectively responding to grave, intricate international developments and a series of immense risks and challenges.



  • The journey of a pint, roughly the amount in a typical donation, from a donor’s vein to the recipient is intricate and fascinating.
  • A touch of paranoia is not a bad thing to bring to the computer-software business, where shifting alliances, rapid technological changes and intricate co-dependencies make plotting long-term strategies hazardous.



  1. Intricate design – 复杂的设计
  2. Intricate pattern – 复杂的图案
  3. Intricate puzzle – 复杂的谜题
  4. Intricate details – 精细的细节
  5. Intricate weaving – 精细的编织
  6. Intricate artwork – 复杂的艺术品
  7. Intricate lace – 精细的花边
  8. Intricate carving – 精细的雕刻
  9. Intricate machinery – 复杂的机械
  10. Intricate plot – 复杂的情节
  11. Intricate algorithm – 复杂的算法
  12. Intricate web – 复杂的网状结构
  13. Intricate structure – 复杂的结构
  14. Intricate jewelry – 精细的珠宝
  15. Intricate architecture – 复杂的建筑
  16. Intricate maze – 复杂的迷宫
  17. Intricate embroidery – 精细的刺绣
  18. Intricate network – 复杂的网络
  19. Intricate mechanism – 复杂的机制
  20. Intricate painting – 复杂的绘画
  21. Intricate language – 复杂的语言
  22. Intricate concept – 复杂的概念
  23. Intricate arrangement – 精细的安排
  24. Intricate sculpture – 精细的雕塑
  25. Intricate music – 复杂的音乐
  26. Intricate choreography – 复杂的编舞
  27. Intricate mechanism – 复杂的机制
  28. Intricate chemistry – 复杂的化学
  29. Intricate reasoning – 复杂的推理
  30. Intricate craftsmanship – 精细的工艺
  31. Intricate arrangement – 精细的安排
  32. Intricate origami – 精细的折纸
  33. Intricate mathematics – 复杂的数学
  34. Intricate language – 复杂的语言
  35. Intricate costume – 精细的服装
  36. Intricate timepiece – 复杂的计时装置
  37. Intricate engraving – 精细的雕刻
  38. Intricate mechanism – 复杂的机制


complex: not easy to analyze or understand; complicated or intricate
complicated: consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate
knotty: (of a problem or matter) extremely difficult or intricate

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
